Don't worry about ergot if you don't see any ugly black stuff growing on the seed heads deforming it. It is very visible. The trick is to check before harvesting when a small amount could contaminate alot if it is done with automation.
Kate Kestner
[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]
Tuesday, January 31, 2012
[Homesteadingfamily] Re: Grain
[BMp] HS map index bar
I have created my HS maps. However, in the past I was able to create the HS map accompanied with a HSI color bar in a legend on the side of the map. I cannot seem to recreate this. How do I produce this so my HS map can be used and have a visual reference for what the colors represent on the HSI.
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If dollar devaluation becomes too pronounced, Washington threatens to kill the goose that lays the golden eggs: namely, the dollar's reserve status. If that were to happen, a global financial crisis of staggering intensity would surely erupt, the resolution of which would not favor the United States.
Eurokleptocrats are losing touch with reality. Greece is broke, and yet Brussels wants to send Graecokleptocrats billions in new loans. This is understandable, given that abandoning portions of their claims against Greece would translate into substantial losses. But cutting losses short is the golden rule of markets.
Fiat currencies trade people's freedom and security for the government's freedom to squander the wealth of the nation on wasteful pet programs, wars, and corruption. This is why the freedom of the people is so intertwined with a sound monetary unit. This is also why we like gold and silver, and supporters of big government hate them.
Ron Paul points out the Federal Reserve's interest rate price-setting board, the FOMC, met last week. They will continue to set the federal funds rate at well below 1%, and plan to keep it low until the end of 2014. That's a year and half longer than they planned when they met just last month. Chairman Bernanke says they are keeping interest rates so low for so long because the economic outlook warrants it.
Basil Venitis,, muses the Greek bailout is the heroin of Graecokleptocrats. It feels good in the short term for the Graecokleptocrats, but it doesn't help repair the Greek economy, causing more damage, because it gets in the way of a proper recovery. Graecokleptocrats hoodwink that acquisition of its heroin is a heroic act, but heroin is not heroine!
Graecokleptocrats consider Fourth Reich a processor of ESM poppies. But EU's poppy tears bring Greek tears! ESM is not the opium of the masses. ECB is not a morphine exchange, and Fuehrer Merkozy is not a heroin trader. Dehydrated Greek economy must drink water, not opium latex.
Ron Paul notes the fallacies in their reasoning would be amusing if they weren't so dangerous. The Fed wants to keep the price of money at essentially zero – in other words "free" – to boost the economy. But the boost they are attempting won't get here for another three years. That's not a recovery. And we've already tried this tactic. That's how we got into this mess in the first place: with interest rates artificially low for a very long time. Free money doesn't stimulate growth, as Japan's two lost decades clearly show.
Kleptocrats are creating zombie banks and companies that are kept alive artificially. We started with a too-big-to-fail problem, and part of the policy response to the crisis has been even more financial consolidation. JP Morgan took over Bear Stearns and Bank of America took over Merrill Lynch. What we have now is financial institutions that are even bigger. Those institutions, even more than before, know if they do something very risky, something reckless, they will be bailed out again.
Artificially low interest rates only serve to punish saving, distort market signals, and cause further malinvestment. They also do nothing to address the only real solution to our economic woes: liquidation of the bad debt that hangs around the neck of the world's economy, preventing recovery. Artificially low interest rates merely ensure that we remain a debt-financed consumer economy guaranteed to end up with a weaker economy and higher prices.
What baffles Ron Paul even more is that two decades after the collapse of Soviet planning and decades more since the U.S. and economists purportedly rejected the idea of price setting, we find nothing wrong with the Fed setting the price of money. We all agree it is a bad idea to have a board saying the price of wheat should be $250 a ton today, or carpenters wages should be $25 an hour until the end of 2014. But we are perfectly comfortable with having a board set the price of one half of every transaction in our economy. And our markets are supposedly free.
Ron Paul says the Fed policies of low interest rates, Operation Twist, and rounds of quantitative easing are all attempts to keep the economy alive artificially. But the 12 FOMC participants cannot manage the economy any better than the bureaucrats of the Soviet Union. The policies haven't worked. They won't work. Real economic recovery cannot come until we liquidate the bad debt, until we eradicate the poor decisions we made over the last decade, and start with a sound foundation. It is time we acknowledge the truth of the Fed's activities: they are merely using fancy words for price setting.
