Thursday, April 28, 2011

[vernalpool] Marion, MA 04-28-2011


With a series of moderate to heavy rain squalls, containing occasional thunder and lightning, and temps ranging from 63 down to 60, I managed to make myself suit up and go check my site. I arrived at 9:00 pm (8:00 EST) and right away wished I had gotten out sooner. I found five spotted salamanders already hit by cars. I did manage to successfully cross an additional 12 in the next hour and a half. All but one were heading away from the pool. One was heading toward it. Also had two wood frogs, one each heading in and out. Several peepers going both directions. I drove further down the road to scout for other places herps may be crossing and upon returning to my original site, flushed a barred owl up off the road!

I need to get in and to an egg mass count.

American toads have been trilling in Marion and Rochester since last weekend. Heard one pickerel frog. No GTF's yet.


Mike Maurer
Marion, MA

"The time to save a species is while it is still common" Rosalie Edge, Founder of Hawk Mountain Sanctuary

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