Sunday, October 24, 2010

[Homesteadingfamily] Re: Making home made pork bacon


In my Presto canner, the jars ARE immersed about half way up the jar in
the canner with water..not like a water bath though, where they are
submersed jars sit on a aluminum disk on the bottle of the
canner to prevent the jars from too much bottom heat, but they are
sitting water.~deb
--- In, "Teresa Ward" <jrward3@...>
> >>>ok how much water in canner and wont the jars float? i would like
to can some just wondering...
> Check your canner instructions for how much water to add, but the jars
aren't actually IN water with a pressure canner. Mine uses 2 quarts in
the bottom of the canner.
> Blessings,
> Teresa in WV
> [Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

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