Saturday, October 23, 2010

RE: Canning bacon, [Homesteadingfamily] Re: Making homemade pork bacon



Sorry, but it's not mine. It's from another site. I copied and pasted.
I'd love to can bacon. We're saving for a pressure canner. Anyone can
suggest one? Its winter time and I cook gumbo by the gallon. Would LOVE to
know how to can it!

Back home in New Orleans (I still do too), we would keep a tin of bacon
grease on stove to use for cooking. It's amazing how many uses.

What would be a good pressure canner? I know a few butchers in the DC




NEW ORLEANS--Our city, Our team, Our time, Our destiny; Our Moment in NFL
ORLEANS SAINTS. NOW...Who Dat say they gonna beat them SAINTS?

[] On Behalf Of Deb
Sent: Saturday, October 23, 2010 1:22 PM
Subject: Canning bacon, [Homesteadingfamily] Re: Making homemade pork bacon

You are very lucky, indeed, Jeanne!We don't have anything like this
here...and anything that is close to it, uses nitrites to preserve,
which you really don't have to, if it is smoked and cured. It would be
too cost prohibitive for me to get it from them, but it is a nice site
to look at! Stock up while you can, for sure!
I have also seen Jackie Clay's method (I think that was her name)...I
have used both and both ways work (raw vs pre-cooked). The reason I
prefer to pre-cook is to render out some of the grease, but I have done
it both ways and then just rendered other fats from a freshly killed
hog, for my lard. The grease that does settle to the bottom can still
be used to season dried beans, greens or many other places one would
want that smokey bacon taste...You sure got a good deal on your

[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

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