Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Re: [BMp] Biomapper map adding issue


I think that you try to do from my suggestions as follows:
- Click right in space of ecogeographical maps and click view metadata to check information (all map information are same or not, if not you should edit same information for all maps). Then, map adding will be working.

On Wed, Oct 26, 2011 at 12:30 AM, Martha Baldwin <marth.baldwin@gmail.com> wrote:


I am having 2 issues, immediate assitance is required! :) :

1. I am adding my EGVs, IDRISI .rst format. I can add a few, then one
will ask for an extension, i go through the pop up windows, picking
QT, and then i click OK for the next window for background info.
it works fine.

THEN, i go to add my next map, and instantly a warning pops up telling
me it can no longer locate filename_QT (aka the map i just added), it
asks if i want to manually locate it for biomapper, i do, it is int he
same spot it was. i point it there, and another warning pops up,
saying operation not allowed on sorted list. I cannot add any more
maps until the first one is found, and yet pointing it at it, does not

the remove map command results in an error: list index out of bounds (3).

2. the maps that do add successfully, when i view them, show up as
just black for mask, and all white for area with data. Is there a
conversion or transformation i have to do to display them properlly?

thank you,
Martha Baldwin
Dalhousie University

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