Thursday, October 21, 2010

[Homesteadingfamily] Re: coyote


That is correct. The coyotes will send out tow to three to circle their
prey...then they begin to run the pray hoping that it will fall or
tire..then the all move in for the catch. They will usually bite the
hindquarters first and avoid the head...especially if there are horns
involved..they are smart enough to avoid those. If they can disable the
hindquarters, then the animal cannot escape. There are many grown cows
around our area which have half tails from coyotes hanging on to them
trying to bring them down.During the birthing season, they can "smell"
blood in the air and will congregate waiting on the baby to be born,
they know that the that mama's are incapable of protecting their young
right after birth...they have a small window of opportunity to get at
them both. This is why cattle instinctively move their young to a new
area within minutes after the birth is complete and eat the placenta's
to keep from leaving a trail for varmints.
Your dog would stand no chance against a small pack of coyotes...lead is
the only thing that will rid them from your property.~deb

--- In, "Danny R" <ninja69_97720@...>
> Mellisa,
> I have 110 lb. german shepherd and would not expect her to handle a
coyote situation. What happens out west is they gang attack a single
> One on one your GS would do great, but when there are two or more
there is a problem.
> Our living area is totally fenced so our GS does fine to let us know
they are close. Out west we can shot them any time. Of course, probably
not in California they are a horse of a different color.
> I use a .223 which puts them down quick.
> Regards, Ninja

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