Treasury Secretary Andrew Mellon was correct in the 1920s when he said "liquidate everything." That's what we did in the severe depression of 1920-21, and we recovered so quickly it is never even talked about. We didn't take his advice after the 1929 crash, and ended up with the Great Depression. We are committing the same mistakes, destined to live in this Great Recession for a decade or more — it has already been four years, the Fed says it will be at least three more! It's time we start rethinking what the Fed's policies are really doing to our economy, because obviously, by their own admission, they haven't helped.
The Federal Reserve refuses to give a public accounting of the trillions in recent taxpayer-backed loans. Congress has the responsibility to force a public audit of the Federal Reserve, and the American people deserve to know how their tax dollars are being spent. Allowing the Fed to remain out of control and shrouded in secrecy clearly allows for abuse and the continued stealing of our tax dollars through inflation and unaccounted electronic bank loans.
The Federal Reserve's abuses lead to constant economic crises like the current housing crisis, international banking crisis and the resulting chaos. The Federal Reserve System forces fuel, food, housing, medical care and education costs upward, meaning that everyone who is not on the government dole is forced to make do with less as the value of money slowly decreases. History shows us that riots, violence and full-scale police states can result when people finally realize fiat money isn't worth the paper it's printed on and refuse to accept it.
There is no suggestion that interest rate swaps, the largest category of OTC financial derivatives, or foreign exchange swaps played any role in the financial meltdown. Yet the kleptocrats' proposals extend regulatory rules for futures to these bank-based products. Want only extending futures regulation to swaps applies the wrong tool in the wrong application. The result would be ineffective regulation damaging everything involved.
Individuals and banks should be free to choose what money they use. This is an especially controversial, but absolutely essential, component of a truly free society. The government may not force us to use infinitely-inflatable, green pieces of paper. Historically, when left free from government-dictated currency, the overwhelming choice of individuals has been gold money, which has objective value, a stable quantity, and other qualities that make it an excellent form of money. Interest rates on a gold standard are set by supply and demand in the marketplace; there should be no governmental manipulation of interest rates, and thus no ability of the Federal Reserve to create massive bubbles such as the dot-com and housing bubbles.
Since its inception in 1913, the Federal Reserve has helped to devalue the dollar by 96%. During the recent economic crisis, it has poured trillions of dollars into the economy with no oversight, made secret agreements with foreign banks and governments, and has refused to tell Congress who is getting the money or to give it the details of what deals are being made. We demand full transparency from the central banks.
Wages and prices need to be free to fluctuate, so labor and other resources can be swiftly shifted away from bloated, bubble sectors of the economy and into sustainable sectors of the economy where consumers want them. Bailouts obstruct that process by preventing the reallocation of capital into the hands of firms that genuinely cater to consumer demand, and by propping up instead those firms that have deployed resources in ways that do not conform to consumer preferences. Fiscal and monetary stimulus do nothing to address the imbalances in the economy, and indeed only perpetuate them.
There has been much discussion of moral hazard in connection with the flurry of bailouts that began in 2008. Moral hazard refers to people's readiness to act with an artificially elevated level of risk tolerance because they believe that any losses they may incur will be borne by other people. Hence the bailouts will tend to make major market actors even less likely to behave prudently in the future, since if they believe they are likely to be considered too big to fail, they have more reason than ever to believe that they will not be allowed to go out of business, and therefore that they may continue to make risky bets.
The very existence of a central bank such as the Federal Reserve and ECB aggravates, indeed institutionalizes, moral hazard. Since there is no physical limitation on the creation of paper money, firms know that no natural constraint exists on the power of the central bank to bail them out of any serious trouble. The Central Put is the implied promise that the central bank would intervene to assist the financial sector in the event of a serious downturn. No one has a right to be surprised when market actors behave accordingly.
Smart words are more effective than smart bombs! Mighty words of a charismatic keynote speaker can transform your people to a new dimension of organizational climate, efficiency, self-actualization, enthusiasm, belonging, and motivation. To get such a speaker to your conference, write to
Monday, January 30, 2012
Mr.Edgar Smith
Catherine S Barnes PhD
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HOLE in backboard, can get one for 55$ at Walmart. Assembled, adjustable w/ broom handle. Email to come and get it.
