It's been a weird spring here in the NE. No rain to speak of and farmers are having to irrigate in APRIL!! Still really chilly at night (40's and 30's). I have gotten some fruit trees planted hosui and kosui pear, two kinds of apples, peach, and lots of berry bushes. I planted elderberry this year and hope to make syrup for cold and flu season.
I recently made a batch of dandelion syrup. It's good for high bp, and is filled with c and other vitamins. Just make sure not to take them from near the road because of exhaust. I also have been making a nice salad with the greens with balsamic vinegar. I am hoping to learn more about wild edibles. Looking at some May apples in my pasture to make jam in the late summer. Only the fruits are edible.
Must run, but looking forward to hearing what all of you are doing. Pam
Monday, April 30, 2012
[Homesteadingfamily] What is everyone planting?
Re: [Homesteadingfamily] Where did everyone go?
I'm here in Tennssee. Been very busy trying to get ready to move.
Sister In Christ,
Karen Green
A soft word turneth away wrath. Proverbs 4:13
Turn your life over to God and buckle up. Pray as if everything depends on
God, act as if everything depends on you.
--- On Sun, 4/29/12, Angelia Rictor <> wrote:
From: Angelia Rictor <>
Subject: Re: [Homesteadingfamily] Where did everyone go?
Date: Sunday, April 29, 2012, 11:58 PM
I think everyone ran away, or is busy getting things planted an into the
I'm getting some container's planted and ready for the summer. Moved my
mom to her new house and have promised to never move her again. HAHA I
thought "I" had alot of crap!
I am feeling better, yet dealing with other health issues on top of health
issues. Got my dog to come home to live with us (thanks to a dr's note!!!)
and I've felt safe enough to go for daily walks!!! At least a mile and a
half 5 days a week, shorter walks on the off days. We have a great water
front path here that runs along the river~
Hubby is working locally and well. Got his new pickup running and it
ROCKS! Old pickup still runs, but will be used less because it needs
Hope all is well in your part of the state~
On Sun, Apr 29, 2012 at 9:01 PM, Danny R <> wrote:
> It looks like you and me kid. Are you feeling better?
> I hope May is a good month.
> Regards, Ninja
> ------------------------------------
> Yahoo! Groups Links
[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]
[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]
Sunday, April 29, 2012
Re: [Homesteadingfamily] Where did everyone go?
I think everyone ran away, or is busy getting things planted an into the
I'm getting some container's planted and ready for the summer. Moved my
mom to her new house and have promised to never move her again. HAHA I
thought "I" had alot of crap!
I am feeling better, yet dealing with other health issues on top of health
issues. Got my dog to come home to live with us (thanks to a dr's note!!!)
and I've felt safe enough to go for daily walks!!! At least a mile and a
half 5 days a week, shorter walks on the off days. We have a great water
front path here that runs along the river~
Hubby is working locally and well. Got his new pickup running and it
ROCKS! Old pickup still runs, but will be used less because it needs
Hope all is well in your part of the state~
On Sun, Apr 29, 2012 at 9:01 PM, Danny R <> wrote:
> It looks like you and me kid. Are you feeling better?
> I hope May is a good month.
> Regards, Ninja
> ------------------------------------
> Yahoo! Groups Links
[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]
[Homesteadingfamily] Where did everyone go?
It looks like you and me kid. Are you feeling better?
I hope May is a good month.
Regards, Ninja
[ASGG] TAKEN PPU: Toilet near Altamonte Mall
Unbelievable number of replies! Wow....
OFFER: item plus general location (OFFERs must include location)
TAKEN: item. (TAKEN plus ppu [Pending Pick Up] is okay.)
WANTED: item
GO GREEN: Household tips, eco/evironment-related events, etc. (check with moderators before sending).
Contact the group moderators:
[ASGG] OFFER: New toilet near Altamonte Mall
Contractor installed the wrong one, and it's not returnable! Two-piece, elongated/oval, with all parts including seat. Perfect shape, used two weeks while waiting for the correct one to be shipped, cleaned very carefully!
OFFER: item plus general location (OFFERs must include location)
TAKEN: item. (TAKEN plus ppu [Pending Pick Up] is okay.)
WANTED: item
GO GREEN: Household tips, eco/evironment-related events, etc. (check with moderators before sending).
