Hi Kyle,
I have never tried preserving meat with just salt so I have no advice for you, but I hope someone here does because it would be interesting to learn. In the mean time......I hope you're still alive and kicking. :-)
Fable Farms
"Laugh as much as you breathe and love as long as you live."
-----Original Message-----
From: k1959.kyle <1959.kyle@gmail.com>
To: Homesteadingfamily <Homesteadingfamily@yahoogroups.com>
Sent: Fri, Mar 30, 2012 6:41 pm
Subject: [Homesteadingfamily] Preserving chicken with salt
Hello everyone, I hope your spring is coming on strong. Here in Utah it has been warm, buds are popping out, and now we are expecting a snow storm this weekend. OK, I have done some research on preserving meats by salting, i.e. "salt pork" we read about in pioneer and sailing voyage epics. As an experiment, several months ago I took a few fresh chicken breasts, cut them into strips about the size of the average "chicken fingers" you might get deep fried with mozzarella sticks down at the sports bar. (not to be confused with chicken claws or lips). I rubbed them well with pickling salt, and buried them in the salt in a Tupperware bowl, sealed it up, and put it away in a cupboard at room temperature. Now I decided I need to see how it has worked and I am a bit nervous to take that first test bite. My dad has told me that a billion years ago when he was a boy, they used to inject all kinds of meat with some sort of salt solution and put it away for storage, Not even giving a second thought to whether it was safe to eat. They all seemed to have survived. But I have been well indoctrinated to the deadly danger of eating bad chicken. So thus warned, I opened up the container and started with a good deep whiff. Smelled fine. No putridness or rot detected. (and I think my sniffer works about as well as the average…). The chicken is fairly soft,, a bit leathery, and white, as if it had been cooked. No longer that translucent "fresh meat" color and texture. I washed the salt off, cut off a sliver about the size of a nickel, kissed my loved ones goodbye, and slipped it into my mouth. I chewed but didn't swallow. It tasted fine, no oddity, as if it had been cooked . I chickened out (no pun intended) and spit it out and decided to write and see what experience anyone else may be having in salted meat preservations. Does anyone know how to tell if I did it right, or is there a way to test for safety of this sort of thing, other than giving it secretly to a friend and see if they die a horrible death?
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Saturday, March 31, 2012
Re: [Homesteadingfamily] Preserving chicken with salt
[Homesteadingfamily] hair sheep for sale
We have a lovely ram for sale $200; one ewe $100. Both gentle. Please send me a messsage off list if interested.
Stephanie in Mena, AR
[ASGG] Wanted: Pocket bibs for toddler
My son is a messy eater. Thanks so much!
OFFER: item plus general location (OFFERs must include location)
TAKEN: item. (TAKEN plus ppu [Pending Pick Up] is okay.)
WANTED: item
GO GREEN: Household tips, eco/evironment-related events, etc. (check with moderators before sending).
Contact the group moderators: AltamonteSpringsGoesGreen-owner@yahoogroups.com
[vernalpool] Vernal pool observations from this spring thus far
Just thought I would share some observations from vernal pools in the Blue Hills Reservation in Quincy/Milton and also from Smithfield RI where I live:
(1) First wood frogs and spotted salamanders observed in open canopy pools on March 13. Wood frogs breeding on March 13 is 3 days earlier than last year (March 16).
(2) In open canopy pools, wood frog eggs hatched in 10-12 days this year, which is well short of the normal 3-4 week average timeframe as observed and read in the literature. Certainly due to the high temperatures. Eggs laid on March 13 and hatched by March 23-25.
(3) American toads chorusing and laying eggs between March 23-27. In 2011, they didn't start breeding in the same pools until April 26.
(4) There has been far less activity in fully or partially closed canopy pools in the Blue Hills than in open canopy pools. In a pool where we counted 500 spotted salamander egg masses last year, as of a week ago, there were only about 50. However, we have seen spotted salamanders in the pool at night. Also, wood frogs have been present, but slow to breed in this pool.
(5) Fairy shrimp presence is highly variable from year to year, but I have seen them in as many pools this year as I did last year. Anyone else making the same observation?
Aloha and Malama ka 'aina,
Jonathan E. Twining, Assistant Professor of Biology
Eastern Nazarene College, 23 E. Elm Avenue, Quincy, MA
Phone: 617-745-3552
Email: Jonathan.Twining@enc.edu
Web Page: www.enc.edu/environmental_science<http://www.enc.edu/environmental_science>
P Please consider the impact on the environment before printing this e-mail
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[vernalpool] spotted salamander migration
Hi All...
