Tuesday, February 22, 2011

[vernalpool] Re: Organizing a Big Night



Looks like you received great advice from the Harris Center. I'll add one idea that has worked for us in Northampton MA where we have monitored a spotted salamander road crossing for ten years. If you want to close the road, or get traffic police presence to help slow the traffic, this tactic has worked for us. Call the police department and explain what you are going to do, with emphasis on the number of people, including children, who will be out on a dark road in the rain. Suggest that for public safety the police department may want to provide support by slowing traffic, or closing the road if possible for several hours. Maybe we were lucky, but our Traffic Sargent became so excited by seeing the migration that he became an advocate for us every year. After the event, remember to send a thank you letter to the chief of police, and a copy to the mayor, for their excellent public service. We now have a devoted officer known around the station house as "Sargent Salamander" .

Keith H. Davis
Northampton, MA

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