Contact the group moderators:
Fourth Reich does not respect nullification. Nullification is the right of a member country of a federation to nullify any federal law which that state has deemed unconstitutional. Because the sovereign countries formed the federation, they hold the final authority regarding the limits of the power of the federal government. The member countries and not the Federal Bench are the ultimate interpreters of the extent of the federal government's power. Nullification grants the right to secession, by which a country terminates its political affiliation with the federation. Fourth Reich violates nullification on a consistent basis.
Barroso thinks nullification is a joke. Nullification declares that member countries of a federation must judge the constitutionality of the acts of their agent, the federal government, since no impartial arbiter between them exists. When the federal government exercises a particularly dangerous power not delegated to it, the countries must refuse to allow its enforcement within their borders. Nullification defies the unexamined premise of the entire political spectrum, according to which society must be organized with a single, irresistible power center issuing infallible commands from the top.
Hey! I wish to deliver the keynote speech at your conference. My speeches leave the audience thinking something new or resolved to act, stir the emotions as well as appealing to reason, and show a sense of occasion. I get away with elevated language because my liberty cause is a noble one. I practice a colorful rhetoric enriched with alliterations, metaphors, heightened imagery, emotional effect, and sound bites. Basil Venitis,
There are both costs and benefits of Fourth Reich membership, even though it becomes fashionable and politically correct in Fourth Reich to talk about benefits only.
Benefits of the Fourth Reich membership:
• Becoming a part of a prestigious club of developed countries is supposed to improve the image of the country and to attract foreign investors.
• A territorially bigger market, without protectionistic barriers among countries.
• Certain fiscal transfers, on condition the country is below Fourth Reich average in GDP per capita, do exist but net fiscal gains are not large and macroeconomically practically irrelevant.
• The obligatory implementation of the European legislation is a benefit on condition the country itself has less liberal legislation and is generally less organized.
• Kleptocrats love it, because it drastically increases the flow of kickbacks!
Costs of the Fourth Reich membership:
• Every country has to participate in the cofinancing of this large, expensive, highly bureaucratic organization.
• There are non-negligible domestic costs as a result of the membership, such as bureaucratic paper work and all kinds of similar requirements, the need to organize endless conferences, meetings, trips abroad, to finance the artificially created Fourth Reich jobs.
• The imposition of a very heavy and, therefore, economic activity undermining legislation based on excessive regulation, controlling, harmonization, standardization, subsidization.
• The implementation of an overgenerous and therefore demotivating European welfare system.
• Huge kleptocracy.
• Cancer of socialism.
• Squandering taxpayers' hard-earned money on propaganda, foreign aid, junkets, gifts, and stupid projects.
• Problems of PIGS.
• The country becomes a colony of Germany!
• The imposition of Value Added Tax.
• Violation of nullification.
The net effect of the membership is negative. The very sluggish economic growth after half a century of the deepening of the integration process and of more and more Fourth Reich does not suggest that the opposite could be the case. As a result of all this, Fourth Reich will not be a locomotive of the world economic recovery and growth.
Hail! A sensitive issue cannot be fully explained in a post, but only in a speech, in that magic eyeball to eyeball contact, baring my soul, and declaring truths that cause shock and awe. That's why I look forward to the invitation of your organization to speak at your conference. Basil Venitis,
We have to secede now from Fourth Reich, because we might not be able to do it later. Do not forget what happened to CSA. The Confederate States of America (CSA), 1861-1865, was a confederation of eleven Southern states that had declared their secession from USA. But USA rejected this justified secession as illegal, and used military action to defeat CSA.
VAT is a very good reason to secede from Fourth Reich(EU) now. Vatstruck Fourthreichians are looking for a Moses to liberate them from the yoke of Brussels. They have to do it now, before a new imposed treaty between Eurokleptocrats tie their hands forever. Californians and Texans want to secede from USA, but Uncle Sam does not allow it. The same thing might happen with Britons and Greeks. Infinite infinitesimal amendments to treaties might accumulate over time, leading to huge changes of original intent, enslaving all Fourthreichians to Brussels forever!
Greenland was the first country to secede from Fourth Reich. The Lisbon Treaty introduces a secession clause. A slave State may notify the Fourthreichian Council that it wishes to secede, upon which secession negotiations begin; if no other agreement is reached, the hateful Lisbon Treaty ceases to apply to the seceding State two years after such notification.