So far down here in southeastern MA, I have not seen any significant movement of spotted salamanders...conditions just have not developed as predicted most of the time...March 15th I had five, but that's it... but on the bright side, mortality has been very light so far this year!
I have a rather dum question, but has anyone ever witness or read of them moving during the day if conditions are right? I'm sure the answer is "no" but thought I'd put it out there.
Mike Maurer
Marion, MA
"The time to save a species is while it is still common" Rosalie Edge, Founder of Hawk Mountain Sanctuary
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Friday, March 30, 2012
[kitchencabinetforum] IT’S NOT YOURS TO GIVE!
Squandering taxpayers' hard-earned money on Third World is ridiculous. It's not yours to give! There are many reasons for the failure of foreign aid. Foreign aid has a widespread record of waste, fraud, and abuse. Aid programs have built tennis courts in Rwanda, sent sewing machines to areas without electricity, and constructed hospitals in cities where a dozen similar facilities already sat half empty. http://venitism.blogspot.com
Uncle Sam is deeply concerned about the humanitarian emergency in the Sahel region of Africa. Around 10 million people are in need of emergency assistance due to erratic rainfall, failed harvests, high food prices and conflict across the region that includes Burkina Faso, Chad, Mali, Mauritania, and Niger. In response to current needs, including protection and assistance for refugees, and to prevent a potentially much more serious situation, Uncle Sam provides huge assistance ot Sahel.
Frequently, the aid is stolen by corrupt foreign leaders. The Agency for International Development admitted that much of the investment financed by AID has disappeared without a trace. Even when aid reaches its intended beneficiaries, the results are often counterproductive. Just as domestic welfare prevents citizens from becoming self-sufficient, foreign aid keeps entire nations dependent. According to one internal AID audit long-term feeding programs have great potential for creating disincentives for food production.
A sensitive issue cannot be fully explained in a post, but only in a speech, in that magic eyeball to eyeball contact, baring my soul, and declaring truths that cause shock and awe. That's why I look forward to the invitation of your organization to speak at your conference. Basil Venitis, venitis@gmail.com
Uncle Sam is currently providing targeted humanitarian assistance that addresses acute malnutrition and hunger and builds resilience, and he is also focused on long-term approaches to establish lasting food security. Uncle Sam is making highly nutritious therapeutic food available for malnourished children. In addition to providing life-saving food, Uncle Sam is working to help vulnerable families and communities buy locally-available food and services, while developing small-scale projects and infrastructure that can help build the resilience necessary to withstand future drought.
Specific examples of counterproductive aid policies are easy to come by. For example, following a devastating earthquake in Guatemala, farmers trying to sell their surplus grain found the market flooded by the Food for Peace program. As a result, food aid stood in the way of development. Aid to Somalia aggravated the country's famine, disrupted local agriculture, and turned nomadic tribesmen into relief junkies.
Moreover, foreign aid has often been used to prop up failing socialist economies, preventing countries from moving to free-market economic policies. Yet, an examination of world economies clearly shows that those countries with free markets experience the greatest economic prosperity. Foreign aid is structurally bad because it undermines the incentive to take responsibility. The more aid a country receives, the less the government of that country has to answer to the people. http://venitism.blogspot.com
In partnership with other donors, Uncle Sam has taken early action in response to early warnings. Uncle Sam is targeting specific pockets of great need while working toward sustainable, longer term development. Uncle Sam is saving lives, mitigating impact, and building resilience.
We saw how unwise policies had an impact. Some policies that countries enacted with the hope of mitigating the crisis, such as export bans on rice, only made matters worse. They spurred panic buying and hoarding, which made rice unaffordable from East Asia to West Africa to the Caribbean. They also undermined countries' broader food security by discouraging farmers from increasing production. Rising food prices can have a positive effect if they send a signal to farmers to grow and sell more. But that can only happen if there is transparency in markets and stocks so signals about prices and supply are accurately received.
Now, there are few easy answers to the problems facing rural farmers, the majority of whom are women around the world, or those problems facing hungry people everywhere. And many of the new investments in agricultural development will not be evident for years. But we cannot let the complexity inhibit us. We cannot let the timeline of change deter us. We can't keep falling back on providing emergency aid just to put the band-aid on to keep moving forward to try to mitigate the damage insofar as possible.
http://venitism.blogspot.com carries neither ads nor advertorials, but reviews of unique newsworthy products. Product reviews are used by smart organizations, because they are the best marketing tool.
