Saturday, October 23, 2010

Re: [Homesteadingfamily] coyote (Guns and reloading)


Lorene, my DH used to reload extensively and is knowledeable.  He says "MEC" (a brand name) offers a reloader that will reload for different gauges.  You just have to pick up the the optional kits for the different sizes.  Say if you buy your main one for say a 12 ga, then you buy a kit for the 20, it re-forms your shell size.  Hope this helps some. 

Fredna & Mike 
Hard Candy Acres in MO

--- On Sat, 10/23/10, Lorene Ordal <> wrote:

From: Lorene Ordal <>
Subject: Re: [Homesteadingfamily] coyote (Guns and reloading)
Date: Saturday, October 23, 2010, 8:03 AM



I hadn't even thought of being watched when I posted that. It's still my constitutional right to bear arms, and I'd really hate to think that they would be watching my email! Unfortunately you're right, and it's a very good point. We have been thinking of getting our concealed carry permits, but it seems we never have the time to fit in a class, with all that's going on. DH has an hour commute one way, and my schedule is packed with work, working on our farm, and shuttling 5 children to their many activities.

And when I put that into writing, it just doesn't even look like a good reason, I'm going to make the appointment and make sure we allow for it.

I would love to learn how to reload our ammo, we have looked at reloaders for the shotgun shells, but it seems you have to buy a different reloader for each gauge. I'd like to find one that does both 12 and 20. Do they make reloaders for the non shot guns? Would you mind posting the link to the Backwoods Home website?


-----Original Message-----
From: Teresa Ward <>
Sent: Fri, Oct 22, 2010 9:55 pm
Subject: Re: [Homesteadingfamily] coyote

>>>We've since made it sort of a standing joke that for Holidays where gifts are involved someone's getting a gun.

A word to the wise ... since everything that hits the 'net, stays on the 'net ... and big brother is everywhere watching, I would be super careful about listing any firearms ownership.

However, I would also recommend that everyone age 21+ get a concealed carry permit.
It might not be a bad idea to learn to reload your ammo.

Backwoods Home recommends that your handguns & long rifles be the same caliber for convenience.

Teresa in WV

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