Wow! Smart words are more effective than smart bombs! Mighty words of a charismatic keynote speaker can transform your people to a new dimension of organizational climate, efficiency, self-actualization, enthusiasm, belonging, and motivation. I would like very much to speak at your conference in order to explain critical points much further. Basil Venitis,
Friday, April 27, 2012
Reporters Without Borders is appalled by the threats received by dissident blogger Dina Meza of Honduras, the latest in a long list of acts of intimidation against journalists and bloggers in recent months. The targets have included two other women bloggers after they organized a protest in defence of free expression outside the presidential palace last December that was dispersed violently.
Stupidities, such as SOPA, PIPA, CISPA, and ACTA, encourage freakish governments, such as the brutal governments of Honduras and Greece. On October 18, 2010, the Greek government stole my computer and my life at gunpoint. Mr. Papademos, bring my computer back! Enough is enough! Needless to say, I also demand my life back. Greece, the bully of blogosphere, has crossed the Rubicon against civility, terrorizing and robbing dissident bloggers.
Giving SOPA, PIPA, CISPA, and ACTA to blogbusters is giving gin to alcoholics! Blogbusters galore! Freak! Freak! Freak! The freakish government of Greece, the most corrupt country in Occident, steals computers! Robbing dissident bloggers and locking them in jail is a freakish behavior that does not belong to the European Union, not even to this galaxy! No wonder some vain Greeks boast they come from Andromeda galaxy!
Hey! I wish to deliver the keynote speech at your conference. My speeches leave the audience thinking something new or resolved to act, stir the emotions as well as appealing to reason, and show a sense of occasion. I get away with elevated language because my liberty cause is a noble one. I practice a colorful rhetoric enriched with alliterations, metaphors, heightened imagery, emotional effect, and sound bites. Basil Venitis,
"We firmly condemn the repeated threats to Meza and other journalists and human rights defenders in Honduras and we urge the authorities to take whatever measures are necessary to deal with this situation, which limits freedom of expression and obstructs human rights work," Reporters Without Borders said.
Hillary Clinton notes many incidents worldwide remind us of the
stakes in this struggle. And the struggle does not belong only to those on the
front lines and who are suffering. It belongs to all of us: first, because we
all have a responsibility to support human rights and fundamental freedoms
everywhere. Second, because the benefits of the network grow as the number of
users grow. The internet is not exhaustible or competitive.
Hail! A sensitive issue cannot be fully explained in a post, but only in a speech, in that magic eyeball to eyeball contact, baring my soul, and declaring truths that cause shock and awe. That's why I look forward to the invitation of your organization to speak at your conference. Basil Venitis,
Meza is a member of the Committee of Families of Detainees and Disappeared in Honduras (COFADEH) and works with the Defensores en Línea blog. As a journalist, she often covers land conflicts in the Bajo Aguán region. She has reported being the target of repeated threats and acts of intimidation since February.
My use of the internet doesn't diminish yours. On the contrary, the more people
that are online and contributing ideas, the more valuable the entire network
becomes to all the other users. In this way, all users, through the billions of
individual choices we make about what information to seek or share, fuel
innovation, enliven public debates, quench a thirst for knowledge, and connect
people in ways that distance and cost made impossible just a generation ago.
On 22 February, Meza received two SMS messages signed "Commando Alvarez Martinez" (CAM), a pseudonym often used for sending threats to human rights activists and journalists after the 2009 coup d'état. One said: "We are going to burn your `pipa' (vagina) with caustic lime until you scream and then the whole squad will have fun. CAM." And the other said: "You'll end up dead like the Aguán people, there's nothing better than screwing whores."
Hillary Clinton says that when ideas are blocked, information deleted,
conversations stifled, and people constrained in their choices, the internet is
diminished for all of us. What we do today to preserve fundamental freedoms
online will have a profound effect on the next generation of users. More than
two billion people are now connected to the internet, but in the next 20 years,
that number will more than double. And we are quickly approaching the day when
more than a billion people are using the internet in repressive countries. The
pledges we make and the actions we take today can help us determine whether that
number grows or shrinks, or whether the meaning of being on the internet is
totally distorted.
While near her home with her son on 6 April, Meza saw two men taking photos of them. She reported receiving three calls on her mobile phone at different times of the day on 14 April from someone who said nothing. When she finally called back, a man calling himself Miguel answered and, at the end of the call, said: "Look after your pipa."
