Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Re: [Homesteadingfamily] goat milk


I recently read an article about milking goats (I haven't milked anything except a Jersey cow, and that was 35y ago!). I can't remember where I read it (Backwoods Home magazine, maybe?!!).

Anyway, the author said that he keeps the hair on the underbelly of his goats trimmed.
He washes, rinses, & dries the udders each time he milks.
In the bottom of his stainless steel seamless pail he places two blue ice packs (frozen, of course) so that the milk is instantly cooled. He also has a fine mesh coffee filter atop the pail. It is inserted into a lid of some sort (looked sort of like a frisbee with a hole cut in the middle).

So, the goat is very clean. The milk is instantly filtered & cooled.

He takes it to the house immediately where he filters it again before refrigerating it in glass jars.

Just thought I'd throw that out there!

Teresa in WV

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