Saturday, June 30, 2012
Re: [vernalpool] Leeches on dragonfly larvae and beetle
On Fri, Jun 29, 2012 at 4:11 PM, atoz04 <>wrote:
> **
> Hi all,
> Two weeks ago was our yearly night monitoring at a vernal pool and we
> found something very unexpected. First, there were many more leeches active
> than normal. Second, we found four leeches "hitch-hiking" on dragonfly
> larvae and a predaceous diving beetle. The latter initally just had one
> leech on it, but in the next half hour a second one latched on.
> I've uploaded pictures of this to the photos section with the same title
> as this message subject. The pictures could be better, but this was flash
> photography at night.
> I'm at a loss to explain this. A local naturalist showed the pictures
> during a state-wide Odonata conference and there was deep silence from all
> the participants - none of them had ever seen this before.
> It's a very large vernal pool and even with the drought there is still 2-3
> feet of water in the pool, so it's not a case of the leeches wanting to
> find another pool.
> I've been running a 5-8 month vernal pool survey for 9 years and i've
> never seen this before. Have any of you? Ever heard of it before? Any help
> or comments would be most welcome!
> Eileen
[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]
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Free speech, media, and information flows increasingly ignore and elude physical frontiers or national boundaries. Many governments fearful of this lack of control, are trying hard to restore or fortify barriers to trace, block, target, and censor those who champion the truth. The First Amendment of the American constitution protects speech even when the subject or manner of expression is uncomfortable and challenges conventional religious beliefs, political attitudes, or standards of good taste.
The Netherlands lead the way to net-neutrality, whereas Honduras and Greece lag far behind. Rosenthal's Netherlands and Graecohonduran Neanderthals! A major benefit of net neutrality is that it allows society to blow off steam. Broadcasting of ideas releases pressures which otherwise might become destructive. Free speech also allows the government to gather information about public concerns.
Reporters Without Borders points out three years have passed since President Manuel Zelaya's ouster in a coup d'etat on 28 June 2009, which not only overturned democratic institutions and an electoral result but also led to a collapse in respect for human rights and fundamental freedoms in a country already known for one of the highest levels of violent crime in the world.
Uri Rosenthal points out that standing up for freedom online is the logical next step to our age-old endeavor for freedom of speech. For centuries, this fundamental freedom has been the driver of democracy. The fight for freedom of speech continues. But in the last decades, it has taken on an extra dimension, that of freedom online. Freedom of speech online is no different from freedom of speech offline. Only now, we are faced with new technological possibilities and challenges.
Reporters Without Borders laments that someone is shot dead every 74 minutes in Honduras. This statistic unfortunately diverts attention from the scale of the permanent political violence, which is compounded by widespread delinquency and organized crime's infiltration of society. An entire region in the northeast, Bajo Aguán, has been militarized since 2010 in order to facilitate a crackdown on peasant communities embroiled in violent land conflicts with big landowners.
Rosenthal notes we are still doing the same, only with different means, and much faster. Protecting freedom online is to safeguard its democratic potential. It is time for governments, companies, ICT experts, the academic community and civil society at large to join efforts. The freakish government of Greece stole my computer!
Reporters Without Borders notes that describing Honduran reality, defending human rights and exercising the right to impart or receive news and information can get you killed nowadays in Honduras. The favourite targets include NGO and union representatives, civil society activists, lawyers, teachers, academics and journalists. More than 70 lawyers have been killed during the past three years, many of them for defending the victims of police and military abuses. Of the 28 journalists killed in the past decade, 23 were killed since the coup.
The freakish governments of Honduras and Greece use charge stacking to persecute dissident bloggers. Charge stacking is the ability to charge a large number of overlapping crimes for a single course of conduct. Combining crimes enables prosecutors to get convictions in cases where there is no misconduct at all. By stacking enough charges, including treason, prosecutors jack up the threat value of a trial against a dissident blogger, even if the government's case is very weak. Charge stacking is terror. Disgusting governments cannot terrorize their people.