Wow! Smart words are more effective than smart bombs! Mighty words of a charismatic keynote speaker can transform your people to a new dimension of organizational climate, efficiency, self-actualization, enthusiasm, belonging, and motivation. I would like very much to speak at your conference in order to explain critical points much further. Basil Venitis,
[vernalpool] ecosystem research at vernal pools
Hi all,
I just joined the group and have quite enjoyed reading your emails posted since January. I'm out in the Toledo Ohio area and our timing is definitely different from MA! One message noted gray tree frogs calling in the second week of March; I heard my first one here last week.
I'm also just amazed at all the salamanders you have! Okay, I'm a bit jealous too. We don't have anything like the big crossing nights so many of you mentioned. How I would love to see that some time! We do have lots of salamanders here, but 99%+ of the mole salamanders are hybrids between Jefferson, small mouth, blue spotted with occassional tiger thrown in. Duploids, tetraploids etc. Lots of lead backs and red backs here at some pools.
I've been running a vernal pool survey here in our metroparks for 9 years now lookng at many pools in different habitats. The pool and it's occupants are the main focus every 2 weeks, but we also pay attention to the nearby ecosystem since whatever is near the pool (we go with 30' from the water's edge) can directly impact the pool. For example, the Oak Openings Region has predominantly oaks and we have found very few aquatic worms in those pools. I suspect that tannins must aggravate worm skin in some way. Outside of the Oak Openings we can have 50-100 aquatic worms in each collecting bucket.
So some questions:
- Do any of you do ecosystem research in and around a vernal pool over the 4-6 month season of the pool?
- Are any of you in the general area of Toledo, Oh?
- Does anyone know of any general vernal pool conferences being held on the east coast or midwest this year? I've looked on line with no success.
- Would this forum be a good one to ask about some pond critters that I still can't identify?
Re: the last, I have Leo's book, Merritt's, the new Ohio Environmental Council's book (recommended), several good biology and vernal pool texts, have contacts with OSU biologists and others, and am on the Ohio vernal pool listsrv but my volunteers (52 this year!) keep finding things I can't identify! For example - egg masses that are not frog or salamander related. Has anyone ever seen a book on insect egg masses?
One thing I've loved about teaching vernal pools is the number of volunteers over the years who have told me I've "corrupted" them. Whenever they pass a vernal pool they stop to see what's in it - somewhat to the annoyance of the parents and spouses with them! I take that as a compliment.
Wednesday, April 25, 2012
Nobody will keep election promises to Greeks. Nobody will listen to the concerns of all Greeks. Nobody cares! If nobody is elected to the Grand Brothel on Syntagma Square, things will be much better for all Greeks! If Greeks vote for somebody, then they deserve what they get. Nobody is myriad times better than somebody. All Global Tax Revolt members will not vote in the Greek elections of May 6. P.J.O'Rourke says don't vote, it just encourages the bastards.
The ruling kleptocratic alliance of Pasok and Nea Democratia mafias leads hoi polloi, who run amuck in the streets, to the cliff. Greeks prefer dictatorship to kleptocracy. Greeks prefer George Papadopoulos and Stylianos Pattakos to Antonis Samaras and Evangelos Venizelos. Hurling yogurt at Graecokleptocrats is the latest sport in Greece!
Graecokleptocrats do not want to open the parliamentary candidates list and allow people to apply to become an MP. They do not want to open up the talent that is available for Parliament. If you believe in public service, if you want to help your party clean up politics, if you share your party's values, you cannot become a candidate in a Greek political party, unless you are a part of the mafia of that party.
Graecokleptocrats do not want to see any kind of primaries. I advocate open primaries, where everyone in a constituency can vote for the next candidate. Many countries have open primaries for many of their candidates for forthcoming elections and they are really successful. Opening up the hall and saying to anyone in the constituency – whichever party they belong to – come along and vote for the next candidate has worked fantastically well in many countries.