Each review is published only once, because it's a news story. We will create a fair review of your product – gadget, service, or candidate – responding to our readers' need for product information and your need for reward and goodwill. venitis@gmail.com
[Homesteadingfamily] Preserving chicken with salt
Hello everyone, I hope your spring is coming on strong. Here in Utah it has been warm, buds are popping out, and now we are expecting a snow storm this weekend. OK, I have done some research on preserving meats by salting, i.e. "salt pork" we read about in pioneer and sailing voyage epics. As an experiment, several months ago I took a few fresh chicken breasts, cut them into strips about the size of the average "chicken fingers" you might get deep fried with mozzarella sticks down at the sports bar. (not to be confused with chicken claws or lips). I rubbed them well with pickling salt, and buried them in the salt in a Tupperware bowl, sealed it up, and put it away in a cupboard at room temperature. Now I decided I need to see how it has worked and I am a bit nervous to take that first test bite. My dad has told me that a billion years ago when he was a boy, they used to inject all kinds of meat with some sort of salt solution and put it away for storage, Not even giving a second thought to whether it was safe to eat. They all seemed to have survived. But I have been well indoctrinated to the deadly danger of eating bad chicken. So thus warned, I opened up the container and started with a good deep whiff. Smelled fine. No putridness or rot detected. (and I think my sniffer works about as well as the average…). The chicken is fairly soft,, a bit leathery, and white, as if it had been cooked. No longer that translucent "fresh meat" color and texture. I washed the salt off, cut off a sliver about the size of a nickel, kissed my loved ones goodbye, and slipped it into my mouth. I chewed but didn't swallow. It tasted fine, no oddity, as if it had been cooked . I chickened out (no pun intended) and spit it out and decided to write and see what experience anyone else may be having in salted meat preservations. Does anyone know how to tell if I did it right, or is there a way to test for safety of this sort of thing, other than giving it secretly to a friend and see if they die a horrible death?
Re: [vernalpool] Leopard Frogs
Had a similar situation at the vernal pool we monitor here in SW Ohio. One night we had spotted salamanders, spring peepers, A.toad. and leopard frogs all calling/mating in the pool on the same night. Strange year indeed. I've never even seen leopard frogs at this pool because I think they show up after we're done with salamander monitoring normally.
From: SOPHIE ZYLA <sophiezyla@snet.net>
To: vernalpool@yahoogroups.com
Sent: Saturday, March 24, 2012 10:54 AM
Subject: Re: [vernalpool] Leopard Frogs
I heard the Leopard frogs and saw some 12 painted turtles at the pond which is near the vernal pools I've been visiting. Only 1 wood frog and not much for egg masses at the vernal pool and I did find only 2 female spotted salamanders but saw very few spotted eggs in the vernal pool. Lots of green frogs but all was very quiet with no peepers.
--- On Sat, 3/24/12, Carol Linguanti <luvbirds@warwick.net> wrote:
From: Carol Linguanti <luvbirds@warwick.net>
Subject: Re: [vernalpool] Leopard Frogs
To: vernalpool@yahoogroups.com
Date: Saturday, March 24, 2012, 7:43 AM
I had the same experience with the Leopard Frogs here in Warwick NY, along with some A.Toads at the same pond. At the VP I monitor, the WFs didn't lay eggs but have stopped calling as well. Global change is upon us.
On Mar 24, 2012, at 1:43 AM, Eddie wrote:
> On 3/23/2012 9:04 PM, Louise Pigott wrote:
> > I am hearing Leopard Frogs calling tonight in Southbridge.... Seems way to early!! Not as many Peepers are peeping either.
> I did not post this earlier because technically it's not a vernal
> pool, but I was at Great Meadows NWR in Concord, MA on Wednesday and
> there was an AMAZING chorus of Leopard Frogs coming from the cattails
> along the main dike. They must have numbered in the 100's. I also saw
> a few Bullfrogs and a few Green Frogs as well. Wood Frogs were
> chorusing from the vernal pool near the refuge restrooms.
> Eddie
> ******************************
> Eddie Giles
> East Bridgewater, MA
> emgiles62@comcast.net
> [Non-text portions of this message have been removed]
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Thursday, March 29, 2012
Re: [vernalpool] Non-native species encounters
Hi Tim,
Sorry for the delayed response but a few years back, I think Lori Erb at MassWildlife put out a request for homes/takers for some red-eared sliders they captured out of the pond at UMass Amherst. That's how we ended up with our monstrous...I mean wonderful office pets! (And no, we definitely don't want another one ;)
You might want to check in with her for advice if you haven't already?
