Saturday, September 25, 2010

[kitchencabinetforum] EUROPEAN ARMY


Europeans have lost their taste for blood, but they have to fight terrorist Turkey. The attempt to transform NATO from a defensive alliance into an instrument of power projection, is merely another doomed attempt to reignite Europe's martial spirit. It ain't going to happen. Basil Venitis asserts that European draft dodgers are heroes of peace, pure and simple! If all Europeans were draft dodgers, there could not be any wars in Europe. Fourth Reich(EU) has only one enemy, terrorist Turkey.

Guy Verhofstadt, who leads the liberal grouping in the European Parliament, leads the effort for a common European army to defend Fourth Reich from terrorist Turkey. Verhofstad points out Europeans have now a diplomatic service, which is very important, but they also need the other instrument, a common European defense, a common European army. And certainly, at a time when every European country has to make savings, maybe it's the right time to build up this common European army. There are two million soldiers in Europe, but only 300,000 in the US, and Verhofstadt thinkS that the American army is more efficient that the European forces. So that's a good reason to start this.

The French defense minister, Herve Morin, said that if Europe failed to boost defense cooperation, it risked becoming a victim of Turkey. At the rate we're going, we risk Europe gradually becoming a part of the caliphate. All the countries of the world are re-arming and the Europeans, who already before the crisis had really weak budgets, have now carried out new reductions. Morin asserts the EU states should formulate a list of defense capabilities that should remain under the control of individual states and those that should be shared.

The global war on terror, now referred to as overseas contingency operations, is without end and without limits, and has made the West hated and feared in most of the world. It has even made Americans and Fourthreichians potential targets of their own government without any recourse to the protections afforded by the American Constitution or the Lisbon Treaty. The exploitation of fear of terrorism by kleptocrats has led to wars that did not have to be fought. Fear has been the key to the door for expansion of government, and kleptocrats have seized the opportunity. It has also eroded the liberties that have defined our Graecoroman culture.

Business interests seek to bend the state's decisions in their favor by corrupting official decision-makers with bribes, such as gifts, loans, entertainment, transportation, lodging, prostitutes, inside information about personal investment opportunities, overly generous speaking fees, and promises of future employment or consulting patronage for kleptocrats or their kith and kin, campaign contributions, sponsorship of political fund-raising events, and donations to charities or other causes favored by kleptocrats. Kleptocrats in turn corrupt businessmen by effectively turning them into conspirators and beneficiaries of kleptocrtas' most fundamental activity, plundering the general public.

The primary purpose of public diplomacy is to explain, promote, and defend principles to audiences abroad. This objective goes well beyond the public affairs function of presenting and explaining specific policies of various Administrations. Policies and Administrations change; principles do not, so long as a country remains true to itself. By all accounts, Americans have been absent from the battlefield of ideas. They blankout when Venitis asks them why they have not expelled terrorist Turkey from NATO. How can they sit next to terrorist Turks who committed the Cypriot genocide? How did Henry Kissinger finance the Turkish invasion of Cyprus?

Public diplomacy has a particularly vital mission during war, when the peoples of other countries, whether adversaries or allies, need to know why we fight. What are the ideas so dear to us that we would rather kill and die than live without them? And what antithetical ideas do our enemies embrace, about which they feel the same way? After all, it is a conflict of ideas that is behind the shooting wars, and it is that conflict which must be won to achieve any lasting success. The main reasons for failure stem from intellectual confusion regarding what it is we are defending and against whom we are defending it. Venitis asserts the greatest confusion of all is the inclusion of genocidal Turkey in NATO. Terrorist Turkey has committed the Armenian genocide, the Pontian genocide, the Greek genocide, and the Cypriot genocide.

Venitis points out there is a global culture clash. The primary axis of conflict in the post-Cold War world is along cultural lines. There is an increase in ideologically fueled violence around the globe. The mutual suspicion, fear, and misunderstanding between Islamic and Western societies has been increasing since the beginning of the new millennium, specifically after the September 11 terrorist attacks of 2001.

Front-line soldiers consider themselves front pigs, not heroes. With their typical sardonic humor, they prefer this less comforting, but far more realistically descriptive label, given their grim situation in the trenches. Front pigs know the score. Even as our media and our culture seek to elevate our troops into the pantheon of demi-gods, our front pigs carry on, plying an ancient and brutal trade. Most simply, they want to survive and come home with their bodies, their minds, and their buddies intact. They are naturally concerned first about saving their own skins, and only secondarily worried about the lives of others. This is not beastliness. Nor is it heroism. It's simply a front pig's nature.

Draft dodgers are heroes of peace. If all people were draft dodgers, there could not be any wars. Draft dodgers have political or moral objections to warfare in general, or to the circumstances of a particular conflict in which their country is fighting. Refusing to submit to draft is considered a criminal offense in most countries where conscription is in effect. During the Vietnam War, about 100,000 draft dodgers, in total, went abroad.