Hey! I wish to deliver the keynote speech at your conference. My speeches leave the audience thinking something new or resolved to act, stir the emotions as well as appealing to reason, and show a sense of occasion. I get away with elevated language because my liberty cause is a noble one. I practice a colorful rhetoric enriched with alliterations, metaphors, heightened imagery, emotional effect, and sound bites. Basil Venitis,
Retired pharmacist Dimitris Christoulas' suicide on April 4, 2012 triggered the start of the Greek Spring. Similarly, the suicide of a Tunisian vegetable seller who set himself on fire in December 2010 triggered the start of the Arab Spring. Christoulas was a quiet and gentle man, but shaken by the pain that Graecokleptocracy had inflicted on his fellow citizens.
Graecokleptocrats are frequently booed, mutzaed, and yogurted by the indignant crowds calling them traitors! Some students parade sending a moutza to Graecokleptocrats! Moutza is the most traditional gesture of insult among Greeks which consists of extending all fingers of one hand and presenting the palm towards the insulted person in a forward motion.
In Greece, there are no real political parties, but political mafias! There are no political leaders, but political godfathers. Any MP who does not kowtow to the godfather automatically is expelled from the mafia. The two main political mafias, Pasok and Nea Democratia, have destroyed Greece and debased the Greek soul. Samaras, godfather of Nea Democratia, is expected to be the next premier of Greece.
Hail! A sensitive issue cannot be fully explained in a post, but only in a speech, in that magic eyeball to eyeball contact, baring my soul, and declaring truths that cause shock and awe. That's why I look forward to the invitation of your organization to speak at your conference. Basil Venitis,
Greeks accumulate yogurt in order to hurl it at all Graecokleptocrats they could find, especially Venizelos, who introduced the stupidest law on Earth which states ministers of the Greek government are immune to prosecution! As a result of this infamous law, Graecokleptocrats cannot be prosecuted, even though Graecokleptocrats get myriad bribes. This socialist bulldog has transformed hoi polloi to slumdogs!
Nobody is the most popular politician of Greece. Nea Democratia mafia is set to win the elections but not outright, risking yet more political paralysis while parties argue over forming a coalition, or a repeat election when they fail. All this will make the political scene unstable for months to come and tough reforms even harder to implement.
Yogurted Graecokleptocrats galore! Graecokleptocrats are scared to walk in public, because Greeks hurl yogurt at them. If you are Greek, do not leave home without yogurt, because you could have the enormous pleasure of hurling yogurt at a Graecokleptocrat you might meet that day. This is the best way to release the elastic energy of discontent accumulated inside you. Tomatoes, eggs, coffee, bottles, leftovers, garbage, and stones could also do the job.
Phooey you Graecokleptocrats! You are the socialist robber barons that stole my computer, my files, and my life, but you couldn't steal my soul. Pooh on you yogurted shitscum of planet Earth! You thought you could shut me up, but blogosphere declared a war on you. You thought you could bend my spirit of freedom, but millions of free spirits are now against you. I demand my life back!
Barroso is gullible enough to believe Graecokleptocrats, the yogurted shitscum of planet Earth! Greece, the bete noire of Fourth Reich, is Barroso's favorite Pinocchio. But Greece is anathema to civil society. Greece, the bully of blogosphere, has crossed the Rubicon against civility, terrorizing and robbing dissident bloggers.
Wow! Smart words are more effective than smart bombs! Mighty words of a charismatic keynote speaker can transform your people to a new dimension of organizational climate, efficiency, self-actualization, enthusiasm, belonging, and motivation. I would like very much to speak at your conference in order to explain critical points much further. Basil Venitis,
Tuesday, April 24, 2012
[ASGG] WANTED: Rabbit Hutch or adaptable Box / Cabinet ?
OFFER: item plus general location (OFFERs must include location)
TAKEN: item. (TAKEN plus ppu [Pending Pick Up] is okay.)
WANTED: item
GO GREEN: Household tips, eco/evironment-related events, etc. (check with moderators before sending).
Contact the group moderators:
George Provopoulos, President of the Bank of Greece, urges strict adherence to reform and fiscal adjustment commitments Graecokleptocrats have agreed with Eurokleptocrats. Michael Spencer, CEO of ICAP, says: Personally, I think it would be in Greece's own interest to leave the euro. It's my personal opinion, and I appreciate there are those who disagree with that, but I think they face a long, long recession if they remain within the euro, whereas if they leave the euro there would admittedly be a very painful adjustment, but it would be short and it would be sharp.
