Wednesday, February 29, 2012

[Homesteadingfamily] Re: Hi everyone I am new here :)


I'm not new but have been lurking. This will be my first attempt at growing mostly vegetables and, due to a number of factors, I'll be growing them in containers. I've read some great books (by Edward Smith of VT, Pamela Crawford of GA, and a duo for "Bountiful Containers") but these are people who have a lot of experience. My gardening experience has been ornamentals so I'm not sure if I'll have a green thumb with veggies or not.

My focus is on organic (healthy) and cost (frugality). This is going to be a costly year in that I'm setting up the containers, but I also have a "wish list" that I'm having difficulty paring down. To limit disappointment (not liking a variety, losing some to bugs/disease) I want to plant a number of different varieties, and that is where I start to get into trouble. How do you decide what varieties to try? How many of each variety do you plant?

I'm in AL.

Thanks for any suggestions,

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