Reporters Without Borders says that almost all of these killings have gone unpunished. When human rights defenders are not gunned down, they live on borrowed time, exposed to constant threats and intimidation. The "national reconciliation" advocated by the Cartagena Accord, which led to Honduras's readmission to the Organization of American states in June 2011, is a dead letter. Former President Zelaya's return in May 2011 did not bring the hoped-for peace.
The persecution of Greek dissident bloggers is a worrying example of how freedom on the net is under increasing threat. As more people use cyberspace to communicate, obtain information, express their views, socialize, and conduct commerce, governments are stepping up their efforts to regulate and control it. Tight control on the internet impinges on our freedom of speech, association and assembly. And it means that violations of other human rights are kept away from us.
In October of 2010, an unknown American, member of Crystal Clear Forum, an American Yahoo Group, used as pseudonym the name of Mariliza Xenogiannakopoulou, Alternate Minister of Foreign Affairs of Greece, to post a single message about Turkey. The unknown American did not violate any law because, according to the Supreme Court of USA, anybody can use any pseudonym or pen name. For example, thousands of people use Obama's name as a pseudonym. It's considered an honor, not a forgery.
Only spoofing is forgery. The unknown American would have used spoofing if she used Xenogiannakopoulou's email which is Instead she used which is not Xenogiannakopoulou's email. The unknown American posted on with her pseudonym using a kind of literature called Lyric Essay, which uses emotion and color to enlighten a message.
Some malevolent blogbusters misinformed Xenogiannakopoulou that the culprit was I, Basil Venitis, just because my name was mentioned in the post! As a result of this misinformation, on October 18, 2010, a gang of six brutal cybercops of the violent Greek Cyber Crime Unit (CCU) broke into my home in Athens and into my college office, and stole my computers, software, files, documents, and personal data.
The cybercops locked me in jail for a night, they humiliated me with handcuffs, fingerprints, mug shots, and lies, leaked false information to the media parrots, and the Greek government initiated sham court proceedings for a stack of charges, including forgery and treason! There was neither pillow nor toilet facility in my jail cell. I had to urinate in a bottle! I, a 65 year old with heart problems, was not allowed to keep my hypertension pills with me. There was neither toilet paper nor soap in the whole CCU jail facility.
But that's not the end of the story. My nerves are broken by no accuser showing up during my court trial! The judge always has to postpone the trial for another day and so it goes ad infinitum. Meanwhile, I always have to show up and waste the whole day waiting as there is no definite timing for the hearing, but only a day. I and my lawyer have to be in the courtroom the whole day until the judge calls my name. Then the judge calls the name of the accuser, nobody replies, and the judge postpones the trial for another day. This has happened five times so far! This is a real Greek tragedy! Justice delayed is no justice, justice perpetuated is hell.
Wow! Smart words are more effective than smart bombs! Mighty words of a charismatic keynote speaker can transform your people to a new dimension of organizational climate, efficiency, self-actualization, enthusiasm, belonging, and motivation. I would like very much to speak at your conference in order to explain critical points much further.
Friday, June 29, 2012
[vernalpool] Leeches on dragonfly larvae and beetle
Hi all,
Two weeks ago was our yearly night monitoring at a vernal pool and we found something very unexpected. First, there were many more leeches active than normal. Second, we found four leeches "hitch-hiking" on dragonfly larvae and a predaceous diving beetle. The latter initally just had one leech on it, but in the next half hour a second one latched on.
I've uploaded pictures of this to the photos section with the same title as this message subject. The pictures could be better, but this was flash photography at night.
I'm at a loss to explain this. A local naturalist showed the pictures during a state-wide Odonata conference and there was deep silence from all the participants - none of them had ever seen this before.
It's a very large vernal pool and even with the drought there is still 2-3 feet of water in the pool, so it's not a case of the leeches wanting to find another pool.
I've been running a 5-8 month vernal pool survey for 9 years and i've never seen this before. Have any of you? Ever heard of it before? Any help or comments would be most welcome!
RE: [vernalpool] diamondback terrapin
Thanks for the update Mike. Pam
From: [] On Behalf Of
Sent: Wednesday, June 27, 2012 7:35 PM
Subject: [vernalpool] diamondback terrapin
Hello All of You,
Thanks so much for all of your posts......Did not expect such a huge response to this email, and it just goes to show how much we are all connected, and care about our herps!!
