Monday, April 2, 2012

[vernalpool] where are peepers


I'm wondering about two things. First, wood frogs layed eggs a couple weeks ago at site in pool at my school. I saw them fresh about 75-100. Three days later every last one was gone. Bryan Windmillar suggested predation by possible snapping turtle but it seems hard to believe all would be gone so my theory is they were collected and taken.

Second, peepers were also calling two weeks ago and they have been totally silent. At first I thought okay, it was a very short season but thorough sampling has only turned up green frog tads. I thought maybe there was impact with lack of snow as insulator but then it was also mild winter to counter the effect. Everywhere I go through stow, Maynard,Sudbury I am not hearing any Peepers. What is going on?


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