Hi Vernal Pool group- I have an educator asking the following:
"As a continuation to the program that Sharon is doing with her 3rd graders, I would love to focus with middle school students on vernal pool microbiology.
This topic goes hand in hand with our life science, which has an extensive unit on microbiology.
The vernal pool at SASSDS (the school where Sharon teaches) is shared by two - the school, who tries hard to conserve it, and the parking lot of a Super Stop&Shop.
One of the ideas I had is to test with the students the microbial world on the two sides of the pool, accompanied by soil, air and water measurements. We know that people dump trash on the commercial side of the pool (and this year started a project that will try to educate the workers and the customers).
I was wondering if you have any good references and/or educational resources that you can send or recommend regarding vernal pool microbiology.
Looking forward to hearing from you soon,"
Does anyone have some good ideas/response for this ?
Pam Snow
Figure 1Petersham Center School Photo
Pamela M. Snow
Schoolyard Ecology Coordinator
Harvard Forest
324 N. Main St.
Petersham, MA 01366
(978) 756-6146 on M, W,Th
In the end we will conserve only what we love
We will love only what we understand
We will understand only what we have been taught
- Baba Dioum
[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]
Thursday, September 30, 2010
[vernalpool] educational resources re: VP microbiology?
Wednesday, September 29, 2010
[kitchencabinetforum] ISLAM ATTACKS FOURTH REICH *-O)):-{>
A plot of Islam to launch simultaneous armed raids in major cities of Fourth Reich(EU) has been uncovered. The attacks, planned from Pakistan and being tracked by anti-terrorism agencies, have advanced to a planning stage. Details of the plan originate from the interrogation of a German Islamoterrorist held in Afghanistan. Islamoterrorists were plotting a string of armed raids similar to those in the Indian city of Mumbai in 2008.
Mulims were planning to take Fourthreichians hostage and murder them in a similar manner to the Indian attacks, in which Pakistani militants attacked two hotels and killed 173 people using guns and grenades. The German suspect, being held at Bagram Air Base near Kabul, had been arrested in summer, while on his way back to Europe.
Islamoterrorism impacts Fourthreichian politics. Two center-right Dutch political parties have reached agreement for a minority government with support from Geert Wilders' anti-Islam PVV Freedom party, ending months of political limbo. VVD leader Mark Rutte will become the Netherland's next prime minister. A formal coalition agreement would be signed this Wednesday and presented to Queen Beatrix this Thursday.
Elections four months ago gave seats to 10 different parties and failed to produce a majority on either side of the political spectrum. The VVD won the most seats, 31 out of 150, largely on a platform of cutting the budget to shore up economic confidence, while the PVV won 24 seats and the CDA won 21. The coalition would be the country's first minority government since 1939.
Geert Wilders points out Koran is the Islamic Mein Kampf that incites Muslims to resort to violence. Koran calls for hatred, misogyny, polygyny, violence, submission, murder, and terrorism. Koran calls for Muslims to kill infidels, to terrorize infidels, and to fulfil their duty to wage war, the violent jihad. Jihad is a duty for every motherfucker Muslim ape, Islam is to rule the world by the sword. Koran is clearly antisemitic, describing Jews as monkeys and pigs.
Wilders declares September 11 is the international Koran-burning day. After studying Islam's 1400-year bloody history, knowing Koran's content in its best of details, and the sufferance humanity continues to suffer because of this unholy book, we assert this is one book-burning that humanity would not regret, but would deem it a blessing down the years. The myriad deaths and other sufferings and inequities due to Koran is a reason good enough to justify the burning of this most horrendous book existing on Earth today. But if you insist on burning the Koran because of the radical elements of Islam, then in all fairness, you must also burn the bible because of the radical elements of Christianity. In other words, all religious texts should be burned, because every religion known to humankind has radical elements.