Just off of the phone with Don Lewis...unfortunately, the adult female did not survive her injuries...but the four eggs will be incubated and well cared for, and any hatchlings will be released at the exact spot in order to insure that her DNA remains in the system....
Thanks again to everyone....keep up your dedication.
[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]
[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]
Thursday, June 28, 2012
[ASGG] OFFER: Enjoy the city Coupon book expires june 30,2012-Winter Springs
There are many coupons left in book. There is one $5 off $30 purchase at winn-dixie (can also be used publix) pick up winter springs
OFFER: item plus general location (OFFERs must include location)
TAKEN: item. (TAKEN plus ppu [Pending Pick Up] is okay.)
WANTED: item
GO GREEN: Household tips, eco/evironment-related events, etc. (check with moderators before sending).
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Re:Re: [BMp] Biomapper tutorial
I'm really thankfull.
--- In, 王晶晶 <jingjinglep@...> wrote:
> Hi David:
> You can try this website:, which contains everything about DIVA materials.
> Jingjing
> At 2012-06-24 23:24:47,David <davidmigueis4@...> wrote:
> Hi Masood,
> I'm new in modelling. In fact, I don't know anything about modelling yet. I'm working with a similar specie, Iberian Ibex. I'd like to start learning about modelling and biomapper. Could you advice me where I can start? some bibliographic references, tutorials, etc. With this specie I can only work with presence-only data.
> wish you can help me,
> David
> --- In, "Chittaranjan" <cvdave@> wrote:
> >
> > THANKS..
> >
> >
> >
> > --- In, "Masood Arshad" <marshad@> wrote:
> > >
> > > You can easily download English version from the web. It is very useful tutorial. I used it for mapping the distribution patterns of Flare-horned Markhor (Capra falconeri falconeri) in Pakistan.
> > >
> > > Let me know, if you cannot do it.
> > >
> > > try this:
> > >
> > > Kind regards
> > >
> > >
> > >
> > >
> > > ***********************
> > > Masood Arshad, Ph.D.
> > > Senior Manager
> > > Pakistan Wetlands Programme
> > > WWF-Pakistan
> > > House No. 62, Street No. 25,
> > > Sector F-10/1, Islamabad
> > > Ph: ++92-51-2114125-4129
> > > Fax:++92-51-2114130
> > > Cell: 0300-6245555
> > > Alternate email: masoodarshad@
> > >
> > >
> > > >>> "Chittaranjan" <cvdave@> 5/9/2011 9:23 AM >>>
> > > Friends:
> > >
> > > I am looking for the concise tutorial for Biomapper in eanglish.. I am a new joinee in the group and a new to species habitat modeliing..
> > >
> >
Biomapper FAQ:
If you found this message useful, please consider copying it to the Wiki-Biomapper
The disastrous political consequences of a collapse of eurozone will deter countries from allowing the currency to fail. The high value that member states attach to their involvement in the larger European process would prevent them from abandoning euro.
There is only one solution to the dilemma faced by Graecokleptocrats over their inability to borrow more money. Shut down the government! Debt ceiling or no debt ceiling, deficit or no deficit, all of stupid ministries, agencies, boards, commissions, authorities, bureaus, divisions, services, administrations, and programs should be shut down. This is not complicated!
The best thing that could ever happen to Greeks would be if the majority of the functions of the bankrupt Greek government were shut down permanently. Jefferson said the two enemies of the people are criminals and government, so let us tie the second down with the chains of the Constitution so the second will not become the legalized version of the first.
But the bankrupt Greek government has already become a legal criminal institution and the #1 enemy of the Greek people! Unfortunately, Jefferson's advice has come too late to the Cradle of Kleptocracy. That's why Greece now needs a real revolution to overthrow the corrupt status quo. If the army is not willing to do it, Greeks themselves might start acquiring guns for the great moment of liberty, climaxed by the public hanging of all Graecokleptocrats in front of the Grand Brothel of Democracy on Syntagma Square. Any Greek tragedy ends up with a catharsis!
