Tuesday, November 30, 2010

[kitchencabinetforum] SECRECY


More than 250,000 diplomatic cables were obtained by the whistle-blower Wikileaks and given to media groups. Hillary Clinton said Uncle Sam would take aggressive steps to hold responsible those who stole them. Clinton deeply regrets the disclosure of any information that was intended to be confidential, including private discussions between counterparts or our diplomats' personal assessments and observations. Clinton asserts Wikileaks puts people's lives in danger, threatens our national security, and undermines our efforts to work with other countries to solve shared problems.

Most classified material is improperly classified; governments oftentimes invoke claims of secrecy to shield themselves from embarrassment, not to protect national security. The attention on minute and often mundane details that shouldn't be classified precipitate a closer look at overclassification, Leaks have a beneficial side effect.

There is a tension between individuals sharing their genuine opinions about another country, or that country's leaders, and concern that their candid assessments in private conversations be revealed. People do keep secrets from one another, including their kith and kin. It is basic human nature. And it is basic human nature to clam up the next time you're talking to a friend who recently blabbed your secrets to a third party.

Not all laws are sacrosanct, and much classified material shouldn't be. Releasing such information is a legitimate form of civil disobedience, because the laws governing release of documents are unjust. Overclassification and other resorts to secrecy to shield the government from public scrutiny are on par with far more egregious violations of the basic rights and liberties of all citizens.

Clinton cannot follow the disgusting paradigm of infamous Graecokleptocrats, who terrorize and jail dissident bloggers. If Wikileaks did that to Graecokleptocrats, it would loose its balls! Greek dissident bloggers are arrested for exercising the right to free expression and are jailed on grotesque charges after sham trials. Politicians are trying to take away your right to read what you want, and to say what you want. The Internet is making it possible for new voices to be heard, the voices of netizens who simply could not afford to publish their ideas or display their artistic talents to a wide audience using older technologies. Established interests of both the left and the right fear new voices, and are trying to control what appears on the Internet through new laws and regulations.

Graecokleptocrats terrorize dissident bloggers on a consistent basis, using brutal cybercops. The stupidity and vindictiveness of certain Greek ministers is out of this world. Graecokleptocrats and Graecomedia are in cahoots to preserve the corrupt status quo, mudslinging dissident bloggers. The Ministry of Truth or Minitrue in Newspeak was how George Orwell described the mechanism used by the government of Dystopia to control information in his seminal novel of 1984. Now, governments have been rocked by the power of the internet and are seeking to gain control of it so that they will have a virtual monopoly on information that the public is able to access. But there is no way Minitrue can gag the internet.

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