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Sunday, January 29, 2012
[ASGG] Taken: Plastic jugs with lids and plasitic buckets with lids Oviedo
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Re: [Homesteadingfamily] Grain
I just asked hubby, who worked as a seed farmer for many years. Regular
rye grass can be used to make bread and such, I'm imagining that cereal rye
would be just larger seeds and make it a bit easier to process it. I dont
know if I would eat it because of the fear of ergot the wonderful fungus
that grows on it that caused so much insanity in years past.
Here is a link to pictures and things of it...
Its got TONS of info on it, you have to scroll down a bit to get to what
its used for =)
Hope this helps!
On Sun, Jan 29, 2012 at 10:35 AM, Danny R <> wrote:
> We have a abandon rail road track in our area, actually no tracks
> anymore. It is heavily planted in what the county ageant says is cereal
> rye. I realize this is a foolish question, but can I use this just like the
> rye we bake bread with? How about feed for the chickens?
> Regards, Ninja
> ------------------------------------
> Yahoo! Groups Links
[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]
[Homesteadingfamily] Grain
We have a abandon rail road track in our area, actually no tracks anymore. It is heavily planted in what the county ageant says is cereal rye. I realize this is a foolish question, but can I use this just like the rye we bake bread with? How about feed for the chickens?
Regards, Ninja
[ASGG] WANTED: Items for a Chihuahua
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Saturday, January 28, 2012
Siberia increasingly is to Putinland what Putinland is to the world, a supplier of raw
materials that those who are consuming them take without much thought to what is
happening at their source economically or ecologically, a pattern that Siberians
find increasingly unacceptable. The Kremlin uses its neighbors and Europe's
dependence on Putinlandian natural gas as a foreign policy tool to pressure states.
In 2009, Putinland cut off gas supplies to Ukraine and to Europe by extension,
causing the International Energy Agency to deem them an unreliable supplier.
Putinland has taken over the rotating chair of the Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation in 2012 and will host this year's APEC Leaders' Week in Vladivostok. A Putinlandian Spring could ultimately be a great buying opportunity. Picture a Putinland in which entrepreneurs no longer face crushing bribery costs, shareholders have rights and investing is more about value than guessing whom the Kremlin will favor. Revolution could bring an economic renaissance.
Asia-Pacific economy is controlled by China and USA. Basil Venitis,, points out China is the world's second largest economy after Uncle Sam. It is the world's fastest-growing major economy, with average growth rates of 10% for the past 30 years. China is also the largest exporter and second largest importer of goods in the world. China became the world's top manufacturer in 2011, surpassing USA.
China is facing a burst bubble, and the shock will provide a useful lesson in the limits of authoritarian rule. Monolithic government and state-directed investment can be effective in pulling countries out of poverty, but not in building a middle class or in reaching the ranks of the world's wealthy nations. Economic troubles will spur China's 1.3 billion people to demand more freedom and more of a voice in the way they are governed.
Putin and his men proudly declare that they have returned Putinland to
strength. In truth, they have hijacked it. Putinland 's constitution is little more than an empty shell that does a poor job of concealing the neofeudal regime of Czar Putin.
Dmitry Medvedev declares Putinland's key objective is to further liberalise trade and investment and to facilitate economic integration in the Asia-Pacific region. Medvedev expects his cooperation in these fundamental APEC spheres to yield practical results. Now that Putinland has joined the World Trade Organisation, Medvedev will be able to fully participate in trade liberalisation discussions. A consolidated position among APEC member economies should jumpstart multilateral trade talks and make them more constructive.
The private sector hardly dominates the Chinese economy. If anything does, it's
the state again. Derek Scissors points out there have been important changes in
the state sector. It has shrunk and operates very differently than it did just
15 years ago. During the 1990s, state assets were sold off, sometimes replaced
by genuinely private firms.
Scissors notes privatization met serious political opposition. In response,
during the 2000s, state-owned enterprises (SOEs) were instead converted into
shareholding entities, many of which sold stock in Shanghai, Hong Kong or
elsewhere. These shareholding firms took on some characteristics of true
commercial businesses.
There is a big difference between the Soviet era and today's Putinland. The Soviet
state spread the atmosphere of fear to prevent emergence of politics and
people's participation in it. Today, the key for the state authorities is to
make sure people are not interested in politics. A person who doesn't care about
politics or the situation with human rights in Putinland may live a comfortable
life without ever encountering an FSB officer. What suffers the most is
democracy in Putinland; the Kremlin is interested in stability, not democracy.
