Monday, July 2, 2012

Re: [vernalpool] Re: Leeches on dragonfly larvae and beetle


That I don't know. I too have a website, ( and have posted some stuff from this yahoo group. It was a while back, can't recall when exactly, and I think it was done anonymously--cut-and-paste stuff. But the group is great to follow and my guess is other posting have taken place in other internet outlets. If the group wants me to stop posting I'd be glad to, but it's my thought and probably yours too, the more info out there about vernal ponds the better.
----- Original Message -----
From: atoz04
Sent: Monday, July 02, 2012 11:00 AM
Subject: [vernalpool] Re: Leeches on dragonfly larvae and beetle

I totally agree that sharing is important for vernal pools.

However, something is screwy here. I contacted the owner of that Ecology website and she said they most definitely don't have a blogspot and never have. It's not her website. So whose is it?


--- In, " Tim Wacker" <tiwack@...> wrote:
> Hello Eileen
> I got invited into your Yahoo group about two years ago, most likely unbeknownst to the entire group. I'm a vernal ponds fan much like the rest of you, only perhaps farther north, in Northeast Massachusetts. I've written about vernal ponds for a few newspapers up here and am always on the look out for fresh news. The reason I write is to ask you not to take umbrage at the use of this group's posting for publication. It's a wonderful, granular source of real time information that is of interest to many and could be a vital resource for experts in a position to act upon it. This is great stuff. Sharing it can only help the very cause that has us all involved. Thank you.
> ----- Original Message -----
> From: Eileen
> To:
> Sent: Monday, July 02, 2012 7:59 AM
> Subject: Re: [vernalpool] Leeches on dragonfly larvae and beetle
> Hi all,
> I did a google search on this topic trying to hunt down some more information and by golly I found my and Matt's posting on another yahoo group
> What's the scoop? Anyone know anything about this blogspot? And just how does it instantly hook into our yahoo group? Yahoo isn't remotely secure, but this is taking it up a new level. I do not like this at all as it means non-group members have access to all of our emails for anyone who posts a comment.
> Eileen

[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

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