Good luck!
Diana Walden
Environmental Scientist
BSC Group
33 Waldo Street
Worcester, MA 01608
617-896-4529>>> "timothybeaulieu" <treehugger@mit.edu> 3/21/2012 1:46 PM >>>
Last night I visited some vernal pools in Needham and caught a large red eared slider swimming around in a more permanent pool. I didn't know what to do with it so I took it home to Somerville and have it in a barrel in my back yard.
Now what do I do?
Does anyone want this thing?
Do I bring it to a market in Chinatown?
Are there any official and/or unofficial guidelines for what to do when you find non-native species in the wild that you know for certain do not belong?
~Tim Beaulieu
[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]
Moritz Kraemer points out Greece will restructure its debt again. There will be down the road, but nobody knows when. At that time Germans will have to come into the boat.
Germans are footing the bill for Greek sins and Greeks aren't doing anything to stem the bleeding. Graecokleptocrats are not conscious of their responsibility for the difficult situation in Greece. It is a winking game. Graecokleptocrats pretend like they want to reform, and Eurokleptocrats act like they believed them. But now this arrangement has reached its elasticity point.
Greeks, adding insult to injury, continue to play the victim and to look abroad for something to blame their own malaise on. Graecokleptocrats have been particularly focused on the Germans. Instead of reaping thanks for all the transfers of German taxpayer money, Germans are now forced to put up with a tongue-lashing.
Bundespresident Joachim Gauck, Bundestag, Bundesrat, Bundesbank, and Karlsruhe resent squandering German taxpayers' hard-earned money for bankrupt Graecokleptocrats. Especially, Vice-Chancellor Philipp Roesler and Foreign Minister Guido Westerwelle are smart libertarians, and they cannot be hoodwinked by Graecokleptocrats.
Poul Thomsen notes while Greece has made an aggressive fiscal adjustment, it will take at least a decade to fully complete the country's reforms. Thomsen says that after the Greek elections in May, there is no doubt Greece will have to reduce its fiscal deficit. It's not clear when Greece will be able to return to markets.
Thomsen notes that while Greece's fiscal adjustment has been unprecedented, very impressive, and undoubtedly socially very painful, a major adjustment is still needed, of seven percent of gross domestic product.
Dumping euros on Greece is ridiculous. It's unfair to squander hard-earned German euros, and it's unfair for Greeks to be addicted to German handouts. Nobody wins in dumping, which increases sinecures, laziness, profligacy, diseconomy, political corruption, and bad attitude.
Kraemer points out more and more official creditors have been jumping the queue and becoming preferred creditors, which means in the case of a restructuring they do not participate. For the regular bond holders, the risk increases significantly. That means that the investor will demand a higher interest rate from Greece and that makes it harder for Greece and other PIGS to establish a sustainable debt trajectory going forward.
Kraemer notes that while making adjustments in a monetary union is more difficult, it's not an impossible task if the political preconditions and flexibility are there.
Eurokleptocrats are losing touch with reality. Greece is broke, and yet Brussels sends Graecokleptocrats billions in new loans. This is understandable, given that abandoning portions of their claims against Greece would translate into substantial losses. But cutting losses short is the golden rule of markets.
Joerg Asmussen points out that without a regime change in policy implementation and a much broader political consensus in favor of painful but necessary reforms, there is a high risk that the program derails. Political courage is needed more than ever.
Christine Lagarde of IMF has made it absolutely clear she does not trust Graecokleptocrats, because they never apply what they vote in the Grand Brothel on Syntagma Square! All Europeans condemn Graecokleptocrats for creating hundred state agencies and hiring many thousands of public employees, even though they promised Troika to close down all agencies and fire many public employees. Some executives at state enterprises have annual salaries of 300,000 euros! Greeks wonder why the bank accounts of rich ministers have not been opened and why major tax evaders have not been arrested.
Olli Rehn says challenges remain as Greece seeks to cut its debt to around 116 percent of gross domestic product in 2020 from more than 160 percent of GDP last year.
Smart words are more effective than smart bombs! Mighty words of a charismatic keynote speaker can transform your people to a new dimension of organizational climate, efficiency, self-actualization, enthusiasm, belonging, and motivation. I would like very much to speak at your conference in order to explain critical points much further. Basil Venitis, venitis@gmail.com
Vice-Chancellor Philipp Roesler warns Graecokleptocrats have a choice, reforms within eurozone or no reforms and expulsion. There is no third way. Shape up or ship out, pure and simple! The Greek government must stop violating the Lisbon Treaty. Graecokleptocrats are ungrateful to Germans, and at some point German patience will end. Germans are near the limit of elasticity.
