Justice Eurocommissar Viviane Reding's nightmare is the freakish Greek government, aka October-18 mafia, which persecutes innocent dissident bloggers, using the cybercops as a political tool. Cry Reding! Nevertheless, Berlaymont, EU's Camelot, celebrates this Commission's first year in office. This has been a full year for the European Union especially for its work in the consolidation of the European judicial area, but also the infamous day of October 18.
The freakish government of Greece, the most corrupt country of Fourth Reich, robs computers and terrorizes the blogosphere! Why on Earth Durao Barroso, Neelie Kroes, Viviane Reding, and Cecilia Malmstroem of the European Commission cannot rein in Graecokleptocrats? If Fourth Reich(EU) cannot protect Greeks from the Greek government, who will? Greek dissident bloggers want back their stolen computers, their stolen files, their stolen persona data, and their stolen lives. Restitution is a basic right in a civil society. Brutal Graecocybercops should be abolished now.
Last year Reding accomplished a great deal in the field of justice and most specifically in the area of criminal law. The European Union was able to agree on the first ever criminal law Directive setting minimum standards on the right to interpretation and translation in criminal proceedings. Reding also made tangible progress on the Directive on the right to information – the letter of rights – strengthening the rights of the accused concerning their rights and the charges against them.
These are strong, deft and much needed instruments that impact the lives of our citizens and contribute to raising procedural rights standards and making those rights available throughout the European Union. Reding is finally breaking the deadlock on procedural rights and laying the foundations for a European judicial area based on mutual trust between our judicial systems. These accomplishments, made possible by the avenues opened by the Lisbon Treaty, should strengthen our resolve in pursuing the implementation of our European procedural rights agenda.
That is why this year Reding will propose a further two Directives: in the summer Reding will propose a Directive on the right to access to a lawyer and at the end of the year Reding will propose a Directive on the right of those arrested to communicate with their families and consular authorities.
In addition to these Directives, and in line with the invitation made by the European Council in the Stockholm Program, Reding will look into the issue of detention and in particular pre-trial detention in the European Union. The aim of Reding's work should be made clear from the outset: we need to strengthen mutual knowledge about our systems and reinforce mutual trust to ensure an effective application of the principle of mutual recognition.
Emulating the disgusting paradigm of infamous Graecokleptocrats, who persecute and jail dissident bloggers, some governments of Fourth Reich terrorize dissident bloggers. Blogging in Greece is considered an extreme-risk avocation. Freakish kleptocrats accuse dissident bloggers of treason, confiscate their computers, and lock them is jail! Freak galore! These prisoners of conscience follow the long tradition of Socrates, who was killed by the Athenian democracy.
Since taking up office as Fourth Reich(EU) Justice Commissioner a year ago Reding has been given evidence by Members of the European Parliament, NGO's, lawyers and members of the public about specific cases where citizens, and in particular non-residents, were served a European Arrest Warrant only to find themselves in long pre-trial detention procedures.
Reding was also given specific evidence that in an increasing number of European Arrest Warrant cases, extradition is contested on the grounds that detention conditions in the issuing state are not perceived as conforming to European standards set by the European Convention for the Protection of Human Rights.
Global Tax Revolt points out the persecution of dissident bloggers is unquestionably a serious attack on freedom of speech, and contrary to Article 2 of Lisbon Treaty, Article 10 of the European Convention of Human Rights, and Article 19 of the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights. The Greek government cannot bully the blogosphere without repercussions and blowbacks. The international civil society got a shock and awe from the brutality of the infamous Greek government on October 18, 2010.
The infamous government of Greece uses the cybercops as a political tool. On October 18, 2010, a vindictive Greek Minister went completely insane, and she did not think twice about abusing her position in destroying a dissident blogger, an innocent victim of a wild political witch hunt. Under wild orders, a freakish gang of brutal cybercops broke into the home and into the college office of a distinguished professor and robbed his computers, software, files, documents, personal data, personal codes, and personal secrets.
The wild Graecocybercops locked the 65-year old professor in jail, they humiliated him with handcuffs, fingerprints, mugshots, and lies, leaked false information to the media parrots, and initiated sham court proceedings for treason! There was no mattress, no pillow, and no toilet facility in his jail cell. At night, the world renown had to urinate in a bottle! There was neither toilet paper nor soap. He lost his job, and his life is stolen forever by a deranged Greek minister. That's why the Global Tax Revolt declared October 18 as the International Day Against Cybercop Brutality. http://groups.yahoo.com/group/globaltaxrevolt
Reding asserts that without mutual confidence in the area of detention, instruments such as the European Arrest Warrant, the European Evidence Warrant, the European Supervision Order or the Framework Decision on the transfer of prisoners will not work.
The time a person can spend in detention waiting for his day in court varies widely amongst our Member States. Excessively long periods of pre-trial detention are detrimental for the individual and do not represent the values for which the European Union stands. This is reason why Reding will publish a Green Paper in 2011 to explore possibilities in this area including alternatives to imprisonment.
Global Tax Revolt declares Greece, the cradle of kleptocracy, is the most disgusting gagger of dissident bloggers. Abolishing kleptocracy and cybercop brutality in modern Greece, the most corrupt country of Fourth Reich, will prove even more futile than the famous search by Diogenes for an honest man in Ancient Greece. Greece is George Orwell's Dystopia with Minitrue(Education), Miniluv(Police), Miniplenty(Economy), Minipax(Defense), and Minifreak(Foreign Affairs). Anarchy would be a much better system for Greece than the present kleptocracy.
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