Basil Venitis, twitter.com/Venitis, notes the idea of a separation of Mosque and State is unheard of in Islam. Islam has a doctrine of warfare, Jihad, which is fought in order to establish Sharia Law, which is, by nature, totalitarian. Sharia Law calls for, among other freakish things, the dehumanization of women, the flogging/stoning/killing of adulterers, and the killing of homosexuals, apostates, and critics of Islam. All of this is part of orthodox Islam, not some extremist form of it. If jihadists were actually perverting a great religion, Muslims would have been able to discredit them on Islamic grounds and they would have done so by now. The reason they can't is because jihadists are acting according to Koran: When you encounter the unbelievers, strike off their heads until you have made a great slaughter among them. Ch. 47:4
Wilders asserts Mohammed was a charlatan, a bipolar maniac, a warlord, a mass murderer, a pedophile, and a misogynist. Islamic tradition tells us how Mohammed had his enemies murdered and even had prisoners of war executed. Mohammed himself slaughtered the Jewish tribe of Banu Qurayza. Islam has no other morality than the advancement of Islam. If it is good for Islam, it is good. If it is bad for Islam, it is bad. There is no gray area or other side. Here is an emoticon of Mohammed with a lit bomb in his turban *-O)):-{>
Islam is not a religion, but a satanic terrorist cacoculture. Sure, it has a grudge-collecting god, and an afterlife with 72 virgins for each martyr. But in its essence, Islam is a totalitarian ideology and sadomasochism. It is a system that lays down detailed rules for society and the life of every person. Islam wants to dictate every aspect of life. Islam means submission. Islam is not compatible with freedom and democracy, because what it strives for is the incivility of terrorist jihad and sharia.
Islamic totalitarianism is potentially far more dangerous than either the Nazi or Communist variety, since the latter, despite their exterminating follies, presupposed their own preservation. For the Nazi, the inferior race does not deserve to exist; for the Stalinist, a capitalist does not merit to continue living; for the Islamist, it is the world itself that does not deserve to exist. When someone tells you he is going to kill you, believe him.
Wilders asserts Islam and Nazism share fundamental ideological tenets and premises. It is no coincidence that Islam is compatible with Nazism. Hitler and the Grand Mufti of Jerusalem agreed wholeheartedly on that point. That agreement was not confined exclusively to their mutual hatred of Jews. The Grand Mufti envied Hitler for the whole of his ideology and for having brought it to fruition.
We detest Islam because it is one of the most degrading evil collectivist creeds in existence. We detest it for all the crimes it has committed throughout history, more than the atrocities committed by any religious creed. We understand the sensitivities and emotions of all their victims. So, if that is bigotry, we will make the most of it. For Islam is distinct from all other creeds for the reason that it is, from top to bottom, virulently antilife.
Venitis asserts that Fourth Reich(EU) should understand and lock horns with an ideology, masquerading as a religion, and rein in Muslims who seek to turn Europe into Eurabia, a theocratic state run by Mullahs and those who wield the sword of Islam. Europe is under threat because European tolerance and European generosity towards those of other countries and cultures are being used by intolerant people, in order to promote intolerance. This is a weakness which can be exploited by them for only so long.
Violence and denial of human rights prevail in Islam. Practices such as stoning of adulterous women, beheadings, execution of apostates, honor killings, hanging of homosexuals, forced child marriages, female circumcision and other odious practices prevail to this day. There is a disgusting hypocritical political correctness relating to Islam that has enveloped Europe. Islam is the Trojan horse in Europe, and if we do not stop Islamification now, Eurabia will just be a matter of time.
Venitis asserts that veil and headscarf are not welcome in Fourth Reich(EU), because they are symbols of women's subservience, repression, incivility, and an increasingly divided Fourth Reich. Veil and headscarf make women invisible, transfoms women to zombies, invalidate women's participatory rights, flag women as evil temptresses, oppress women with barbarity, are brands of misogynist Islam, are mobile prisons, and are a security threat.
The headscarf is more than just a piece of fabric, more than just another article of clothing, and definitely not some hip lifestyle accessory that heavily made-up girls should use to add a little color to their wardrobe. No, the headscarf is a flag and symbol of Islam. Teachers are no longer allowed to wear the head scarf in European public schools, and now girls should be forbidden to wear it as well. Only this forceful act would finally give a Muslim young woman the chance to move with freedom and equality, at least within the confines of the schoolyard.
