Thursday, October 21, 2010

Re: Coyotes, [Homesteadingfamily] TN Homestead


Hey Melissa.

I'm on my acreage on vaca so am very brief. Coyotes travel and hunt in
packs. All people here have 2+ dogs for that reason. One neighbor said he
has to lock up dogs when in heat. He says coyotes line the ridge behind him
howling ALL night!

On Oct 21, 2010 1:25 PM, "Melissa Ciafardo" <> wrote:
> Hi my name is Melissa. I'm new to the group. I have an 85 pound German
Shepherd and I feel secure having him scout our acreage. Is this a false
security. Will or can a coyote attack or kill such a large guard dog. I
have four children and want to keep all safe. Thank you so much.
> --- On Wed, 10/20/10, Teresa Ward <> wrote:
> From: Teresa Ward <>
> Subject: Re: Coyotes, [Homesteadingfamily] TN Homestead
> To:
> Date: Wednesday, October 20, 2010, 10:01 PM
>>>>Anyone know anything about coyotes?
> Bad dog! Bad dog! LOL
> I know that they are super hard to trap successfully, and that they run a
large circle. iow, they have a rather large area they travel around in, but
they do come back. A professional trapper named "Matt Jones" has made & sold
some videos instructing one how to trap coyotes. That may help you.
> Be sure to check your state laws about hunting, trapping, & shooting these
horrible animals.
> Also, they are a Catch-22. When humans manage to reduce their numbers,
they lay larger litters to compensate!
> Oh, yeah ... they will jump in your kennel and kill/eat your beagles. At
least they do around here!
> Bad dog! Bad dog!
> Blessings,
> Teresa in WV
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