Schaeuble asserts Fourth Reich needs a process that deals with sovereign insolvencies, while solidarity in the bloc has its limits. There's been a fundamental shift in how markets view sovereign debt, and preventing contagion is a tremendous challenge. Now is the time for bold steps in Fourth Reich. Now is the time to expel those member countries which violate the Lisbon Treaty.
[BMp] error message "bad value encountered"
Hello everyone,
I'm a student trying to use Biomapper for my Master Thesis, but I can't seem to get past this error message when I do the Automatic Analysis: "Bad value encountered while computing distribution". It's generated when the software tries to compute the HS values, because if I run a simple ENFA analysis, I get my scores without any error message.
Has anyone had this problem before? I've spent days trying to figure this out without any luck.
Thanks in advance!
Best regards,
Biomapper FAQ: http://www.unil.ch/faq.html
Wiki-Biomapper: http://biomapper.wikispaces.com/
If you found this message useful, please consider copying it to the Wiki-Biomapper
Wednesday, March 28, 2012
The recent financial crisis confirms that anarchy is much better than democracy. Only kleptocrats and looters do better in democracy. Wars, terror, massacres, and misery are instigated by governments, not people. Anarchy is an ideal limit; the closer a system is to anarchy, the better it is. We should all strive for anarchy now. http://venitism.blogspot.com
Venitis Law of Democracy: Every democracy is eventually hijacked by rabblerousers, pullpeddlers, clans of kleptocrats, bumptious bugaboos, busybodies, butterbabies, nabobs of nepotism, cranks of cronyism, pusillanimous pussyfooters, riffraffs of rascals, socialist sophists, and Machiavellian mafiosi. Democracy tends to kleptocracy. Anarchy should replace democracy.
Henry David Thoreau (1817–1862) was an important early influence in individualist anarchist thought in the United States and Europe. Thoreau was an American author, poet, naturalist, and tax resister. Celebrated economist Murray Rothbard (1926 – 1995) constructed the theory of individualist anarchism and proved it's the best possible political system on Earth.
Greece, the cradle of democracy, has become the cradle of kleptocracy. Since democracy has deteriorated to kleptocracy, especially in Greece, citizens now consider anarchy. Murray Rothbard defines the state as that institution which possesses one of the following properties: it acquires its income by the physical coercion known as taxation; and it asserts and usually obtains a coerced monopoly of the provision of defense service over a given territorial area.
Anarchist society is one where there is no legal possibility for coercive aggression against the person or property of an individual. Anarchists oppose the state because it has its very being in such aggression, namely, the expropriation of private property through taxation, the coercive exclusion of other providers of defense service from its territory, and all of the other depredations and coercions that are built upon these twin foci of invasions of individual rights.
The state, by its use of physical coercion, has arrogated to itself a compulsory monopoly of defense services over its territorial jurisdiction. But it is certainly conceptually possible for such services to be supplied by private, non-state institutions, and indeed such services have historically been supplied by other organizations than the state.
A sensitive issue cannot be fully explained in a post, but only in a speech, in that magic eyeball to eyeball contact, baring my soul, and declaring truths that cause shock and awe. That's why I look forward to the invitation of your organization to speak at your conference. Basil Venitis, venitis@gmail.com
Rothbard notes that to be opposed to the state is not necessarily to be opposed to services that have often been linked with it; to be opposed to the state does not necessarily imply that we must be opposed to police protection, courts, arbitration, the minting of money, postal service, or roads and highways. Some anarchists have indeed been opposed to police and to all physical coercion in defense of person and property, but this is not inherent in and is fundamentally irrelevant to the anarchist position, which is precisely marked by opposition to all physical coercion invasive of, or aggressing against, person and property.
[ASGG] WANTED: Working Refrigerator
A friend is in dire need of a full sized working refrigerator as soon as possible!
Please let me know if you know of one out there!
Laura Lea
East Winter Park
OFFER: item plus general location (OFFERs must include location)
TAKEN: item. (TAKEN plus ppu [Pending Pick Up] is okay.)
WANTED: item
GO GREEN: Household tips, eco/evironment-related events, etc. (check with moderators before sending).
Contact the group moderators: AltamonteSpringsGoesGreen-owner@yahoogroups.com