Sunday, May 29, 2011

[Homesteadingfamily] Re: Yesterday, we discovered... son and hubby have trapped in the past and its time to step up and do more on our land. They did some trapping this past winter for a big cattle company as they were getting tired of watching the coyotes dine, pack style on their newborn attentions needed at home.

--- In, "Teresa Ward" <jrward3@...> wrote:
> I'm so sorry that this happened to you. Wild dogs of any persuasion (feral, wolves, coyotes, etc) will attack the weakest. Right now they are feeding their young, so foals, calves, fawns, and even small children are on their menu.
> This is why it is soooo important for hunting and trapping to flourish, instead of being attacked my well-meaning but misguided people. I hope you don't lose any more livestock, and encourage local hunters to hunt coyotes on your property.
> Blessings,
> Teresa in WV
> [Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

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