Internet can replace schools. State insurance is an entitlement program, an income transfer scheme, a wealth redistribution plan, and a Ponzi scheme. State insurance taxes should be abolished and the program should be shut down. All taxes should be abolished and the tax service should be shut down.
Let's face reality that we are in an Occidental depression now. Nothing moves now without proper marketing. If you have a top quality product, you could advertise it at for 300 euros per month. Increase your market share and product growth now.
Germany is a proud exporting nation, and around 40 percent of its exports go to other eurozone nations. German 2011 exports exceed the €1 trillion level. But the very companies enjoying this current success are accustomed to being able to export their goods at the lowest and most stable prices. The euro made both possible. The common currency eliminated exchange rate fluctuations in eurozone, the euro appreciated less strongly than the deutsche mark. In other words, it kept prices competitive.
VAT is the major culprit of European depression. You should revolt against VAT, buying products online from companies that evade VAT. The largest online retailers offer top quality products at deep discounts without VAT. Some fantastic offers are displayed on
Because of Graecokleptocracy, thousands of Greeks have suicided. Since euthanasia is not allowed in Greece, most of them had to shoot or hang themselves. Some poor Greeks went to Albania for euthanasia, some rich Greeks went to Switzerland for euthanasia, and some netizens ordered Nembutal through internet. Graecokleptocrats do not allow euthanasia, because they want to have more victims, more taxpayers, and more slaves. Let my people go to the other side in peace. Let my people go! Where are you Moses?
Greece could actually regain competitiveness by leaving eurozone by devaluating the drachma. But Greece would still have to pay back a large share of its debt, even after exiting from the common currency, in euros. But that repayment would be made far more difficult as a result of the drachma's devaluation. A Greece exit from eurozone would also hit German and French banks, which have a high degree of exposure to Greek debt.
Retired pharmacist Dimitris Christoulas' suicide on April 4, 2012 triggered the start of the Greek Spring. Similarly, the suicide of a Tunisian vegetable seller who set himself on fire in December 2010 triggered the start of the Arab Spring. Christoulas was a quiet and gentle man, but shaken by the pain that Graecokleptocracy had inflicted on his fellow citizens.
Should a weak country like Greece pull out, a panicked reaction by its citizens is to be expected. In expectation of currency devaluation, hundreds of thousands of people would likely clean out their bank accounts, creating a run on banks. People would subsequently try to put their money in foreign banks. A capital flight like this would finish off banks that are already in distress.
Pasok and Nea Democratia mafias must be abolished now, because they have robbed the Greek treasury and the pension funds, received myriad bribes and kickbacks, exchanged sinecures for votes, spread the cancer of socialism, destroyed the Greek economy, imposed kangaroo justice, persecuted dissident bloggers, established the kleptocratic impunity, framed a ridiculous constitution, enslaved Greece to Fourth Reich, debased the Greek soul, transformed the cradle of democracy to the cradle of kleptocracy, and deteriorated the national character of Greece.
Venitism has now become a fantastic gateway for smart online shopping of quality products. Sophisticated readers of can now enjoy deep discounts at Sephora beauty, Nordstrom fashion, Amazon books and gadgets, HP computers, Canon cameras, Hotel Chocolat candy, Macy's, Myjewelrybox, and ThinkGeek.
Were the entire eurozone to dissolve, even a strong country like Germany would suffer. In this case each former member country would have to establish a new exchange rate for their new currency. Europeans would then have an incentive to swap their remaining euros against a strong national currency, like the deutsche mark. Thus Germany would attract piles of capital, in turn increasing inflation pressure.
Juergen Fitschen of Deutsche Bank declares Greece's political system is unable to escape corruption. Fitschen points out Greece is the only country, where we can say it's a failed state, it is a corrupt state, corrupt as far as its political leadership is concerned and obviously other people had to be willing to support this.
Libertarians feel a deep sorrow that things could develop like they have in eurozone considering that the fundamental mechanisms at play now were there for everybody to see. It had been obvious to libertarians from the outset that a single interest rate for 17 countries with different inflation rates was a recipe for real estate bubbles and banking crises.
