Sunday, October 24, 2010

Re: [Homesteadingfamily] re-intro


Hi, Lisa and re-welcome, lol. Your life makes mine seem so small.  I'm glad you do have a support system w/your church and like mindeness can certainly be found on here!

Fredna & Mike 
Hard Candy Acres in MO

--- On Sun, 10/24/10, <> wrote:

From: <>
Subject: [Homesteadingfamily] re-intro
Date: Sunday, October 24, 2010, 7:18 PM


I'm the mom of 13 blessings, 3 by birth and grown now, 10 more adopted and
living at home. The youngest 10 are ages: 17 down to age 5. We live on
12 acres in a hundred year old remodeled farmhouse. We have about 50
chickens (for eggs and meat), a horse and a pony, 4 LaMancha goats (for milk,
cheese and brush control), two milk cows one Jersey ( for milk, butter, ice
cream, etc), two dairy heifers about 4 months old and one mini Jersey in milk
currently for sale. We raised a couple of Jersey steers and put them in
the freezer recently giving us 800 lbs. of beef.

My dh passed away in August from lung cancer and I am learning to cope
with everything here by myself. I sure would rather be milking the cow or
tending the garden instead of repairing fences! Hard to believe I could feel
"alone" in this crowd but sometimes I do. Most of the time I feel very
blessed, we have a great church family, friends and are lucky to have a nice
place, plenty of food and are financially stable in these hard times...

Wishing more like minded people lived nearby.

Lisa in GA

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[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

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