Provopoulos warns that if following the election doubts emerge about the new government and society's will to implement the program, the current favorable prospects will reverse. Greece's current account gap would shrink to 7.5 percent of gross domestic product (GDP) this year from 9.8 percent in 2011. The expected drop in unit labor costs in 2012-13, coupled with the projected price trends will lead to a marked improvement in competitiveness, contributing to a rise in exports and import substitution.
Hey! I wish to deliver the keynote speech at your conference. My speeches leave the audience thinking something new or resolved to act, stir the emotions as well as appealing to reason, and show a sense of occasion. I get away with elevated language because my liberty cause is a noble one. I practice a colorful rhetoric enriched with alliterations, metaphors, heightened imagery, emotional effect, and sound bites. Basil Venitis,
Greek debt differs from that of other nations, because it's not due to spending, but robbing! Graecokleptocrats got huge kickbacks from overpriced purchases of public equipment and contracts and by churning the state insurance funds. If this is not robbing, what is it? When politicians of other nations were trying to do things for their citizens, Graecokleptocrats were trying to fatten their secret offshore accounts, protected by parliamentary immunity. Graecokleptocrats rob Peter not to give Paul, but to themselves!
That's why the Greek workers are on strike. They resent paying the huge Greek debt created by Graecokleptocrats. It's not fair to tax and reduce the salaries and benefits of workers to make up for the money stolen by Graecokleptocrats. The fairest action would be for Graecokleptocrats to return the stolen money back to the Greek treasury. Many Graecokleptocrats live like princes of Saudi Arabia! Enough is enough, bring the money back!
Hail! A sensitive issue cannot be fully explained in a post, but only in a speech, in that magic eyeball to eyeball contact, baring my soul, and declaring truths that cause shock and awe. That's why I look forward to the invitation of your organization to speak at your conference. Basil Venitis,
Greece is set to pick a new government on May 6, with the two main parties in the current coalition seen barely securing a majority in parliament. Eurokleptocrats are losing touch with reality. Greece is broke, and yet Brussels sends Graecokleptocrats billions in new loans. This is understandable, given that abandoning portions of their claims against Greece would translate into substantial losses. But cutting losses short is the golden rule of markets.
Consumer inflation is seen slowing to 1.2 percent this year and may fall below 0.5 percent in 2013. Weak domestic demand combined with downward wage pressures have shrunk the country's inflation differential with other euro zone states.
Provopoulos estimates that by the end of this year the economy will have regained up to three quarters of competitiveness lost during 2001-09. Greece joined the euro in 2001 and enjoyed a consumption boom on lower borrowing costs.
Graecokleptocrats' program is already hopelessly behind schedule, in terms of both the sale of government property and the agreed reforms. Graecokleptocrats do many stupid things, such as persecuting dissident bloggers! It's like dealing with children that constantly have to be told to clean up their rooms. Troika is very angry. Everyone is irritated over the lack of progress and unbelievable stupidity of Graecokleptocrats.
Provopoulos points out the fiscal shortfall had come down markedly but remains high. Last year Greece shrank its budget gap by 1.2 percentage points to 9.1 percent of GDP and aims for a 6.7 percent deficit this year.
Christine Lagarde of IMF has made it absolutely clear she does not trust Graecokleptocrats, because they never apply what they vote in the Grand Brothel of Democracy on Syntagma Square! All Europeans condemn Graecokleptocrats for creating hundred state agencies and hiring many thousands of public employees, even though they promised Troika to close down all agencies and fire many public employees. Some executives at state enterprises have annual salaries of 300,000 euros! Greeks wonder why the bank accounts of rich ministers have not been opened and why major tax evaders have not been arrested.
Provopoulos laments private sector bank deposits have declined by more than one third of the country's GDP. The drastic austerity programs will not only remain ineffective, but will also stigmatize Greece as Europe's problem child for a long time to come. Solidarity is not a one-way street. The European Community must remain tough and demand the necessary structural reforms, especially drastically reducing the huge political corruption, abolishing the impunity of Graecokleptocrats, and stopping the persecution of dissident bloggers.
Dumping euros on Greece is ridiculous. It's unfair to squander hard-earned German euros, and it's unfair for Greeks to be addicted to German handouts. Nobody wins in dumping, which increases sinecures, laziness, profligacy, diseconomy, political corruption, and bad attitude.