Wow! Smart words are more effective than smart bombs! Mighty words of a charismatic keynote speaker can transform your people to a new dimension of organizational climate, efficiency, self-actualization, enthusiasm, belonging, and motivation. I would like very much to speak at your conference in order to explain critical points much further.
Re:Re: [BMp] Biomapper tutorial
Hi Masood,
I'm new in modelling. In fact, I don't know anything about modelling yet. I'm working with a similar specie, Iberian Ibex. I'd like to start learning about modelling and biomapper. Could you advice me where I can start? some bibliographic references, tutorials, etc. With this specie I can only work with presence-only data.
wish you can help me,
--- In, "Chittaranjan" <cvdave@...> wrote:
> --- In, "Masood Arshad" <marshad@> wrote:
> >
> > You can easily download English version from the web. It is very useful tutorial. I used it for mapping the distribution patterns of Flare-horned Markhor (Capra falconeri falconeri) in Pakistan.
> >
> > Let me know, if you cannot do it.
> >
> > try this:
> >
> > Kind regards
> >
> >
> >
> >
> > ***********************
> > Masood Arshad, Ph.D.
> > Senior Manager
> > Pakistan Wetlands Programme
> > WWF-Pakistan
> > House No. 62, Street No. 25,
> > Sector F-10/1, Islamabad
> > Ph: ++92-51-2114125-4129
> > Fax:++92-51-2114130
> > Cell: 0300-6245555
> > Alternate email: masoodarshad@
> >
> >
> > >>> "Chittaranjan" <cvdave@> 5/9/2011 9:23 AM >>>
> > Friends:
> >
> > I am looking for the concise tutorial for Biomapper in eanglish.. I am a new joinee in the group and a new to species habitat modeliing..
> >
Biomapper FAQ:
If you found this message useful, please consider copying it to the Wiki-Biomapper
Wednesday, June 27, 2012
[vernalpool] diamondback terrapin
Hello All of You,
Thanks so much for all of your posts......Did not expect such a huge response to this email, and it just goes to show how much we are all connected, and care about our herps!!
Just off of the phone with Don Lewis...unfortunately, the adult female did not survive her injuries...but the four eggs will be incubated and well cared for, and any hatchlings will be released at the exact spot in order to insure that her DNA remains in the system....
Thanks again to everyone....keep up your dedication.
[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]
Re: [vernalpool] diamondback terrapin
Thanks John....I think your judgement call was fine. As a turtle freak and
rehabber, I try and teach others about not moving Box, Wood & Spotted
turtles from their home territories. It takes one Box turtle 30+ years
of life to reproduce itself just one time. Many are taken as pets, habitat
fragmation claims more lives with collisions with cars and building
machinary. Those that are left in the wild don't reach breeding age until
about ten. They have trouble finding mates as turtles get rarer and when
they do they have such small clutches of eggs that are mostly eaten by
raccoons, skunks, etc. few make it to adulthood. Each life is precious.
Carry on with the good work everyone! With so much passion in our
group....we can make a difference.
> Thanks for the info. Carol. I realize that but I had to make a judgment
> call. The direction he was heading toward is a small, fragmented woodland
> and I fear he would have been in harm's way again before too long. I
> should have made it clear that I put him back into the County Park (albeit
> much deeper in the park) that he had emerged from to cross the road; it
> wasn't a distant county park that was totally unfamiliar to the turtle.
> John Turner
> ----- Original Message -----
> From: Carol Linguanti
> Date: Wednesday, June 27, 2012 7:04 am
> Subject: Re: [vernalpool] diamondback terrapin
> To:
>> Just be careful *moving* terrestrial turtles to new locations.
>> They have a internal homing device and will try and get back to
>> their own territory. They have large territories that they roam
>> during the spring and summer and then in the fall head back to
>> their hibernation location. For the most part it is best to
>> just cross them in the direction they are traveling.
>> On Jun 26, 2012, at 9:52 PM, wrote:
>> > Mike: Kudos to you for caring enough to stop. I recently did
>> the same thing for a male box turtle on a busy highway.
>> Fortunately he wasn't hit and is now safely residing in the
>> middle of a large county park here on Long Island.
