Monday, July 9, 2012



Netherlands leads the way to net-neutrality, whereas Greece lags far behind. Netherlands versus Neanderthals! Whenever the internet encounters a bottleneck, such as the freakish government of Greece, it just goes around it, bypassing cybercensorship, stupid regulation, VAT, cancer of socialism, and sadomasochism!

A major benefit of net neutrality is that it allows society to blow off steam. Broadcasting of ideas releases pressures which otherwise might become destructive. Free speech also allows the government to gather information about public concerns.

Cybercensorship encourages freakish governments, such as the brutal government of Greece. On October 18, 2010, the Greek government stole my computer and my life at gunpoint. Mr. Samaras, bring my computer back! Enough is enough! Needless to say, I also demand my life back. Greece, the bully of blogosphere, has crossed the Rubicon against civility, terrorizing and robbing dissident bloggers.

Giving cybercensorship to blogbusters is giving gin to alcoholics! Blogbusters galore! Freak! Freak! Freak! The freakish government of Greece, the most corrupt country in Occident, steals computers! Robbing dissident bloggers and locking them in jail is a freakish behavior that does not belong to the European Union, not even to this galaxy! No wonder some vain Greeks boast they come from Andromeda galaxy!

The fight against cybercensorship is more essential than ever. By creating blogs for exchanging ideas and information, internet is a force for freedom. In countries where the traditional media are controlled by the government, the only independent news and information are to be found on the internet, which has become a forum for discussion and a refuge for those who want to express their views freely.

However, more and more repressive governments, such as those of China and Greece, have realized this and persecute dissident bloggers. Never have so many countries been affected by some form of cybercensorship, whether arrests or harassment of dissident bloggers, online surveillance, website blocking, or the adoption of repressive internet laws. Dissident bloggers are being targeted by government reprisals.

Free speech, media, and information flows increasingly ignore and elude physical frontiers or national boundaries. Many governments fearful of this lack of control, are trying hard to restore or fortify barriers to trace, block, target, and censor those who champion the truth. The First Amendment of the American constitution protects speech even when the subject or manner of expression is uncomfortable and challenges conventional religious beliefs, political attitudes, or standards of good taste.

Civil society must persuade the freakish blogbusters of the enemies of internet to stop persecuting and robbing dissident bloggers. The enemies of internet are Bahrain, Belarus, Burma, China, Cuba, Egypt, Greece, Iran, North Korea, Saudi Arabia, Syria, Turkey, Turkmenistan, Uzbekistan, and Vietnam. The freakish government of Greece stole my computer!

Accusing dissident bloggers of treason, Graecokleptocrats have manufactured a blood libel in cyberspace, which in turn incites hatred and violence. The freakish kangaroo justice government of Greece is the only government on Earth which steals the computers of its citizens! Infamous CCU is the brutal arm of the kangaroo government of Greece, which terrorizes the cyberspace, stealing computers and files at gunpoint, perjuring, jailing dissident bloggers, and gagging the truth. The Greek Cyber Crime Unit (CCU) is the most disgusting gang in Fourth Reich!

Persecuting dissident bloggers often results in their blogs being publicized more widely. The Streisand Effect is a strong argument for the old adage that the best response to bad speech is more speech, not censorship. The Streisand Effect is a primarily online phenomenon in which an attempt to hide or remove a piece of information has the perverse effect of publicizing the information more widely. It is named after Barbra Streisand, whose attempt to suppress photos of her residence generated further publicity.

Uri Rosenthal points out that standing up for freedom online is the logical next step to our age-old endeavor for freedom of speech. For centuries, this fundamental freedom has been the driver of democracy. The fight for freedom of speech continues. But in the last decades, it has taken on an extra dimension, that of freedom online. Freedom of speech online is no different from freedom of speech offline. Only now, we are faced with new technological possibilities and challenges.

Rosenthal notes we are still doing the same, only with different means, and much faster. Protecting freedom online is to safeguard its democratic potential. It is time for governments, companies, ICT experts, the academic community and civil society at large to join efforts. The freakish government of Greece stole my computer!

