Monday, April 2, 2012

[vernalpool] Re: spotted salamander migration


In the Whately, Williamsburg, Conway MA area, (western MA) wood frog
eggs were laid about two weeks ago, and many are now out of water
because the pools are drying up quickly. I've been finding Jefferson
salamander eggs that were also laid at least two weeks ago, and some
have now either hatched or been predated. I only saw the first
spermatophores (I'm assuming from spotted salamanders) within the last
week and the first spotted salamander eggs with in the last couple of
days. Some pools have spermatophores but no eggs yet, so I expect there
are spotties in the pools that have yet to lay eggs. I haven't seen
fairy shrimp in a single pool yet, and I've been looking since there was
ice on the pools. We had 1/4 inch of rain last night and a tiny bit a
few days before that, so my theory is that the woodies and Jeffs
migrated a couple of weeks ago when there was just a tiny drizzle, but
the spotties waited until the last couple of days. Maybe there are some
that are still holding out on migration because I haven't seen very many
spermatophores or spotted eggs.

I wonder what the amphibians do if they arrive at their ancestral pool
and find it dry?

Molly Hale

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