Sunday, October 31, 2010

RE: [Homesteadingfamily] Just wanted to introduce myself :)


Build your cellar around your water well. That will provide extra protection
for your well as a side benefit.

Check local laws, it's not allowed in several places. I discovered that and
several places do not allow fuse boxes inside the home; but if they do it
must have some fireboard or stone around them.

Bottom line, you need to check local laws. We checked before we even looked
at land. I'm from New Orleans and my eldest was born in Lafayette. The
middle of Cajun country. I thought we had some archaic laws in Loser-ana;
but OH, WV and NC has some screwy laws in their parishes. And it's
different parish to parish! We just found out the parish we bought in is a
wet parish, but the surrounding parishes are dry. I'd have died!

Also if no well on property, do a quick call to local well drillers, they
can give you guesstimate's on how deep the well will have to be for water
and what the water pressure will be (called psi the higher the psi the
better à under 3 VERY BAD, 6-8 seems to be average, 10+ much better). You
also want to be sure after they drill they have a multi-coupling for
electric and manual usage. If power goes out, how will you get water?! You
may also look at a septic, if you don't throw fem products and chicken bones
or grease it'll last forever. My aunt has 3 boys and her septic are 2
55-gal drums grandpa homemade in the early 60's! If you're used to your
garbage disposable, change your ways now.

You may have one but not hook up sinks to them (there are alternatives).
You could have buckets of water next to loo for flushing. What was that
phrase from Meet the Fockers – If it's yellow, let if mellow; if it's brown,
flush it down. J




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