Medvedev points out that following the successful conclusion of the WTO accession process, Putinland is now ready to start talks on free trade agreements with APEC economies. Of course, Putinland will act jointly with Kazakhstan and Belarus, the other members of the trilateral Customs Union. Added to the potential of the Common Economic Space, this could pave the way to a fundamentally new form of APEC integration and help expand the Asia-Pacific market to the whole of the Eurasian continent.
Medvedev's bear seems now to be a very different animal. The snarling statist
bear with a statist head has been replaced by a lovable bear, and while it may
not be ready now to roll over and have its belly tickled, Russia will not take a
bite out of its rivals. Uncle Sam (US) and Uncle Ken (UK) now like to pet this
Putinland also plans to promote APEC cooperation on food security. Like all other member economies, Putinland has a stake in ensuring that food is available, affordable, safe and of high quality. In light of the growing social commitments of governments in the post-crisis period, Putinland must develop stable food markets and dampen price fluctuations. Furthermore, Putinland must continue to search for ways to ensure agricultural development based on rising mutual investments, modern technologies and compliance with quality standards.
In order to modernize Putinland's economy and industry, Putinland needs cooperation
partners from abroad, and those modernization partners are to be found mostly in
USA and Fourth Reich. That's the logic that lies beneath Putinland's new softer
foreign policy towards the West. It shows that external policy is seen as an
instrument for internal development and modernization.
Medvedev notes the prospects of greater integration in APEC are closely connected to the need to improve logistics or as it is often described within APEC to ensure supply chains connectivity in the region. Putinland is prepared to offer access to its transport corridors, which are the shortest route between Asia and Europe. Medvedev knows that they must be upgraded, which will require major investment. This is what Medvedev will be discussing with his partners, who will surely show interest in Medvedev's proposals. Putinland has developed practical ways to use modern technology to resolve transportation issues, in particular organising cargo routes, cargo handling and vehicle tracking.
Having given in on Iran sanctions, Putinland has forced itself into a corner. It
will now have to toe the U.S. line on every question pertaining to Iran.
Medvedev's decision on Iran reflects his ideological affinity of Igor Yurgens,
chairman of the management board of the Institute of Contemporary Development
think tank, of which Medvedev is chairman of the board. Both Medvedev and
Yurgens are driven by a desire to join the Western countries and occupy an
honored position at the G8 table.
Medvedev asserts that innovation-based economic development is crucial for stable economic growth. This issue, which Putinland sees as a priority, has been met with a lively response from APEC partners. Putinland will promote extensive interaction among universities, research centres and companies. Cooperation in education and developing human capital is vital, and the protection of intellectual property is becoming increasingly important. Putinland also see opportunities for advancing joint initiatives in these spheres within APEC.
China uses a classic mixture of carrot and stick. The carrot has been growth.
Even if the benefits of growth haven't been equally distributed, hundreds of
millions of people have still been taken out of poverty. Meanwhile, the stick
has been to crack down on anybody who is perceived to be stepping out of line.
The problem is that both the carrot and the stick are becoming harder to wield.
Economic growth is going to slow down in the coming decade. It then won't be as
easy to buy off potential dissent. Meanwhile, mobile communications and the
Internet are mutating in ways that Beijing will find increasingly difficult to
What's more, there's a connection between political rights and economic
advancement. This was not apparent in the past three decades, when the Chinese
model was based on low-value manufacturing. Millions of people could be stuck in
factories and told to get on with the job. But it will become apparent as
Beijing tries to switch to a new model based on services and high-value
manufacturing. If this transition is to be successful, people will have to think
for themselves more. They will also have to harness the full power of modern
communications. It will then be virtually impossible to keep a lid on free
[ASGG] TAKEN: NON working decorative clock
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[ASGG] OFFER: Plastic jugs with lids and plasitic buckets with lids Oviedo
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[ASGG] OFFER: Decorative NON working wall clock Oviedo
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WANTED: item
GO GREEN: Household tips, eco/evironment-related events, etc. (check with moderators before sending).
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Friday, January 27, 2012
[ASGG] WANTED: Ethernet Router - 2 Port (or more) Hub
I can pick up at your convenience.
Thanks very much!
