Monday, April 2, 2012

[vernalpool] Beacon Falls little ones on the move


Hi all,
Made a quick trip out to my pool after being away for the weekend and found more spotted salamander egg masses. The wood frog eggs have produced a few small fry and some have already found their way to the nearby spotted egg masses. Heard one lonely spring peeper and no one else but it was a bit cool with wind gusts at 11 mph even at 47.2 F.
Not sure if I mentioned but last week found a spotted upside down on a log with his throat ripped open. Seems one of the birds must have been thinking about it but didn't get far. We have a good representation of woodpeckers, barred and great horned owls, hermit thrush and some others that may consider an amphibian delicacy on occasion.
Happy wetland watching,

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