Friday, May 4, 2012

Re: [Homesteadingfamily] What is everyone planting?


We're in northeastern IL, and things have been weird here, too. I usually start too early, and I told myself last year to just WAIT until April 1. But, no, we had a warm Feb/Mar, and I put the cool-weather stuff out about mid-March. As I knew last year, that stuff has been languishing since. In addition, I didn't get the potato bed turned over, so those only went in yesterday. But we had rain this week, so they should be off to a good start.

In general, I'm working on the veggie garden this year. I have broccoli, cabbage, brussels sprouts (which I hate, but dh loves, and, since I learned to roast them, I can now tolerate them ) cauliflower, onions, garlic, lettuces, and radishes. And, now, the potatoes. I have starts for peppers(sweet and hot) and tomatoes (Romas, slicers and grape) coming along well. I replanted our strawberry bed last fall, and those puppies look great. I pulled out my asparagus bed, because it was weed-choked and I couldn't keep up. My plan was to rebuild the bed in April, but I actually found paying work around the end of March, and that has put a crimp in my gardening time. So the asparagus may have to wait until this weekend or even two weeks from now. I did find some spears sticking out in the garden; seems I didn't get them all! That was a nice surprise.

I made our first mini-harvest yesterday! In addition to the asparagus, I cut some rhubarb and pulled a couple of radishes. The rhubarb will be rhubarb crisp for breakfast tomorrow, the asparagus will go into an omelet, and I ate the radishes. They were French Breakfast radishes, which I planted because they're usually kinda sweet; these were HOT. But they made a nice snack!

I'll also plant acorn or butternut squash, beans, peas, and herbs. We use a lot of basil. although I'm good at growing it, I'm not so good at harvesting it on time, usually because it comes in when it's SO hot and humid. But I will do it this year; I missed pesto and caprese salad in the winter! I also grow chives, oregano, dill, rosemary, sage and lavender. I'd like to try something new this year, but I'll figure out which when I go to the garden store.

I've wondered, too, about harvesting things along the roadside. My mom, grandmother and aunt used to drag us all over the countryside, cutting asparagus. They wondered, too. My dad thinks I should just bag the asparagus bed, and do what they did, but I don't like the idea of eating exhaust. Yet another reason why we pasture our critters away from the highway.

Happy Gardening!

Melody Peterman

From: Pam
Sent: Monday, April 30, 2012 10:56 AM
Subject: [Homesteadingfamily] What is everyone planting?

It's been a weird spring here in the NE. No rain to speak of and farmers are having to irrigate in APRIL!! Still really chilly at night (40's and 30's). I have gotten some fruit trees planted hosui and kosui pear, two kinds of apples, peach, and lots of berry bushes. I planted elderberry this year and hope to make syrup for cold and flu season.

I recently made a batch of dandelion syrup. It's good for high bp, and is filled with c and other vitamins. Just make sure not to take them from near the road because of exhaust. I also have been making a nice salad with the greens with balsamic vinegar. I am hoping to learn more about wild edibles. Looking at some May apples in my pasture to make jam in the late summer. Only the fruits are edible.

Must run, but looking forward to hearing what all of you are doing. Pam

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