Tuesday, October 26, 2010

RE: [Homesteadingfamily] Re: Canners...


Can you add rice?



<http://atasteofcreole.wordpress.com/> http://atasteofcreole.wordpress.com/

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From: Homesteadingfamily@yahoogroups.com
[mailto:Homesteadingfamily@yahoogroups.com] On Behalf Of Deb
Sent: Monday, October 25, 2010 9:11 PM
To: Homesteadingfamily@yahoogroups.com
Subject: [Homesteadingfamily] Re: Canners...

Any soups or anything containing meat, I pressure at 12-15 pounds of
pressure for on e hour and thirty minutes....sometimes I turn it off at
1 hour and fifteen minutes, because it still takes about 15 minutes to
cool down, yet it is still under pressure during that time. You will
never lose a meat doing this. For soups and stews I cook it about half
way, then put while really hot into the jars and pressure...it will
finish cooking in the canner.
I get the lid gaskets at the ACE hardware store locally..and LEHMAN'S in
Ohio has a good selection of them, but cost a little more than the
hardware store. I like to keep one extra for every canner, just in case.
The silicon oil, my husband got for me, but I thin it came from Lowe's.
It is inexpensive and really brings the moisture back to any rubber
goods...and extends the life of the item. I just rub it on and let it
sit for a while, then rub off the excess with a paper towel and it's
ready to store or go back to work!

Yes, there is a good pressure canning book called "BALL BLUE BOOK OF
CANNING". Trouble is, I never get a lot of stuff to work from that, but
it has good basic info. Every single dish I can which has meat, all gets
done with the same time and pressure above. I have never lost a jar
doing it this way, in 25 years of canning! I raw pack and pre-cook and
get good results doing it this way. And of course, always have your
jars, ring and tips hot and clean before beginning!~deb

--- In Homesteadingfamily@yahoogroups.com
<mailto:Homesteadingfamily%40yahoogroups.com> , "Jeanne Lookabill"
<atasteofcreole@...> wrote:
> Wow Deb!
> Thanks for the advice. I think I may get one. I can practice on
> chili and homemade ckn soup!
> Query:
> 1) Where does one get silicone gel?
> 2) Extra gaskets?
> 3) Is there a pressure canning book?
> I've got two unopened cases of lids.
> Jeanne
> <http://community.webshots.com/user/atasetofcreole>
> http://community.webshots.com/user/atasetofcreole
> <http://atasteofcreole.wordpress.com/>
> NEW ORLEANS--Our city, Our team, Our time, Our destiny; Our Moment in
> ORLEANS SAINTS. NOW...Who Dat say they gonna beat them SAINTS?
> ,___
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