Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Re: [Homesteadingfamily] human ringworm


We just dealt with this with my daughter.  She had a few lesions on her arms, treated with tea tree oil, they went away.  Then more sprouted.  We went through an up and down cycle, with more being produced at each cycle.  Her whole torso was covered.  However, the repeated outbreaks were weaker.  We continued to treat with tea tree.  When it started to irritate her skin, that was when the sores were drying/dying off. 
The thing that helped the most was to put her on an anti-candida diet, since ringworm is a fungal infection.  No dairy, no wheat, no sugar.  You're even supposed to eliminate fruit, peanuts, and potatoes, but we didn't actually go that far.  We would have if it hadn't worked.
Let us know when you get over it!
Best regards,
Naomi in NM

--- On Mon, 5/30/11, springrain280 <springrain280@yahoo.ca> wrote:

From: springrain280 <springrain280@yahoo.ca>
Subject: [Homesteadingfamily] human ringworm
To: Homesteadingfamily@yahoogroups.com
Date: Monday, May 30, 2011, 1:55 PM


Hi I have been dealing with ringworm for 6 weeks and nothing seems to be working. When it first started I tried teetree oil but it didn't work. I have had 2 meds by 2 different doctors with no result it just gets worse or I have a reaction to the cream and pills. Can anyone think of something that might work? It is spreading from my hands and it's even hard to use my hands because now I have blisters to go along with the large round lessions. To get into a specialist is 2-6month wait here. Any suggestion would be greatly appreciated.

[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

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