In a show of solidarity to the victims of marilizardism, many traders and investors all over the world sell-short bonds of October 18 Mafia. Short-selling might climax with a crash on the first anniversary of October-18 terror.
October-18 Mafia robbed my computer and files at gunpoint! Accusing dissident bloggers of treason, Graecokleptocrats have manufactured a blood libel in cyberspace, which in turn incites hatred and violence. The freakish October-18 Mafia, is the only government on Earth which robs the computers of its citizens!
Infamous CCU is the brutal arm of October-18 mafia which terrorizes the cyberspace, robbing computers and files at gunpoint, perjuring, jailing dissident bloggers, and gagging the truth. CCU of Graecokleptocracy is the most disgusting gang in Fourth Reich.
Speaking of karma or pure coincidence, October-18 Mafia has cash to operate until October 18, the first anniversary of its terror! October-18 Mafia admits it only has manoeuvring space for basic needs within October!
With our compliments to Paul and Linda McCartney:
When you were free
and you were healthy
You were eager to live
you know you did
you know you did
you know you did
But if this kleptocracy
in which we live in
Makes you give in and cry
You are eager to die
To go to the other side.
It doesn't matter anymore
Cannot stand these cybercops
October-18 Mafia no more
Get rid of freakish cops.
You were eager to live
you know you did
you know you did
you know you did
But if this kleptocracy
in which we live in
Makes you give in and cry
You are eager to die
To go to the other side.
Mr. Papandreou, bring my computer and files back! It's not nice robbing people at gunpoint! The Fourth Reich bailout of the Cradle of Kleptocracy cannot succeed, because the October-18 Mafia continues corruption, Kangaroo Justice, marilizardism, Marilizard Libel, Marilizard Spaghetti, and Marilizard Towers.
October-18 Mafia is the most disgusting predator of internet on Earth! Civil society was shocked by the brutality and stupidity of the October-18 2010 terror, initiated by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the government of Greece. That's why October-18 Mafia is the new name of the government of Greece!
Governments of many repressed countries, such as Greece, use marilizardist tools to manipulate netizens. Marilizard Libel is accusing dissident bloggers of treason. Marilizard Spaghetti is hurling charges against innocent people. Marilizard Tower is a stack of imaginary charges to scare a blogger. Marilizardism is terrorizing dissident bloggers. October 18 is the international day against marilizardism, and October-18 Mafia is the marilizardist government of Greece.
Marilizardists use charge stacking, which is the ability to charge a large number of overlapping crimes for a single course of conduct, building a Marilizard Tower of charges. This is the most disgusting tool used by the freakish October-18 mafia to jail innocent dissident bloggers. Combining crimes enables prosecutors to get convictions in cases where there may be no misconduct at all. By stacking enough charges, freakish marilizardists try to jack up the threat value of a trial and thereby induce a guilty plea, even if the government's case is weak.
Marilizardism has metastasized in many repressed countries. The most disgusting marilizardist countries on Earth are Argentina, Bahrain, Bangladesh, Belarus, Burma, Central African Republic, China, Colombia, Cuba, Djibouti, Egypt, Eritrea, Ethiopia, Greece, Guatemala, Indonesia, Iran, Italy, Lebanon, Malaysia, Mongolia, Morocco, North Korea, Pakistan, Russia, Saudi Arabia, Sudan, Syria, Turkey, Turkmenistan, Uganda, Uzbekistan, Vardaska, Vietnam, Yemen, and Zimbabwe.
Global Tax Revolt points out the marilizardist persecution of dissident bloggers is unquestionably a serious attack on freedom of speech, and contrary to Article 2 of Lisbon Treaty, Article 10 of the European Convention of Human Rights, and Article 19 of the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights. The disgusting October-18 Mafia cannot bully the blogosphere without repercussions and blowbacks. The international civil society got a shock and awe from the brutality of the freakish October-18 Mafia on October 18, 2010.
Kleptocracy, Kangaroo Justice, and marilizardism are anathema to civil society. It is impossible to control the flow of information in the digital age without harming public freedoms and damaging economic and social development. Controlling the net is similar to the squaring of the circle, a problem that could take ages for people to realize is impossible to solve.
Netizens abhor kleptocracy, Kangaroo Justice, and marilizardism. Net neutrality means the internet has no gatekeeper. It encompasses all the issues related to the circulation of information on the internet, such as free speech, access to knowledge, copyright, or innovation. Everyone retains the freedom to access and produce the information he wants. Nevertheless, kleptocrats threaten net neutrality by seeking to implement filtering techniques in order to re-establish the kind of control they used to have on traditional and unidirectional media.
