Wednesday, September 1, 2010

RE: [Homesteadingfamily] Re: [raw_goatmilk] ummm question


Considering she was an apprentice, she has no legal right to those photos,
especially if she used the animals names AND your products; which I'm sure
you have copyrighted? Your posting said you asked her to leave, why, if you
don't mind? Perhaps she went undercover for paper. If so, then paper is
liable. You can use generic photos, but not specific. Especially if the
names of each cattle is the exact name's YOU have named them. Your vet can
be used to verify names by records. If it's an expose then she could be
protected by freedom of the press. But permission is still needed for a
private citizen. Public figures are exempt. Prez tried suing Independence
Day & Contact using actual news clips, court ruling was in the capacity of
PREZ of US, they are public figures, hence owned by "the people."

Contact the editor specifically and legal department. Not general, they can
deleted and say you never called. Get names, times and dates of call too.




Fascism should more properly be called corporatism because it is the merger
of state and corporate power - Benito Mussolini

[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

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