Dear colleagues,
I would like to inform you that have become available, ONLY IN SPANISH, a
number of new ECLAC studies on water supply and sanitation services in
Latin America:
Servicios de agua potable y saneamiento en el Perú: beneficios potenciales
y determinantes de éxito (Success factors for and the potential benefits
of drinking water and sanitation services in Peru) by Lidia Oblitas de
- You can download it at:
- Please participate in the evaluation of this study by answering a
questionnaire at:
Experiencias relevantes de marcos institucionales y contratos en agua
potable y alcantarillado (Relevant experiences in institutional frameworks
and contracts in water supply and sewerage) by Jean-François Vergès
- You can download it at:
- Please participate in the evaluation of this study by answering a
questionnaire at:
Servicios de agua potable y saneamiento en Guatemala: beneficios
potenciales y determinantes de éxito (Success factors for and the
potential benefits of drinking water and sanitation services in Guatemala)
by Emilio Lentini
- You can download it at:
- Please participate in the evaluation of this study by answering a
questionnaire at:
Servicios de agua potable y alcantarillado: lecciones de las experiencias
de Alemania, Francia e Inglaterra (Water supply and sewerage services:
lessons from the experiences of Germany, France and England) by
Jean-François Vergès
- You can download it at:
- Please participate in the evaluation of this study by answering a
questionnaire at:
Seminario Internacional "Rol del Regulador de Agua Potable y Saneamiento
en el Siglo XXI: Retos y Oportunidades" (International Seminar "Role of
Drinking Water and Sanitation Regulator in the XXI Century: Challenges and
- You can download it at:
- Please participate in the evaluation of this study by answering a
questionnaire at:
Tratados de protección de las inversiones e implicaciones para la
formulación de políticas públicas (especial referencia a los servicios de
agua potable y saneamiento) (Investment protection treaties and
implications for the formulation of public policy (special reference to
water supply and sanitation services)) by Juan Pablo Bohoslavsky
- You can download it at:
- Please participate in the evaluation of this study by answering a
questionnaire at:
Acuerdos internacionales de inversión, sustentabilidad de inversiones de
infraestructura y medidas regulatorias y contractuales (International
investment agreements, sustainability of infrastructure investments and
regulatory and contractual measures)
- You can download it at:
- Please participate in the evaluation of this study by answering a
questionnaire at:
Inversión en infraestructura de agua y saneamiento como respuesta a la
exclusión en el Perú. Gestación, puesta en marcha y lecciones del Programa
Agua para Todos (Investment in water and sanitation infrastructure: answer
to exclusion in Peru. Origin, implementation and lessons of the Programme
Water for All) by Hernán Garrido-Lecca
- You can download it at:
- Please participate in the evaluation of this study by answering a
questionnaire at:
Yours sincerely,
Andrei S. Jouravlev
Economic Affairs Officer
Natural Resources and Infrastructure Division
Economic Commission for Latin America and the Caribbean (ECLAC)
[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]
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