Saturday, July 7, 2012

[kitchencabinetforum] SYRIA IS A DEJA VU OF KOSOVO


­James Jatras believes the similarities between the Syria and Kosovo conflicts run deep. There are similarities on three crucial levels when we look at Syria. One has to do with the international system, the rule of law, the role of the Security Council. Another has to do with the status of sovereign states, and how you treat a sovereign state that has an insurgency within its borders. The third level involves taking a complex situation involving atrocities and violence committed on both sides of the conflict, and attributing them only to one side.

Senseless war and senseless destruction and death should not be rationalized as providing a great service in protecting American freedoms, American Constitution, or maintaining peace. Ron Paul muses the only value that can come of this is to recognize that American policies are flawed and they need to be changed. Without this, history will record that the sacrifices were all in vain.

Jatras muses what you do is come up with a concept, and you fit the facts into the concept. You don't take a step back in good faith, look at what's really going on, look at the suffering of people on both sides.

Ron Paul is clear about this: sanctions against Syria and Iran are definite steps toward a US attack. Already we see US warships approaching the region, moving dangerously close to Syrian waters. The tougher sanctions currently under consideration would disrupt global trade and undermine the US economy, which in turn harms our national security. Foreign companies or foreign subsidiaries of US companies would be severely punished if they did not submit to the US trade embargo on Iran. We must change our foreign policy to one of economic freedom and diplomacy. That is the only way to promote peace and prosperity. This race to war against Iran and Syria is both foolhardy and dangerous.

Jatras asks why is it that in the name of fighting terrorism and promoting democracy, the United States always seems to find itself on the side of jihadist elements engaging in terrorism with predictable results for the Christian population, as we saw in Kosovo when half of the Orthodox Serb population had to flee the province, and thousands of them were killed by the pseudoliberators, – the Kosovo Liberation Army?

Ron Paul notes thousands of American service members have been killed and tens of thousands wounded with a sharp increase in service-connected suicides. Over 500,000 veterans are seeking medical treatment and disability benefits. Millions of citizens have been killed, wounded, and displaced in the countries on the receiving end of American bombs, drones, sanctions, and occupation. The region has suffered huge environmental damage as a consequence of American military occupation.

Jatras declares there are several reasons why the United States may be willing to support Islamic fundamentalists. Most importantly, it is America's cozy relationship with Saudi Arabia and the Gulf States, and hence its desire to show it has its friends' backs when it comes to facilitating an environment for international commerce!

The Arab Spring will eventually come to Saudi Arabia. Despite generally good relations, Occident remains concerned about human rights conditions in Saudi Arabia and global terrorism of the Royal House of Saudi Arabia. Principal human rights issues include abuse of prisoners and incommunicado detention; prohibitions or severe restrictions on freedom of speech, press, peaceful assembly and association, and religion; denial of the right of citizens to change their government; systematic discrimination against women and ethnic and religious minorities; and suppression of workers' rights.

Ariel Cohen points out that if an Arab Spring uprising completely disrupted Saudi oil production, Occident and the global economy would face a massive economic and strategic crisis. Russia and Iran as oil-producing states would likely exploit the crisis to increase their power around the world while undermining Occidental influence, especially in the Middle East. To guard against the economic and strategic dangers, Occident should prepare emergency measures before such a crisis. Releasing strategic petroleum reserves in coordination with other countries, tapping the North American energy resources, and reducing domestic energy consumption would limit the impact of the crisis and facilitate recovery. However, it is also in the U.S. interest to use its influence and resources to assist allies and friends during the crisis.

Saudi Arabia is a disgusting terrorist country. As has been documented repeatedly, Saudi Arabia is the major financial source of suicide bombers, religious incitements, extremist schools, and terrorist mosques throughout the world. As the Saudi ruling family's ally and protector, the U.S. government and other institutions cannot be silent while Saudi institutions continue to promote its deadly ideology, Wahhabism. As the protector of the Royal House of Saudi Arabia, Uncle Sam has a responsibility to make it clear to the Saudis that religious incitements are not only a threat to Occidental democratic institutions, but also to the international community as well.

Franklin Roosevelt observed that wherever the Muslims have had a complete sway, wherever citizens have been unable to resist them by the sword, civility has ultimately disappeared. Roosevelt rejected as naive the notion that all religions are the same. Some religions give a higher value to each human life, and some religions and belief systems give a lower value. Our social values, including equality before the law, exist only because the Christians of Europe did what the Christians of Asia and Africa had failed to do – that is, to beat back the Moslem invader.

John Quincy Adams pointed out that Muhammad poisoned the sources of human felicity at the fountain, by degrading the condition of the female sex, and the allowance of polygamy; and he declared undistinguishing and exterminating war as part of his religion, against all the rest of mankind. The essence of Muhammad's doctrine was violence and lust; to exalt the brutal over the spiritual part of human nature.

Hail! A sensitive issue cannot be fully explained in a post, but only in a speech, in that magic eyeball to eyeball contact, baring my soul, and declaring truths that cause shock and awe. That's why I look forward to the invitation of your organization to speak at your conference.

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