The wearing of the headscarf, which turns the girls into strangers who are cut off socially and limited physically, comes along with a whole array of special treatments that their parents demand from the school. It is always a question of dividing the sexes, giving girls special dispensation from swimming class or gym class, from school trips, and from sex education classes.
Muslims are on the march in Europe. And the real problem is the systematic undermining of Graecoroman educational apparatus and the legal system. When religion rules over the state and society, we no longer move in the realm of possibility. We can't ask questions. Only through separation of religion and state is it possible to find common ground. Should a headscarf ban in schools ever make it into the lawbooks, there will be plenty of opportunity to discuss the banning of symbols from other religions. There is already a legal decision that bans the display of Christian crosses in schools, but in practice, its effects have been marginal.
Venitis notes that diapered Rubenesques, the Islamic zombies, show the misogyny of Islam. Europeans cannot tolerate the burqa, an outer garment covering a woman from head to toe with just a mesh screen to look through , and the niqab, similar to a burqa but with a slit for the eyes instead of mesh, as oppressive to women. The burqa and niqab confiscate a woman's existence, and they are a sign of enslavement and debasement. Those who wear them are victims, zombified by Islamofascists. EU favors banning these coffins for women's basic liberties. The burqa and niqab are proof of the presence of Muslim fundamentalists on Fourth Reich soil and of the politicization of Islam.
Thilo Sarrazin's book Deutschland schafft sich ab, Germany abolishes itself, shows that higher fertility rates would allow Muslims to dominate Fourth Reich in the not-too-distant future. The book tapped into fears among many Fourthreichians that the Graecoroman culture is in danger. Culture is constantly in flux, and demographic changes bring cultural shifts with them. Islam overtaking the Graecoroman culture will bring a quantum discontinuity of our evolution downwards and the loss of our freedom.
Sarrazin points out Muslims sponge off Fourth Reich(EU), are incapable of integrating themselves into Fourthreichian society, and constantly produce little girls in headscarves. Muslims have no productive function other than in groceries, dumb down society, and are conquering Fourth Reich through a higher birthrate. Muslims are taking over France, Germany, Vardaska, Bosnia, West Thrace, and Cyprus exactly as Albanians took over Kosovo, via a higher birth rate.
Sarrazin notes Fourth Reich's Muslim immigrant families have profited from social welfare payments to a far greater degree than they have contributed to Fourthreichian prosperity. Muslim immigrants would rather work under the table than legally. The much higher birth rates of Muslims will result in a Muslim population overtaking that of Fourth Reich's autochthonous population in two centuries.
Sarrazin's particular brand of ethnic hyperbole is both articulate and honest, and many of the fears he plays on have long found a place in CDU discourse. Friedrich Merz kicked off an immigration debate by calling for newcomers to adhere to a German Leitkultur, leading culture, a term that many felt denigrated other cultures. Juergen Ruettgers coined the term Kinder statt Inder, children instead of Indians, in protest against a center-left plan to ease immigration rules for IT experts from India and elsewhere. Roland Koch kicked off yet another immigration debate by making the overabundance of criminal young foreigners a key element of his rhetoric.
Conditions in areas like Berlin's Kreuzberg ghetto give rise to very real, justified concerns. There are schoolrooms where three-quarters of the students are from immigrant families, students whose German is barely good enough to get by. There are Turkish, Arab, and Albanian family clans that control crime syndicates and receive welfare benefits. There are phenomena like forced marriages and honor killings. In some mosques, imams are encouraging the faithful to engage in Islamist terror. A tsunami of Islamization is sweeping across our continent. Fourthreichians don't want their grandchildren to live in a mostly Muslim country where Turkish and Arabic are widely spoken, women wear headscarves, and the day's rhythm is determined by the call of the muezzin.
Turkish Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan angers many Germans whenever he warns Turkish immigrants against assimilation in Germany. He calls assimilation a crime against humanity! Erdogan demands Turcogermans to stay in their ghettos away from Germans, speak only Turkish, import wives from Turkey, and make many children, in order to outnumber Germans in two centuries. Erdogan demands Turcoghettos to become babymills! There are obligatory German language courses for foreigners who collect social welfare, but most Turks who are required to take the language courses to improve their opportunities on the labor market, either don't attend classes or quit them early.