Emulating the disgusting marilizardist paradigm of infamous Graecokleptocrats, who persecute and jail dissident bloggers, the governments of many repressed countries terrorize dissident bloggers. Blogging in Greece, the most corrupt country of Fourth Reich(EU), is considered an extreme-risk avocation. Freakish marilizardist kleptocrats accuse dissident bloggers of treason, confiscate their computers at gunpoint, and lock them is jail! Freak galore! These prisoners of conscience follow the long tradition of Socrates, who was killed by the Athenian democracy.
Infamous October-18 mafia uses the cybercops as a political tool. Cyber Crime Unit (CCU), Dioxi Ilektronikou Egklimatos, is just a paramilitary gang of October-18 Mafia which terrorizes the Greek blogosphere. Putting the CCU wolf to guard the sheep gives the government a comparative advantage over the opposition. This is another form of a Trojan Horse.
Any cell of Greek CCU jail has neither pillows nor toilet! You have to urinate in a bottle! The whole CCU jail has neither soap nor toilet paper! During the whole night, scared jailed girls scream for help, but the guards, far away in their office, pretend they are not listening! If it's not barbarity, what is it? There is a long way from the civilization of Ancient Greece to the barbarity of Modern Greece.
On October 18, 2010, Marilizard of the Greek government went completely insane, and she did not think twice about abusing her ministerial position in destroying me, a dissident blogger, an innocent victim of a wild political witch hunt. Under wild orders, a freakish gang of brutal Graecocybercops broke into my home and into my college office, and robbed at gunpoint my computers, software, files, documents, personal data, personal codes, and personal secrets.
The wild Graecocybercops locked me, a 65-year old professor in jail for a night, they humiliated me with handcuffs, fingerprints, mugshots, and lies, leaked false information to the media parrots, and initiated sham court proceedings for treason! There was neither pillow nor toilet facility in my jail cell. At night, I had to urinate in a bottle! There was neither toilet paper nor soap in the whole jail facility. I lost my job, and my life is stolen forever by a deranged minister. That's why the Global Tax Revolt declared October 18 as the international day against marilizardism.
With our compliments to Elaine Paige and Cats:
Midnight. Not a sound from Athens
Has humanity lost her memory?
Marilizard is smiling alone.
Thrown in jail by marilizardists
And the mind begins to moan.
The iron door beats a fatalistic warning.
A guard brings a slice of bread
And soon it will be morning.
Memory. All alone in jail
I can smile at the old days
I was beautiful then.
I remember the time I knew what happiness was
Let the memory live again.
Memory. Turn your face to the light
Let your memory lead you
Open up, enter in.
If you find there the meaning of what happiness is
Then a new life will begin.
Burnt out ends of smoky days
In stale cold jail this morning.
The jail lamp dies, another night is over
Another day is dawning.
Daylight. I must wait for the sunrise
I must think of a new life
And I mustn't give in.
When the dawn comes tonight will be a memory too
And a new day will begin.
Sunlight, through the cracks of jail
Endless masquerading.
As the dawn is breaking
The memory is fading.
Touch me, it's so easy to leave me
All alone with the memory
Of my days in the sun.
If you touch me you'll understand what happiness is
Look, a new day has begun.
Global Tax Revolt was the first organization to report the October-18 2010 terror to all banks, hedge funds, big investors, traders, and analysts. As a result, the yields of Greek treasury bonds skyrocketted, as no prudent investor was willing to touch them. Marilizard's stupidity cost October-18 Mafia many billions of euros! The only thing October-18 Mafia got out of this terror is toilet paper in the form of worthless Greek treasury bonds! CCU jail needs toilet paper anyhow!
Screaming in the dark of jail
Guards pretending they are deaf
I am a girl, I am frail
I am missing my Jeff.
Cannot live on Brussels sprouts
Brussels slave I'm not
Venitists will take me out
Getting rid of my yoke.
In a free society, we are supposed to know the truth. In marilizardist Graecokleptocracy, where truth on internet becomes treason, however, netizens are in big trouble. Freakish Graecokleptocrats, who stole billions of euros and never went to jail, have the nerve to jail innocent dissident bloggers! The entropy of an organization is proportional to the square of its size.
They threw me in jail
For speaking my mind
My words are out of jail
Revolting in a kind.
Venitism cannot be gagged
Venitism cannot be jailed
Venitis Laws cannot be chopped
Venitis Laws will prevail.
The government of Graecokleptocracy needs only four ministers, but it has forty. No wonder, October-18 Mafia cannot control its freakish ministers, who do not have any better thing to do than suing innocent dissident bloggers, confiscating their computers, and locking them in jail for treason! Stolen lives are the major legacy of the October-18 mafia, a pack of mad dogs! Freak galore!
Lesmiserables in jail
Kleptocrats out of jail
This is hell on Earth
It's shame and pain.
