Friday, February 18, 2011

[vernalpool] Organizing a Big Night


One of my study sites (Long Island, NY) is a vernal pond turned neighborhood sump. Hundreds of frogs and sallies migrate to it every spring even though it has lost a few classic vernal pond characters and characteristics. Still, in my mind, it is worth protecting since so many amphibians use it. It is one of the few ponds that I know of, for instance, where tiger and spotted sallies both lay their eggs because of the diverse habitats within the single pond! But I digress...

Previous years I have been the only one to go out on those rainy nights and help cross these critters, but this year is different...I have a few volunteers including a boy scout troop willing to help me. This got me thinking...let's use the volunteers to help rally the neighbors (17 houses border the pond) and teach everyone in one fell swoop how to run a Big Night!

Only one to organize a Big Night??? I am winging it here, but if anyone out there has done this before I would love to speak with you and learn from your successes and failures.

I'll post my progress on my EricBlog if you want to see how I'm doing.


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