Turkey is trying to maintain its influence over imams in Germany and, therefore, on immigrants of Turkish descent through its Directorate of Religious Affairs(Diyanet). Year after year, Diyanet sends hundreds of Turkish civil servants to work as imams in the 896 Turkish-Islamic Union for Religious Affairs(DITIB) communities in Germany. In their sermons on Turkish holidays and their patriotic speeches, they often reinforce the immigrants' ties to their former homeland.
Sarrazin is being pilloried over his polemic chastising of Muslims, but there are a few things his critics clearly fail to understand. You can't cast away what the man embodies, the anger of a German people who are tired of being cursed at when they offer to help foreigners to integrate.
Monday, September 27, 2010
[ASGG] RECYCLING "looking for ideas to promote equal benefit to all"
Go Green Recycling
We are looking for ideas to promote equal benefit to all,
rather than self-fulfilling profiteering.
With an increasing array of environmentally friendly options now available, consider recycling or donating old electronic devices. With either choice, we can reduce the amount of e-waste land filled and put our outdated items to good use.
We recycle all e-waste to minimize the environmental impact from improper disposal practices. It is no longer legal to dispose of equipment at your local dump or landfill. Computers, monitors, and other electronics have toxic metals that can leach into the soil causing serious problems to our environment. What we do is redistribute working equipment and properly dispose of broken and unfixable equipment. With these practices we feel that we can make a difference by offering an alternative solution to simply dumping your equipment.
Monday to Saturday 8am to 8pm
We pick up recyclable materials.
Auto Bodies
Auto Parts
Car Batteries
Vehicle Donation
Lead-Acid Batteries (Non-Automotive)
Computer Donation
Computer Monitors
Computer Recycling
Medical Equipment
Office Machines
Small Appliances
Lawn and Garden Equipment
String Lights
Metal Clothes Hangers
Reusable Appliance Donation
Aluminum Cans
Ferrous Metals
Gas Cylinders
Large Appliances
Nonferrous Metal
Propane Tanks
Scrap Metal
Freon Removal
Marine Batteries
Visit our Go Green Recycling web site at:
View our other listings below.
Google Maps listing
Earth911 listing
Yahoo! Local listing
OFFER: item plus general location (OFFERs must include location)
TAKEN: item. (TAKEN plus ppu [Pending Pick Up] is okay.)
WANTED: item
GO GREEN: Household tips, eco/evironment-related events, etc. (check with moderators before sending).
Contact the group moderators: AltamonteSpringsGoesGreen-owner@yahoogroups.com
Sunday, September 26, 2010
[ASGG] Wanted: Baby Pack N' Play
We are expecting and would greatly appreciate if anyone has a Pack N Play that your child has outgrown. Just trying to plan ahead and have tight finances.
Mark & Shannon
OFFER: item plus general location (OFFERs must include location)
TAKEN: item. (TAKEN plus ppu [Pending Pick Up] is okay.)
WANTED: item
GO GREEN: Household tips, eco/evironment-related events, etc. (check with moderators before sending).
Contact the group moderators: AltamonteSpringsGoesGreen-owner@yahoogroups.com
[ASGG] Wanted: Baby Stroller
We are expecting and would greatly appreciate if anyone has a baby stroller that your child has outgrown. Just trying to plan ahead and have tight finances.
Mark & Shannon
OFFER: item plus general location (OFFERs must include location)
TAKEN: item. (TAKEN plus ppu [Pending Pick Up] is okay.)
WANTED: item
GO GREEN: Household tips, eco/evironment-related events, etc. (check with moderators before sending).
Contact the group moderators: AltamonteSpringsGoesGreen-owner@yahoogroups.com
[ASGG] WANTED : junk/broken printers
I take any printers in any condition, working or not working, and I
need lot of them!
Even if it is junk, don't throw it to the dumpster, contact me instead!
OFFER: item plus general location (OFFERs must include location)
TAKEN: item. (TAKEN plus ppu [Pending Pick Up] is okay.)
WANTED: item
GO GREEN: Household tips, eco/evironment-related events, etc. (check with moderators before sending).
