Monday, November 1, 2010

[Homesteadingfamily] Re: Just wanted to introduce myself :)


I agree with everything that everyone is saying also. CO is somewshat expensive also. I think TN, KY, MO would be good states to live in because they are cheap to live in.

One thing that I would suggest is besides garage sales for pots pans, get your rakes, shovels, and outside equipment before you move as these can be expensive also. Another good thing to do before you move is study, study, study. Get some books on homesteading to learn everthing that you need to learn. Some good books are Carla Emery Encyclopedia, canning books, another one is saw was a homestading book for dummies, also canning books. Any book that the Storeys wrote, as they have a lot in there to learn. There is also a book by Readers Digest that is a great book, but I cant remember what it is called. Go to the library some of these books you can find there.

Also check the Countryside magazine or their website as they have country homes for sale in there.

Hope all this is helpful. I shared your dream for a long time and then made it come true. I wished I had been able to get my children here before they were too grown, but that was not the case, but I am here now and would not change it a bit.

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