Monday, February 28, 2011

Re: [Homesteadingfamily] goat milk


Does goat milk taste different from breed to breed?
What causes changes of taste in goat milk?
Does anyone milk sheep?

This is JMHO....
Not necessarily. You will find that ND milk and Nubian is apt to be richer
because they have higher butterfat amounts by breed. There will always be
the exceptions to everything though.

Other than having a higher butterfat ?, the rest are pretty much the same
except the rare goat who has an off taste. MOST who have an "off" taste
either have a mineral/chemical imbalalnce, are wormy, or the milk isn't handled
well. Some will say a buck in the area makes a difference. I've not had
that with bucks in with the does. I think housing is more of an issue. The
does need a place to lay down and sleep and chew and if they have to lay in
buck pee they could have hairs fall into the milk, etc. That again falls
under milk handling as one has to clean the doe off a bit.

I know of a couple people who milk sheep but I don't have any sheep. The
milk is reportedly very rich with a good butterfat %. Sheep cheese is suppose
to be quite a delicacy. I don't remember tasting any but may have and
forgot or didn't realize it was sheep milk cheese. I love to get my hands on
some that I could afford or even milk for making my own cheese. If this is
something you're considering, go for it!


~*~ Shar ~*~

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