Contact the group moderators: AltamonteSpringsGoesGreen-owner@yahoogroups.com
As the cochairman of Tories, I congratulate Ed Miliband on his election as Leader of Whigs. Miliband will have many challenges ahead in these next few days, but if he wants to be taken seriously, the first thing he's got to do is own up to his role in creating the mess that Britain is in and tell us what he'd do to fix it.
From advising Gordon Brown in the Treasury in the 90s, to serving in his Cabinet in the 2000s, he must recognise his central role in creating the financial mess we're all paying for. For the past five months, all we've heard from Whigs is knee jerk opposition to our plans to tackle the deficit. Now is the time for Mr Miliband to tell us what he'd do instead. He promised us a Labour spending plan before the spending review, now we'd all like to see it.
The new Whig leader now has a clear choice. He can either serve the national interest by joining with us and the Liberal Democrats and set out how he would cut the deficit, or he can stand on the sidelines and refuse to engage with the biggest challenge facing Britain in decades. The fact that Ed Miliband owes his position to the votes of the unions does not bode well. At the moment this looks like a great leap backwards for the Labour Party.
Basil Venitis, twitter.com/Venitis, points out that most labor leaders are in cahoots with mafiosi and kleptocrats. In Greece, the most corrupt country on Earth, labor leaders kept their mouths shut about Graecokleptocrats churning eighty billion euros of the pension funds of poor Greek workers, in exchange for seats in the Greek Parliament, aka the Grand Brothel on Syntagma Square! Greece has more than five times as many civil servants per capital than the United Kingdom. The country's inflated government apparatus consumes tens of billions of euros a year.
Fourthreichian Premier Durao Barroso points out the majority of union members now works for government. Three times as many union members work for the Post Office as in the auto industry. The union movement's priorities have shifted with their membership. Now unions focus on making government employment even more comfortable.
Fourthreichian Diplomacy Czar Catherine Ashton points out much of the generous compensation of public employees comes in benefits. The average government employee earns triple the retirement contributions of the average private-sector worker and can retire far earlier. Government employees get generous health benefits too. Almost one out of every four government employees pay nothing out of pocket for health care. Government workers have also been insulated from the pain of the recession. The government has been hiring even as the private sector lost many million jobs over the last two years. No wonder government employees are more likely than anyone else to tell pollsters that their personal finances are doing well.
Fourthreichian President Haiku Herman points out most public employees have been pampered, rarely getting fired, with wage and benefit packages steadily rising, so now many are paid far more than their private sector equivalents. A recent study, using data from the Bureau of Labor Statistics, showed that average U.S. federal salaries exceed average private-sector pay in 83 percent of comparable occupations.
Venitis muses the overstaffing and sloppy work performance in the public sector is the subject of countless jokes, which would not be funny if they did not contain a strong element of truth. Even civil servants joke about the 80-20 rule, where 20 percent of the employees do 80 percent of the work and vice versa. The late-night comedians can always get a laugh when describing the indifferent attitude of department of motor vehicle employees. Professors in many public colleges now only teach one class per semester. Professors in private colleges teach three or four courses, which is not particularly taxing. No wonder college tuitions have been rising far faster than inflation. The private-sector has been surging in productivity growth while much of the public sector has negative productivity growth.
Understandably, government employee unions like these arrangements. But the money that makes it all possible comes from your taxes, and that explains why the union movement has become an aggressive lobby for higher taxes. Instead of voters telling the government how to spend their money, government unions now tell voters the taxes they want them to pay. They always have a one-word answer: more. As taxpayers have discovered, the new labor movement wants you to pay your pseudofair share to them.
Venitis asserts that public sector unions are bankrupting countries. There is a rising concern about the growing political power of public sector unions. With large budget deficits and huge funding gaps in pension plans, policymakers in many countries are trying to constrain spending and improve government efficiency. But unions stand in the way of needed fiscal reforms.
California's public sector workers have the highest average compensation of public sector workers in any State, and they also have one of the highest rates of unionization. It's not a coincidence that California is having severe budget problems and that it finds spending restraint very difficult to achieve.
