Friday, May 6, 2011

[Homesteadingfamily] Re: Does anyone know how to salt cure meat??


Hi Lisa:Did you know that you can can meat, also? I can ground beef,
stew beef, turkey breasts, hams, chicken (raw pack and cooked), smoked
pork, and even fish in pint jars. Wild game would be processed the saw
way. To salt cure, you will need long days of freezing temps to keep it
for long term. I do salt/sugar/pepper cure hams, but they have to go
into a room like a commercial fridge...I am in NGA and the temps just do
not get cold enough for long enough here. :-( I do make bacon in a
commercial fridge that we have in our barn, though..takes about 4-5
weeks and it is very tasty! I also make streak- o-lean and fat back for
seasoning using salt only cures....I want to hubby made me a "salt box"
for that. Simply a small (approx 2' long x 2' wide) wooden box. I then
will fill it with pickling salt. I will bury the pork fat into the salt
after coating by hand first. Should keep for a year at least.
You are wise not to want everything in the freezer in these you said, if they go out, sooner or later you will lose
all it's contents. When we process our beef this year, I will keep a
whole cow instead of the usual side...and can about 1/3 - 1/2 of that.
It will keep for 4-5 years in jars...and no freezer burn!
Ninja may have even better ideas for this...wait for his response, too!
Good luck in the endeavor!~deb
--- In, "Lisa" <lcannon1967@...>
> I've been learning to can all the stuff that I've been growing in the
veggie garden. We also hunt and freeze the meat that we get. I would
like to learn how to salt cure the meat, so I would know how to keep
meat in the case that there was no electricity.
> Any other forms of treating meat so that it will last without
electricity would be helpful.
> Thanks
> Lisa

[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

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