Janet in Fern Park
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Wednesday, January 25, 2012
Egypt, the most corrupt country in North Africa, and Greece, the most corrupt country in Occident, have become kangaroo valleys, violating basic human rights and Article 2 of the Lisbon Treaty, but nobody gives a damn. We cannot understand why the European Commission tolerates political persecution and freakish Kangaroo Justice within the borders of the European Union and cannot refer the Greek government to the Court of Justice of the European Union. We cannot understand why the European Commission cannot protect Greeks from appalling violations of Article 2 of the Lisbon Treaty by the Greek government. If the European Union cannot protect Greeks from the repressive Greek government, who will?
Reporters Without Borders welcomes blogger Maikel Nabil Sanad's release late yesterday under an amnesty announced on 21 January for around 2,000 civilians who had been convicted by military courts during the past year. Sanad, who had been detained for 10 months on a charge of insulting the armed forces, was freed from Cairo's Tora prison late in the afternoon. His release was reported on Twitter by his brother, Mark, who said he was weak and tired, and had gone home to rest.
Basil Venitis,, asserts Karl-Theodor Guttenberg, Internet Czar of Fourth Reich, must persuade the freakish kleptocrats of the enemies of internet to stop persecuting and robbing dissident bloggers. The enemies of internet are Belarus, Burma, China, Cuba, Egypt, Greece, Iran, North Korea, Saudi Arabia, Syria, Turkey, Turkmenistan, Uzbekistan, Vardaska, and Vietnam. Instead, Guttenberg is pushed by Neelie Kroes to cooperate with Hillary Clinton to use the social media of internet for Occidental propaganda to incite people to overthrow their antioccidental governments, mission impossible.
"The release of Sanad, the post-Mubarak era's first prisoner of conscience, is wonderful news for both his family and for all those who campaigned on his behalf," Reporters Without Borders said. "His release is timely, coming on the eve of the Egyptian revolution's first anniversary. His only crime was to exercise the fundamental right to free expression, a right often flouted by the Supreme Council of the Armed Forces since the revolution."
Venitis points out that accusing dissident bloggers of treason Egyptokleptocrats and Graecokleptocrats have manufactured a blood libel in cyberspace, which in turn incites hatred and violence. The freakish kangaroo justice government of Greece is the only government on Earth which steals the computers of its citizens! Infamous CCU is the brutal arm of the kangaroo government of Greece, which terrorizes the cyberspace, stealing computers and files at gunpoint, perjuring, jailing dissident bloggers, and gagging the truth. The Greek Cyber Crime Unit (CCU) is the most disgusting gang in Fourth Reich.
Reporters Without Borders declares "The justice system must now overturn his conviction and declare him innocent. The relevant authorities must also be held accountable for his mistreatment and the harassment of his relatives. We will continue to monitor the situation in Egypt closely. On this very symbolic date, 25 January, we urge the authorities to stop using violence and judicial abuse to suppress all forms of criticism and to end the repeated arrests, interrogations and harassment of bloggers, netizens and journalists who criticize the Supreme Council's record."
When Sanad's brother, Mark, and members of his support committee went to Tora prison on the morning of 22 January to await his release, they were threatened and dispersed with violence by plainclothes policemen. Mark said the journalist Maikel Adel was physically attacked and taken inside the prison, where guards threatened to kill him.
Persecuting dissident bloggers often results in their blogs being publicized more widely. The Streisand Effect is a strong argument for the old adage that the best response to bad speech is more speech, not censorship. The Streisand Effect is a primarily online phenomenon in which an attempt to hide or remove a piece of information has the perverse effect of publicizing the information more widely. It is named after Barbra Streisand, whose attempt to suppress photos of her residence generated further publicity.
The freakish governments of Egypt and Greece use charge stacking to persecute dissident bloggers. Charge stacking is the ability to charge a large number of overlapping crimes for a single course of conduct. Combining crimes enables prosecutors to get convictions in cases where there is no misconduct at all. By stacking enough charges, including treason, Greek prosecutors jack up the threat value of a trial against a dissident blogger, even if the government's case is very weak. Charge stacking is terror. The disgusting government of Greece cannot terrorize the Greek people.
Persecuting dissident bloggers, the outlaw government of Greece violates Article 2 of the Lisbon Treaty, which states the European Union is founded on the values of respect for human dignity, freedom, democracy, equality, the rule of law, and respect for human rights. These values are common to the Member States in a society in which pluralism, nondiscrimination, tolerance, and justice prevail.