Public sector workers can often retire at age 50 or 55 and draw very large pensions. In California, for example, there are more than 9,000 retired public sector workers with annual pensions of more than $100,000 a year. Oftentimes, these high pensions result from government workers abusing the system; for example, the last year of an employee's salary may be artificially inflated to garner a larger annual pension, a technique known as pension spiking.
Jerzy Buzek, prostitute-in-chief of Eldorado of Prostitutes, aka European Parliament, points out journalists often do not ask tough questions of groups such as firefighters and police because of the valuable contributions of those groups to local governments. Yes, fire and police jobs can be dangerous, but numerous private sector jobs are even more dangerous, and they don't get the sweetheart deals on pensions and other benefits that public sector workers do.
The American Federation of Teachers and the National Education Association are powerful players in every aspect of education policy, and they rake in about $2 billion of union dues and fees a year. These unions shamelessly oppose reforms such as school choice, they protect failing teachers from termination, and they impose layers of costly bureaucracy on local governments. Unions also create barriers to entry into the teaching profession by opposing alternative teacher certification programs that would allow more mid-career professionals and those without traditional teaching degrees into the classroom. Many of the problems plaguing education today can be attributed directly to union power, which can be curtailed through common-sense reforms. Breaking the stranglehold from these unions is the first step toward making long-term meaningful education reform.
The level of public sector unionization varies dramatically from state to state. While New York's public sector workforce is 73 percent unionized, North Carolina's is only 8 percent. These large differences are due to varying state-level rules on collective bargaining and union shop provisions.
The public's servants have become the public's masters. It does seem that government workers have tightened the screws on citizens and governments in many countries. As the baby boomers in government workforces retire and draw their generous pension and retiree health benefits, there will be pressure to raise property, income, and VAT.
Public sector unions should be outlawed. Governments should pass legislation to ban collective bargaining in the public sector, which is the successful path followed by Virginia and North Carolina. Government workers should be able to join voluntary organizations and have a voice in public policy debates, as people in any other voluntary organization can do. But collective bargaining infringes the rights of workers to freedom of association, and it creates monopoly unions with a privileged position in our democratic process. A huge fiscal battle between taxpayers and public sector unions is getting under way in many States.
Saturday, September 25, 2010
[vernalpool] Re:Projects for Notre Dame High School
Hi Pam
I am a Biology teacher at Notre Dame High School in Lawrence MA. I teach both a Sophomore Biology and Senior Environmental Science class. Our coed catholic high school is geared towards low social economic families in the Lawrence area. We are located 2 blocks from the Lawrence town commons and about 5 blocks from the Merrimack River. I am looking for some field work projects for my students to participate in. Preferably projects that we can go to for an hour and be back for the next class. Our students have a very tight schedule because they also work one day a week.
So do you know if the SY004 project is doing anything with the Merrimack River? I see they are not accepting new participants yet though we might help out existing efforts.
Secondly is it too late this school year to get involved in SY001 or SY002 projects?
Please advise.
