but here's something everyone should be aware of.
---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Environmental League <smoser@environmentalleague.org>
Date: Wed, Feb 16, 2011 at 4:56 PM
Subject: Action Alert: Call Your U.S. Representative
To: mattburne@gmail.com
[image: ELM Logo]<http://r20.rs6.net/tn.jsp?llr=umzbhhcab&et=1104539777308&s=2518&e=001nr9Ujic2_i0K9gZvb-AXVn3_UonDjMrdJbmsUjz_dCcdM3CQT1GNY7LaOSmq64ivpAFdxujuPVnAF3JcDd8Z_d5pG1SG6pajPaR7_WrTI1dvzwEJTnL6ptJnQ8eBHVJJ>
*Environmental League of Massachusetts
* Action Alert * Action Alert <#12e307982f76bd1d_LETTER.BLOCK39> *Quick
Environmental Collaborative<http://r20.rs6.net/tn.jsp?llr=umzbhhcab&et=1104539777308&s=2518&e=001nr9Ujic2_i20SOzplM7xEkxvnKLyxTiQ_wMRWijk41p4tqiXU6qTDxpjhf6H0cyiUfZUDifQhDiOHmNdrsqKLMe93ml4SsbZoFJ6RMSnw55lz9EpOVP09I1CIZUgu0pqV6HZfVBsABT4inQpHecQkA==>
*February 16, 2011*
Action Alert: House Republicans Making Push to Gut Basic Environmental
Protections - Please Call Your U.S. Representative
*Protections for Air, Water, **Land and Wildlife at Risk *
Dear friends and colleagues:
As you may know, ELM serves as the Mass. Affiliate of the National Wildlife
Federation. While we don't typically pass on information about federal
issues, the situation is so dire on issues we all care about that we wanted
you to know and ask you to take action and share this information with
everyone you can and urge them also to take action. The following is adapted
from an NWF alert:
We are alarmed at over-reach in this week's assault on wildlife, water, air,
and the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA). Through
budget-starvation and "don't-you-dare-enforce-a-damn-thing" edict, the US
House this week is taking a wrecking ball to our most fundamental
environmental protections.
While President Obama's 2012 budget (that's next year's) dominates the news,
the Republican-controlled U.S. House has boisterously begun debate on
a so-called "Continuing Resolution" (CR) to this year's 2011 budget that
would gouge $100 billion from programs that just don't have money to shed.
But even worse are the policy riders unrelated to the budget in the CR that
tell EPA it can't do its job.
The cuts are immense, grotesque: EPA gets slashed by 29%, the popular Land
and Water Conservation Fund and Forest Legacy each get hacked by 90%, State
Wildlife Grants, the Wetlands Conservation Fund, ... the Clean Technology
Fund ... more ... are zeroed out. That's nada, zilch, zero, not one red
cent for programs that have proven themselves saviors for wildlife and
natural resources. For an alarming and comprehensive list of how
specifically more than 40 wildlife and conservation programs are gored and
"why it matters," click
and be horrified.
But this story gets worse. While the cleaver is brutal, just to be sure the
environment really gets butchered, there's language in the Continuing
Resolution that prohibits the Environmental Protection Agency from enforcing
key parts of the Clean Water and Clean Air Act, and from regulating carbon
emissions as the Supreme Court told EPA to do. Overall - the CR is an
attack on clean water, by polluters. For example, the "EPA don't enforce"
order would:
1. Freeze EPA attempts to re-assert fundamental pollution protections over
waters that supply 117 million Americans with their drinking water.
2. Halt efforts to protect streams in Appalachia from being permanently
buried and destroyed by poisonous mining waste.
3. Stop a clean-up plan for the Chesapeake Bay designed to prevent the
devastating dead zones and algal blooms that have fouled the Bay and sent
shellfisheries plummeting.
We're drowning you in detail. Sorry. Click here for more invective
on the "sneak
attack" by the night
Here's the point of this email:
All our Congresspeople need to hear LOUDLY from us now. If we're silent on
this unprecedented assault, we'll get clobbered even more brutally in the
next round. This is the time for every one of us to express outrage.
So please call your Congressional Rep
our friends!!) (or thru the Congressional Switchboard 202 224 3121) to say:
1) The cuts in the Continuing Resolution are galling to you and to
wildlife, water, air, EPA and Interior
2) We should not scrap our most fundamental and successful
environmental and health protections by appropriator edict, and
3) Ask how $3.6 Billion in giveaways to Big Oil survive while EPA +
Interior get eviscerated by $4.4 Billion.
If you prefer, you can write an
But please let Congress hear from us now. As the Jumbo-tron begs, LOUDER
... LOUDER. The House may pass this horrific CR by week's end, but if we
don't push-back very aggressively right now, we're in for even worse. We
need to show the Senate we have a voice, and perhaps pray for an Obama
veto. Please ACT.
*Environmental League of Massachusetts
14 Beacon Street, Suite 714
Boston, MA 02108 - 617-742-2553
This email was sent to mattburne@gmail.com by smoser@environmentalleague.org |
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Environmental League of Massachusetts | info@environmentalleague.org |
Boston | MA | 02108
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