Thursday, July 26, 2012

[BMp] ArcMap 9.3 maps to Biomapper


Dear Biomappers,

[Sorry if this has already been discussed, but I looked through previous messages, and actually couldn't find an answer to my issue]

I just downloaded Biomapper, to evaluate my HS maps that I have created with MaxEnt.

Now, I use ArcMap 9.3 for all my mapping processing, so already I'm having trouble to figure out how to convert my output maps (which are *.csv - ACSII) to *.rst format to use in Biomapper.

- I tried the 'Mapmanager' built-in of Biomapper, which apparently is supposed to be able to convert *.csv files, but nothing happens when I press the Export button after selecting my map...

- I also tried to use the 'av2idrisi.dll' script extension from ESRI, but it doesn't want to be installed into my ArcGIS (it may be because I am using a cracked version of the program ..? :S)

- And I do not have Idrisi...

So where do I go from there?
Any advice would be extremely appreciated!!!

Thank you,

Camille, N.Z. Coudrat, B.Sc, M.Sc
Ph.D Candidate in Primate Conservation
Oxford Brookes University
School of Social Sciences and Law
Department of Anthropology and Geography
Headington Campus, Gipsy Lane, OX3 0BP, Oxford

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