Ed Tivnan
Biology Teacher
Notre Dame High School
Lawrence MA
978 388 1952
--- On Fri, 9/24/10, Snow, Pamela <psnow@fas.harvard.edu> wrote:
From: Snow, Pamela <psnow@fas.harvard.edu>
Subject: [vernalpool] RE: [wftlistserv] Roadkill Observation System
To: "vernalpool@yahoogroups.com" <vernalpool@yahoogroups.com>, "Anderson, Russell" <AndersonR@techhigh.us>, "Bergeron Debra" <dbergeron11@hotmail.com>, "bjmarcoux@aol.com" <bjmarcoux@aol.com>, "Boyce Debra" <dboyce@charter.net>, "Brenda, Jaillet," <jailleb@gardnerk12.org>, "Chesser Megan" <mchesser@nrc.umass.edu>, "Corey, Cynthia" <coreyc@ARPS.ORG>, "CUNNINGHAM, MICHELE" <mj0y@verizon.net>, "Debra Bergeron" <dbergeron@arrsd.org>, "Farrow, Sally" <shwfarrow@yahoo.com>, "Farrow, Sally" <sfarrow@massaudubon.org>, "Gibson" <jgibson@parker.org>, "ielsevier@juno.com" <ielsevier@juno.com>, Jaillett@yahoo.com, "Lamstein Sarah" <sarahm45@aol.com>, "LeBlanc" <Mrsleblanc@petershamcenterschool.org>, "Littleton, Michelle" <littletm@mail.carver.org>, "Maryalice" <maker@winchendonk12.org>, "McDonald, Sharon" <smcdonald@arrsd.org>, "McNiff Paul " <pmcniff@qrsd.org>, "Monty Grob" <mgrob@mail.ab.mec.edu>, "na677@aol.com" <na677@aol.com>, "Paul McNiff"
<pmcniff2@verizon.net>, "Santella" <esantella@pikeschool.org>, "Scopinich" <kscopinich@massaudubon.org>, "sjacobs@sassds.org" <sjacobs@sassds.org>, "Stuart, Molly" <mstuart@parker.org>, "Tracie" <tracieshea@yahoo.com>
Date: Friday, September 24, 2010, 3:16 PM
Howdy Vernal Pool and Stream Teachers- I'm forwarding this note on taking part in a roadkill study of salamanders and turtles..which could be a nice compliment to the HF studies IF you have a roadway that is adjacent to your field site or somewhere else accessible to your students. Just a thought. Let me know if any of you pursue this,
Pamela M. Snow
Schoolyard Ecology Coordinator
Harvard Forest
324 N. Main St.
Petersham, MA 01366
(978) 756-6146 on M, W,Th
In the end we will conserve only what we love
We will love only what we understand
We will understand only what we have been taught
- Baba Dioum
From: vernalpool@yahoogroups.com [mailto:vernalpool@yahoogroups.com] On Behalf Of Dexter, Timothy (DOT)
Sent: Friday, September 17, 2010 12:22 PM
To: Shilling, Fraser; wftlistserv@lists.ncsu.edu; vernalpool@yahoogroups.com
Subject: [vernalpool] RE: [wftlistserv] Roadkill Observation System
Hello Fraser, and all interested,
Information on Linking Landscapes for Massachusetts Wildlife
<http://linkinglandscapes.info/roads/home.html> ):
Transportation infrastructure affects wildlife through direct mortality
due to vehicle collisions, fragmenting and isolating habitats, and by
altering natural habitats. In addition, roadway usage by wildlife causes
accidents, which can result in property damage and personal injury. To
address these issues, the MassDOT Highway Division has teamed up with
MassWildlife and UMass Amherst to create Linking Landscapes for
Massachusetts Wildlife, a long-term and multifaceted effort to minimize
the impact of the existing road network on wildlife, while improving
highway safety.
The Linking Landscapes research framework is simple: team up with
citizen scientists and conservation organizations to gather information
on wildlife roadway mortality hotspots, to inform long term planning
decisions in the context of transportation infrastructure upgrades. A
critical component to the research is a user friendly online mapping
interface where the general public, environmental practitioners, and
wildlife and highway personnel can document site specific wildlife
mortality observations.
Three Massachusetts citizen science research efforts are underway, each
of which allows online reporting of site specific wildlife roadway
mortality through a Google Maps interface. At present functional level,
these data cannot be viewed online by the public, though, results will
be disseminated through periodic reports posted on the Linking
Landscapes website.
The Wildlife Roadway Mortality Database: Document your observations of
wildlife deceased due to wildlife vehicle collisions on Massachusetts
The Vernal Pool Salamander Migration Study: Linking Landscapes is
collaborating with the Vernal Pool Association
(http://www.vernalpool.org/) to document amphibian migrations in
Massachusetts. During early spring rain events, mole salamanders
migrate from their upland hibernating habitat to vernal pools to
reproduce. Often, hibernating habitat and vernal pools are fragmented by
roadways, resulting in roadway mortality. Be on the look out for large
'over the road' salamander migrations in early spring, and record these
locations within the Amphibian Roadway Crossing Database.
The Turtle Roadway Mortality Study: Turtles have existed for millions of
years, but roadways are threatening the survival of local populations.
Turtles in Massachusetts often cross roadways late spring to early fall.