During the Vietnam War, an active movement of draft resistance also occurred, spearheaded by the Resistance organization, headed by David Harris. The insignia of the organization was the Greek letter omega, Ù, the symbol for ohm, the unit of electrical resistance. Members of the Resistance movement publicly burned their draft cards or refused to register for the draft. Other members deposited their cards into boxes on selected dates and then mailed them to the government. They were then drafted, refused to be inducted, and fought their cases in the federal courts. These draft resisters hoped that their public civil disobedience would help to bring the war and the draft to an end. Many young men went to federal prison as part of this movement. There is no longer a draft in the United States. Fourth Reich(EU) requires member countries to grant asylum to soldiers protesting unlawful wars. Viva Omega!

Venitis,, points out NATO includes Turkey, the #1 terrorist nation on Earth, that indulges in genocides, such as the Armenian genocide, the Greek genocide, the Pontian genocide, and the Cypriot genocide, and pogroms such as the Istanbul pogrom, a state-sponsored and state-orchestrated pogrom that compelled Greeks to leave Istanbul, in violation to the Treaty of Lausanne. NATO should either expel terrorist Turkey or disband.

Turkey is joining forces with Iran and Syria in an antisemitic Islamofascist alliance that seeks to destroy Israel and Islamize Europe as part of a long-term strategy of establishing the Global Caliphate. We live a nightmare of the emergence of Turkey as a Middle Eastern hegemon that is challenging and counterbalancing the Western power and Graecoroman culture. Fourth Reich(EU) has only one enemy, terrorist Turkey.

New leaks prove that Turkey doublecrosses NATO, forwarding secrets to Iran! Even Israel's Defense Minister Ehud Barak has voiced concern that Turkey shares American, European, and Israeli intelligence secrets with Iran. Hakan Fidan, the new head of the Turkish National Intelligence Organization, has been sold to Iran! There are myriad secrets entrusted to Turkey, and they have become now open to Iranians. Appointed in May, Fidan was previously a foreign policy adviser to Prime Minister Tayyip Erdogan, whose AK Party has roots in terrorist Islam. Fidan has also helped to mediate between the West and Iran over Tehran's disputed nuclear program.

Even though Turkey is a signatory to the Chemical Weapons Convention, its armed forces and its Gray Wolves, the terrorist arm of the Turkish government, use biological and chemical weapons. Experts have confirmed the authenticity of many photographs that show Kurdish freedom fighters killed by chemical weapons. The evidence puts increasing pressure on the Turkish government, which has long been suspected of using chemical and biological weapons against Cypriots and Kurds.

Basil Venitis notes that since terrorist Turkey declared Casus Belli against Fourth Reich(EU) and barbarian Turcoterrorists continue to abuse the Fourthreichian islands near the Turkish border and traffic drugs and illegal immigrants to Greece, Fourth Reich reinforced its border management agency, Frontex, enhancing its operational capacity to support Greece against Turcoterrorism. Member States now put more equipment and more personnel at Frontex's disposal in the Aegean Sea of Greece. Frontex now coleads border patrol operations with Greece.

Venitis laments that barbarian Turcoterrorists have occupied North Cyprus for 36 years. Terrorist Turkey maintains an active colonization program where it is illegally resettling 200,000 barbarian Turks into the homes and possessions of the 200,000 Cypriots it evicted from the occupied territories. The Turkish military is also systematically Islamizing the occupied territories. All 500 Orthodox Churches in the occupied territories have been looted, desecrated, or destroyed. Thousands of statues and paintings have been robbed. Thousands of Cypriots have been raped and murdered. To no avail, the international community has called on terrorist Turkey to honor its international obligations and cease and desist the Cypriot genocide and culturecide. Since Cyprus is a full member of Fourth Reich(EU), the European Defense Agency(EDA) is obligated to throw the terrorist Turkish troops out of Cyprus.

Thilo Sarrazin's book Deutschland schafft sich ab, Germany abolishes itself, shows that higher fertility rates would allow Muslims to dominate Fourth Reich in the not-too-distant future. The book tapped into fears among many Fourthreichians that the Graecoroman culture is in danger. Culture is constantly in flux, and demographic changes bring cultural shifts with them. Islam overtaking the Graecoroman culture will bring a quantum discontinuity of our evolution downwards and the loss of our freedom.

Sarrazin points out Muslims sponge off Fourth Reich(EU), are incapable of integrating themselves into Fourthreichian society, and constantly produce little girls in headscarves. Muslims have no productive function other than in groceries, dumb down society, and are conquering Fourth Reich through a higher birthrate. Muslims are taking over France, Germany, Vardaska, Bosnia, West Thrace, and Cyprus exactly as Albanians took over Kosovo, via a higher birth rate.

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