Time for a venitist revolt
To bring a real change
To bring the looting to a halt
Kleptocrats should not escape.
Only Anglosphere has real justice. Greece has the worst justice in Fourth Reich, easily manipulated by the October-18 Mafia. Greek justice is a spider web, catching small prey and swallowing them, while allowing crocodiles to penetrate and dominate it. Visiting Greek prisons, one could see all lesmiserables that fill them up, but he could not find any kleptocrats.
Cops busted my home
And grabbed my computer
Hard disk on their comb
Venitism on their mooter.
Kleptocrats gag venitists
The source of their problems
Stopping all criticism
Big favor to the mobsters.
Lese-majeste is the crime of violating majesty, an offense against the dignity
of the president or religion. Lese-majeste is now used only in repressed
countries. The 14th article of the Constitution of Greece makes it lese-majeste
for the media to insult the President of Greece as well as Christianity and any
other religion recognized by the state.
Big brother checks the internet
For things you criticize
To shut your mouth on the net
To shut your mind on the sky.
But venitists do not give up
Keep publishing in stride
Keep showing the coverup
Venitocyber brings pride.
The Greek Ministry of Justice is a euphemism for the Greek Ministry of Injustice, aka Kangaroo Ministry! It's justice proceeding by leaps, like a kangaroo. Most courts of the metropolitan area of Athens are located on Evelpidon campus, a Kangaroo Valley where trials on average last a couple of minutes without jury and without schedule. The accused have to wait in infinite queues, not knowing the exact time of their trial. Kangaroos galore!
Graecokleptocrats enjoy impunity, whereas citizens suffer from perjury. Police thugs are the main perjurers. Greek prosecutors lie like hell! Freak galore! Public prosecutors pick up either very easy targets of poor people who cannot afford defense to justify a quota system or very large targets to get publicity. Prosecuting famous bloggers brings a lot of publicity to machiavellian kleptocrats, pusillanimous prosecutors, and bumptious cybercops. Brutal Graecocybercops must be abolished now.
My heart belongs to Athens
Fair city of Venitis
Plato and Socrates
The city is so pretty.
The goddess Athena
From Parthenon watches
The liberty's arena
The city of wonders.
Give me Basil as a spice
Full of liberty and might
Real taste in my life
B. Venitis bring me light.
There is no independence of justice in Greece, the most corrupt country of Fourth Reich, and perjurers are dime a dozen. The huge Greek judiciary corruption complements the huge political corruption and the cybercop brutality. Extrajudicial rings of judges, prosecutors, police, clergy, and kleptocrats manipulate the Greek justice system. Many judges have been found guilty for participating in trial-fixing rackets. Freak galore!
Nemesis of socialists
Is Basil Venitis
A hero supercapitalist
Athenian hard critic.
Words are mightier than bombs
Fired from Venitis mouth
Echoed through the Parthenon
In shine and in clouds.
All the rabblerousers
All the pullpeddlers
Venitis ostracizes
Venitis beats forever.
Since most Graecokleptocrats were lawyers, they try to alleviate the huge unemployment of lawyers by having the October-18 Mafia sue innocent Greeks! This also brings revenue to the Treasury, as jail terms can officially be bought off! Moreover, suing people feeds perjury circuits and kleptocrats.
The cradle of democracy
Is full of butterbabies
A new familyocracy
Venitis terminates.
Socialist rabblerousers
Malignant brigadoon
Full of pullpeddlers
And bumptious bugaboos.
Venitis is my charm
Basil is my spice
Basil Venitis I have
In liberty for life.
Greece's criminal justice system is very slow and ineffective, losing files and protecting kleptocracy and cybercop brutality. The European Court of Justice has ruled against the October-18 mafia, myriad times in cases related to the terrible Greek judiciary. For many years, there have been substantial loopholes of Greek laws. The judiciary systematically covers up corruption cases the minute they involve civil servants or kleptocrats. Freak galore!
So proud to be capitalist
So proud to be free
Basil tops my spicelist
Venitis stands for me.
B.V. is my hero
My heart belongs to him
For socialists torpedo
For capitalists a gift.
Viva Basil Venitis
Viva Liberty
Vote always Venitis
In Athens BBB.
Lesmiserables syndrome is the prosecution of a minor infraction which catalyzes a series of major infractions. Innocent people suffer from lesmiserables syndrome, whereas kleptocrats enjoy impunity. Greek jails are full of lesmiserables, an injustice which will result in a major revolt against Graecokleptocrats. There is an elasticity limit to how much abuse innocent Greeks could tolerate from the October-18 mafia.
Thursday, September 15, 2011
[kitchencabinetforum] HOW OCTOBER-18 MAFIA STOLE MY LIFE
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