>> >
>> > John Turner
>> >
>> > ----- Original Message -----
>> > From:
>> > Date: Tuesday, June 26, 2012 8:55 pm
>> > Subject: Re: [vernalpool] diamondback terrapin
>> > To:
>> >
>> > >
>> > > Thanks alot....haven't met a turtle I don't like or won't
>> stop
>> > > for!!!!!
>> > > Mike
>> > >
>> > > Mike Maurer
>> > > Marion, MA
>> > >
>> > > "The time to save a species is while it is still common"
>> Rosalie
>> > > Edge, Founder of Hawk Mountain Sanctuary
>> > >
>> > >
>> > > -----Original Message-----
>> > > From: PHILLIP BONN
>> > > To: vernalpool
>> > > Sent: Tue, Jun 26, 2012 8:48 pm
>> > > Subject: RE: [vernalpool] diamondback terrapin
>> > >
>> > >
>> > >
>> > >
>> > >
>> > > Great job!
>> > >
>> > > From:
>> > > [] On
>> > > Behalf Of
>> > > Sent: Tuesday, June 26, 2012 8:46 PM
>> > > To:;
>> > > Subject: [vernalpool] diamondback terrapin
>> > >
>> > >
>> > >
>> > > Today around 2 PM on the Wareham/Marion town line, as I was
>> > > crossing the
>> > > Weweantic River, I saw a diamondback terrapin trying to
>> cross
>> > > the four
>> > > lanes.....I pulled a Jason Statham "Transporter" -type U-
>> turn
>> > > immediatelyand went back, parked in the middle lane with
>> > > flashers going (it really
>> > > wasn't that dramatic, as no cars were coming yet) and
>> snatched
>> > > her up. But
>> > > as I carried her back to the car, her head was tucked in,
>> blood
>> > > drippeddown, and the back legs dangled.
>> > >
>> > > Damn!! One car too late!!...
>> > >
>> > > I place her on the mat under my feet and sped off to the
>> home of
>> > > a couple of
>> > > turtle experts who just happen to live in Marion. Susan
>> Weiber
>> > > Nourse and
>> > > Don Lewis... They have been monitoring and researching these
>> > > terrapins in
>> > > Southeastern MA for 20 years or more. Also volunteering out
>> on
>> > > the Cape at
>> > > Wellfleet Bay.
>> > >
>> > > My immediate thoughts were that if she was going to die, at
>> > > least maybe they
>> > > could save some eggs (why else would she be on land?) and
>> also
>> > > see if she
>> > > was one their marked individuals.
>> > >
>> > > I arrived at the their home...ran to the door....explained
>> the
>> > > situation (I
>> > > had already brought another dead female there last year from
>> the same
>> > > spot!)...we went back to the car and as I was handing her
>> over
>> > > to Susan, she
>> > > emitted an egg!!! Susan asked me to check the car, and I
>> found
>> > > another egg
>> > > on the mat!!!! As we examined her and discussed the
>> possibility
>> > > of her
>> > > surviving these injuries, she deposited two more eggs in
>> Susan's
>> > > hand!!!!Holy Crap!!!!
>> > >
>> > > As of now (8:00 PM) I do not know her fate, but hopefully at
>> > > least four of
>> > > her offspring will stand a chance of making it.
>> > >
>> > > Wow...what a day
>> > >
>> > > Mike
>> > >
>> > > Mike Maurer
>> > > Marion, MA
>> > >
>> > > "The time to save a species is while it is still common"
>> Rosalie Edge,
>> > > Founder of Hawk Mountain Sanctuary
>> > >
>> > > Today around 2 PM on the Wareham/Marion town line, as I was
>> > > crossing the
>> > > Weweantic River, I saw a diamondback terrapin trying to
>> cross
>> > > the four
>> > > lanes.....I pulled a Jason Statham "Transporter" -type U-
>> turn
>> > > immediatelyand went back, parked in the middle lane with
>> > > flashers going (it really
>> > > wasn't that dramatic, as no cars were coming yet) and
>> snatched
>> > > her up. But
>> > > as I carried her back to the car, her head was tucked in,
>> blood
>> > > drippeddown, and the back legs dangled.