It is high time to bring an end to the Greek tragicomedy. Graecokleptocrats continue to negotiate as if things are business as usual, they let one final ultimatum after the other pass, and they persistently fail to realize that their discussions have started to verge on the absurd. It would be a lot better to end this farce. The Greek economy is shrinking faster than assumed. Rescuers on both sides of the negotiating table should try being honest for a change. If Graecokleptocrats are to lastingly reduce the mountain of debt, Greece needs to revamp now.
Wow! Smart words are more effective than smart bombs! Mighty words of a charismatic keynote speaker can transform your people to a new dimension of organizational climate, efficiency, self-actualization, enthusiasm, belonging, and motivation. I would like very much to speak at your conference in order to explain critical points much further. Basil Venitis,
Partyfare is a new political disease. Partyfare allows political parties to rob the State Treasury and banks by a simple vote in the parliament! The cost of Greek politics is the highest in Fourth Reich. Recently, a thirty-million-euro injection was granted again by the Grand Brothel of Democracy on Syntagma Square to its hookers! Political parties in Greece are the highest funded in Europe as a proportion of tax revenue, ten times more than in Germany. The Greek political parties receive fifteen euros per vote in State funding, the highest in Europe.
The cost of politics in Greece is a scandal. It's very freakish for hookers to vote for themselves myriad euros all time! Political parties are supposed to serve their citizens and not pump money out of them. Pasok and Nea Democratia are responsible for all structural problems of Greece, leeches that have been sucking out billions of taxpayers' money. This is armed robbery, pure and simple.
Whereas many EU countries are currently reviewing the funding system of political parties to respond to the crisis, Graecokleptocrats are not setting a good example. In the context of the reforms Greece has to undertake to receive a new aid package, this kind of payment is a slap in the face of the Greek citizens and the European partners. It is not acceptable for the European tax payer to effectively pay for the enrichment of Graecokleptocrats. Eurozone should not continue with another Greek bailout package since Graecokleptocrats continue robbing the Greek Treasury. Partyfare undervalues the intelligence of European taxpayers.
[vernalpool] NOTICE: Threat to MA rare species protection
Dear Vernal Pool ListServe Readers,
The rare wildlife of Massachusetts is facing a very serious threat.
Currently the bill SB-1854, designed to essentially kill the Mass.
Endangered Species Act (MESA) and the Natural Heritage/Endangered
Species Program, is now in committee. You can help protect our natural
heritage by doing the following:
1.Go to this video <> on You
Tube so you can understand where this is coming from.There are actually
three videos and a website:
2.Educate yourself on the issue from other perspectives.As you review
the following links, bear in mind a jurisdictional "take" under MESA is
when the NHESP determines that a project will likely result in adverse
impact to the habitat of a state-listed rare species.No adverse impact
is when the NHESP determines that the project as designed (or revised
design) is unlikely to have an adverse impact on the population of rare
For FY10 (July 1, 2009 - June 30, 2010), NHESP reviewed a total of 2,028
projects, 1,205 under the MESA, 823 under the MA Wetlands Protection
Act. As the following breakdown shows, the vast majority of projects
reviewed by the NHESP result in a finding of no impact to rare species
(the No Take/No Adverse categories). The review process leads to a
dismissal of the project because the proposed work is too minor to
affect the habitat or a project modification that results in avoidance
of rare species impact. A very small percentage of projects cannot be
modified to avoid impacts, and go through a Conservation Permitting
process that typically results in a project being completed with
measures that result in a net conservation benefit to populations of the
species being impacted.
In summary, for FY10 we broke up the numbers by MESA filings and
Wetlands Protection Act (WPA) filings.
MESA: (n=1205)
No Take - 75.7%
Conditioned to avoid a Take - 19.4%
Take (Change to project and permit) - 4.9%
WPA: (n=823)
No Adverse - 91.4%
Conditioned to avoid an adverse affect - 7.8%
Adverse affect - 0.9%
3. Now that you know something about the issues, comment or dislike
(Vote thumbs down) each video as you see fit.
4. If you are a Massachusetts resident, contact your state senator and
reps <> to tell them
what you think about SB 1854
5. Also be sure to contact Sen Pacheco
<> and
Rep Gobi <> of the
Committee on Agriculture and the Environment and SB 1854
<> is
currently in this committee.
6. Send the same message to Governor Patrick
<>. (Scroll
down on the linked page for the email section.)
7. Spread the word to others.
Thank you for your consideration.
-Scott Smyers
[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]