VAT is the major culprit of European depression, the #1 source of misery. VAT is the cacothanasia of Fourth Reich! Vatdodging is heroism! If you are a real patriot, you should revolt against VAT, buying products online from companies that evade VAT. Remember, your government is your worst enemy! The freakish government of Greece stole my computer and my life! The largest online retailers offer top quality products at deep discounts without VAT. Only stupid consumers pay VAT! Some fantastic VAT-free offers are on

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Since network neutrality first appeared in policy debates, its meaning has been less than crystal clear. Some advocates have argued that net neutrality demands that broadband Internet service providers (ISPs) treat all bits equally: a bit is a bit is a bit, while others make exceptions for malware bits, spam bits, child pornography bits, etc. Some advocates have argued that net neutrality must apply not only to wired broadband ISPs, but to wireless broadband providers as well, while others recognize that wireless broadband has a unique technological structure that requires more stringent and flexible capacity management than is consistent with a bit is a bit is a bit. Prophylactic regulation is not necessary, and may well reduce welfare. Sound policy is to wait for ex post evidence of harm to justify interventions in specific cases.

According to La Quadrature du Net, The Squaring of Internet, it is impossible to effectively control the flow of information in the digital age by law and technology without harming public freedoms, and damaging economic and social development. This is similar to the squaring of the circle, a problem that cannot be solved. The freakish government of Greece stole my computer!

Net-neutrality means the internet has no gatekeeper. It encompasses all the issues related to the circulation of information on the internet, such as free speech, access to knowledge, copyright, or innovation. Thanks to this principle, everyone retain the freedom to access and produce the information they want. Socialists want prioritization of certain information flows by taking control of the network. Kleptocrats threaten net-neutrality by seeking to implement filtering techniques in order to re-establish the kind of control they used to have on traditional media.

The internet compresses time and space. News nowadays is flashing on mobile phones in a matter of seconds. Messages on possible election fraud can invigorate a texting crowd within minutes. Where it used to take days to mobilize the masses, protests by so called flash mobs are now organized instantaneously. Online technology is a catalyst which can help people collectively overcome their fear of a totalitarian regime within days.

Uri Rosenthal points out the Arab Awakening started for a large part online. It will be a permanent force there. But one with many counterforces still. Unfortunately old censorship techniques are still being used massively in some countries, like controlling television channels and printed press. But online technology is making life difficult for the censors. And we should not make their life easier by providing them with filter technology.

The persecution of Greek dissident bloggers is a worrying example of how freedom on the net is under increasing threat. As more people use cyberspace to communicate, obtain information, express their views, socialize, and conduct commerce, governments are stepping up their efforts to regulate and control it. Tight control on the internet impinges on our freedom of speech, association and assembly. And it means that violations of other human rights are kept away from us.

The audacity and innovativeness of bloggers and cyber activists deserves more support. A vibrant civil society assists their cause. As governments, we must also do more. The Dutch government is determined step up its efforts to aid cyber activists around the globe. That means supporting back up internet solutions in countries like Syria and Iran. It means providing mesh networks to cyber activists who are unable to access internet otherwise, allowing them to connect freely when communication infrastructure goes down. And it means raising freedom online bilaterally and multilaterally, time and again.

Rosenthal asserts that we must do everything we can, with all partners aboard, to ensure that technology from our countries is not abused by repressive governments to suppress online freedoms. One way is to include such technology under the EU dual use regulation, and the Dutch government has requested the European Commission to do so.

Besides individual country initiatives, Rosenthal believes the time has come for a concerted global effort from our governments to combat censorship and embed digital media freedom. Rosenthal established the Freedom Online Coalition of States which ensures that the internet is open, free, innovative, and accessible to all. Multiple stakeholdership is key: it is in the internet's very DNA. And so the Coalition engages with the wide field: NGOs, ICT businesses, academia, individuals, and governments alike to address the exercise of human rights through the internet.

Hey! I wish to deliver the keynote speech at your conference. My speeches leave the audience thinking something new or resolved to act, stir the emotions as well as appealing to reason, and show a sense of occasion. I get away with elevated language because my liberty cause is a noble one. I practice a colorful rhetoric enriched with alliterations, metaphors, heightened imagery, emotional effect, and sound bites.

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