>> > >
>> > > Damn!! One car too late!!...
>> > >
>> > > I place her on the mat under my feet and sped off to the
>> home of
>> > > a couple of
>> > > turtle experts who just happen to live in Marion. Susan
>> Weiber
>> > > Nourse and
>> > > Don Lewis... They have been monitoring and researching these
>> > > terrapins in
>> > > Southeastern MA for 20 years or more. Also volunteering out
>> on
>> > > the Cape at
>> > > Wellfleet Bay.
>> > >
>> > > My immediate thoughts were that if she was going to die, at
>> > > least maybe they
>> > > could save some eggs (why else would she be on land?) and
>> also
>> > > see if she
>> > > was one their marked individuals.
>> > >
>> > > I arrived at the their home...ran to the door....explained
>> the
>> > > situation (I
>> > > had already brought another dead female there last year from
>> the same
>> > > spot!)...we went back to the car and as I was handing her
>> over
>> > > to Susan, she
>> > > emitted an egg!!! Susan asked me to check the car, and I
>> found
>> > > another egg
>> > > on the mat!!!! As we examined her and discussed the
>> possibility
>> > > of her
>> > > surviving these injuries, she deposited two more eggs in
>> Susan's
>> > > hand!!!!Holy Crap!!!!
>> > >
>> > > As of now (8:00 PM) I do not know her fate, but hopefully at
>> > > least four of
>> > > her offspring will stand a chance of making it.
>> > >
>> > > Wow...what a day
>> > >
>> > > Mike
>> > >
>> > > Mike Maurer
>> > > Marion, MA
>> > >
>> > > "The time to save a species is while it is still common"
>> Rosalie Edge,
>> > > Founder of Hawk Mountain Sanctuary
>> > >
>> > > [Non-text portions of this message have been removed]
>> > >
>> > > [Non-text portions of this message have been removed]
>> > >
>> > >
>> > >
>> > >
>> > >
>> > >
>> > >
>> > >
>> > >
>> > > [Non-text portions of this message have been removed]
>> > >
>> > >
>> >
>> > [Non-text portions of this message have been removed]
>> >
>> >
>> [Non-text portions of this message have been removed]
>> ------------------------------------
>> Yahoo! Groups Links
> [Non-text portions of this message have been removed]
Re: [vernalpool] diamondback terrapin
Yes Steve...they may cross back again with in hours, depending on why they
were headed across the road in the first place. If it was for a choice
nesting spot, once they lay their eggs they will need to return to their
home area, or pond/lake/etc. This annual crossing to lay eggs may be
repeated for decades. Some terrestrial turtles like E.Box Turtles have
territories that span many acres and often cross roads to get to other
parts of their habitat in search of food, mates, or their hibernation
spots. I often find it emotionally painful to cross them and leave, not
knowing if they will survive the return trip or if someone else comes
along and kidnaps them for a tortuous life in captivity. We can only hope
they make it and when given the opportunity then speak out to help teach
others about watching out for and when ever we safely can, crossing
turtles in the direction they are headed.
Thank you all for loving turtles!
> Great job, Mike!
> Inspiring.
> I've saved many of them from cars, too... and it's a good point to take
> them where they seem to be heading, though I wonder if when they are done,
> they will try to cross the same road or highway again, again risking
> death?
> I'd love to hear more on this.
> Often they are good-sized snappers, and I try to just herd them off the
> road, or keep the cars from hitting them while they cross. I know some
> people pick them up, but I'm a massage therapist, and I can't afford to
> lose a finger or hand!
> Great to be part of this caring group! Steve
> Steve Carter
> Massage Therapy and CranioSacral Therapy
> Since 1980
> <>
> On Jun 26, 2012, at 8:54 PM, wrote:
>> Thanks alot....haven't met a turtle I don't like or won't stop for!!!!!
>> Mike
>> Mike Maurer
>> Marion, MA
>> "The time to save a species is while it is still common" Rosalie Edge,
>> Founder of Hawk Mountain Sanctuary
>> -----Original Message-----
>> From: PHILLIP BONN <>
>> To: vernalpool <>
>> Sent: Tue, Jun 26, 2012 8:48 pm
>> Subject: RE: [vernalpool] diamondback terrapin
>> Great job!