Keep your eyes peeled as you drive by wetland areas, and record your
observations of turtle roadway mortality. In addition, Linking
Landscapes has recently completed the first year of a statewide Turtle
Roadway Mortality Monitoring Program through collaboration with
conservation organizations, watershed associations, and the general
public. Ambitious citizen scientists and conservation organizations are
encouraged to join state wildlife and transportation personnel in the
2011 Turtle Roadway Mortality Monitoring Program. The information
gathered will be used to coordinate local turtle conservation efforts.
For more information, contact one of the Linking Landscapes project
Timothy Dexter
Environmental Analyst
Highway Division
Massachusetts Department of Transportation
Michael Jones
Postdoctoral Research Associate
USGS Cooperative Fish & Wildlife Research Unit
UMass Amherst
David Paulson
Endangered Species Review Biologist
Natural Heritage and Endangered Species Program
Massachusetts Division of Fisheries and Wildlife
Thank you
Timothy Dexter
Environmental Analyst
MassDOT, Highway Division
10 Park Plaza, Room 4260
Boston, MA 02116
Phone: 617-973-8306
From: wftlistserv-owner@lists.ncsu.edu<mailto:wftlistserv-owner%40lists.ncsu.edu>
[mailto:wftlistserv-owner@lists.ncsu.edu<mailto:wftlistserv-owner%40lists.ncsu.edu>] On Behalf Of Shilling, Fraser
Sent: Thursday, September 16, 2010 5:39 PM
To: jane@thebeatnews.org<mailto:jane%40thebeatnews.org>; wftlistserv@lists.ncsu.edu<mailto:wftlistserv%40lists.ncsu.edu>
Subject: Re: [wftlistserv] Roadkill Observation System
Thanks Jane
I have been trying to figure out how to view the data in a
Google Maps or similar interface. Could you give some background and
guideposts for how to use the site?
Fraser Shilling
From: Jane Berkshire Environmental Action Team
Sent: Thursday, September 16, 2010 1:57 PM
To: wftlistserv@lists.ncsu.edu<mailto:wftlistserv%40lists.ncsu.edu>
Cc: Shilling, Fraser
Subject: Re: [wftlistserv] Roadkill Observation System
Hi all,
Massachusetts has a roadkill database (actually 3) -
Jane Winn, Executive Director
413-442-6815 home/office, 413-230-7321 cell,
BEAT, 27 Highland Ave, Pittsfield, MA 01201-2413
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On 9/16/2010 1:28 PM, Shilling, Fraser wrote:
Some of you may have seen the recent article in the NY Times
about our roadkill sites - one for California and one for Maine
(http://www.wildlifecrossing.net). Since then we have received dozens of
requests from other states to either connect citizen scientist observers
to a program in their state, or wanting information on how they could
develop a roadkill observation system. I wanted to put the request out
to people on this list to help me to connect people to a resource in
their state they can use, or people in their state who would be
interested in developing something like this. I realize that there are
existing programs, some of which I have been able to find online.
However, I suspect that there are programs out there that are hard to
find. If you have time and either know of a roadkill reporting program
in your state, or are interested in developing one, please contact me
and I will potentially send some interested parties your way.
Fraser Shilling
Fraser Shilling, Ph.D.
Co-Director, Road Ecology Center
Department of Environmental Science & Policy
University of California, Davis 95616
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[ASGG] OFFER: Fawn pugs (one girl, one boy)
We have two pugs that we have struggled with the decision to part with but unfortunatley, need to find another good home for them at this time. I thought I'd try Freecyle first, then a non-profit organization. Our little boy, Emmett, is 8 years old. Our little girl, Brantley,is 7. Both are house broken. I would like to speak with potential new parents extensively about care for pugs and their potential new home. Please email first if you are interested. Thanks, jtiensanlo@hotmail.com
OFFER: item plus general location (OFFERs must include location)
TAKEN: item. (TAKEN plus ppu [Pending Pick Up] is okay.)
WANTED: item
GO GREEN: Household tips, eco/evironment-related events, etc. (check with moderators before sending).
Contact the group moderators: AltamonteSpringsGoesGreen-owner@yahoogroups.com