>> From: [] On
>> Behalf Of
>> Sent: Tuesday, June 26, 2012 8:46 PM
>> To:;
>> Subject: [vernalpool] diamondback terrapin
>> Today around 2 PM on the Wareham/Marion town line, as I was crossing the
>> Weweantic River, I saw a diamondback terrapin trying to cross the four
>> lanes.....I pulled a Jason Statham "Transporter" -type U-turn
>> immediately
>> and went back, parked in the middle lane with flashers going (it really
>> wasn't that dramatic, as no cars were coming yet) and snatched her up.
>> But
>> as I carried her back to the car, her head was tucked in, blood dripped
>> down, and the back legs dangled.
>> Damn!! One car too late!!...
>> I place her on the mat under my feet and sped off to the home of a
>> couple of
>> turtle experts who just happen to live in Marion. Susan Weiber Nourse
>> and
>> Don Lewis... They have been monitoring and researching these terrapins
>> in
>> Southeastern MA for 20 years or more. Also volunteering out on the Cape
>> at
>> Wellfleet Bay.
>> My immediate thoughts were that if she was going to die, at least maybe
>> they
>> could save some eggs (why else would she be on land?) and also see if
>> she
>> was one their marked individuals.
>> I arrived at the their home...ran to the door....explained the situation
>> (I
>> had already brought another dead female there last year from the same
>> spot!)...we went back to the car and as I was handing her over to Susan,
>> she
>> emitted an egg!!! Susan asked me to check the car, and I found another
>> egg
>> on the mat!!!! As we examined her and discussed the possibility of her
>> surviving these injuries, she deposited two more eggs in Susan's
>> hand!!!!
>> Holy Crap!!!!
>> As of now (8:00 PM) I do not know her fate, but hopefully at least four
>> of
>> her offspring will stand a chance of making it.
>> Wow...what a day
>> Mike
>> Mike Maurer
>> Marion, MA
>> "The time to save a species is while it is still common" Rosalie Edge,
>> Founder of Hawk Mountain Sanctuary
>> Today around 2 PM on the Wareham/Marion town line, as I was crossing the
>> Weweantic River, I saw a diamondback terrapin trying to cross the four
>> lanes.....I pulled a Jason Statham "Transporter" -type U-turn
>> immediately
>> and went back, parked in the middle lane with flashers going (it really
>> wasn't that dramatic, as no cars were coming yet) and snatched her up.
>> But
>> as I carried her back to the car, her head was tucked in, blood dripped
>> down, and the back legs dangled.
>> Damn!! One car too late!!...
>> I place her on the mat under my feet and sped off to the home of a
>> couple of
>> turtle experts who just happen to live in Marion. Susan Weiber Nourse
>> and
>> Don Lewis... They have been monitoring and researching these terrapins
>> in
>> Southeastern MA for 20 years or more. Also volunteering out on the Cape
>> at
>> Wellfleet Bay.
>> My immediate thoughts were that if she was going to die, at least maybe
>> they
>> could save some eggs (why else would she be on land?) and also see if
>> she
>> was one their marked individuals.
>> I arrived at the their home...ran to the door....explained the situation
>> (I
>> had already brought another dead female there last year from the same
>> spot!)...we went back to the car and as I was handing her over to Susan,
>> she
>> emitted an egg!!! Susan asked me to check the car, and I found another
>> egg
>> on the mat!!!! As we examined her and discussed the possibility of her
>> surviving these injuries, she deposited two more eggs in Susan's
>> hand!!!!
>> Holy Crap!!!!
>> As of now (8:00 PM) I do not know her fate, but hopefully at least four
>> of
>> her offspring will stand a chance of making it.
>> Wow...what a day
>> Mike
>> Mike Maurer
>> Marion, MA
>> "The time to save a species is while it is still common" Rosalie Edge,
>> Founder of Hawk Mountain Sanctuary
>> [Non-text portions of this message have been removed]
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> [Non-text portions of this message have been removed]
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