The Anti-Counterfeiting Trade Agreement (ACTA) was rejected on Thursday by all three committees advising the International Trade Committee. Their positions are not binding on the Trade Committee, which adopts its own position as lead committee on 21 June.
ACTA encourages freakish governments, such as the brutal government of Greece. On October 18, 2010, the Greek government stole my computer and my life at gunpoint. Mr. Pikrammenos, bring my computer back! Enough is enough! Needless to say, I also demand my life back. Greece, the bully of blogosphere, has crossed the Rubicon against civility, terrorizing and robbing dissident bloggers.
Civil Liberties MEPs say ACTA fails to respect the EU's fundamental rights and the Industry Committee says it does not balance the rights and freedoms of the different stakeholders. The Legal Affairs Committee voted narrowly against a recommendation to approve the controversial Agreement.
Philippe Aigrain of La Quadrature du Net points out ACTA was initiated and negotiated outside of democratic forums. Its vague wording, when interpreted in light of other ongoing initiatives, leaves no doubt that ACTA is meant to turn Internet intermediaries into a private copyright police. Even worse, it will install a terrible irreversibility in our broken copyright regime and prevent its needed reform.
Giving ACTA to blogbusters is giving gin to alcoholics! Blogbusters galore! Freak! Freak! Freak! The freakish government of Greece, the most corrupt country in Occident, steals computers! Robbing dissident bloggers and locking them in jail is a freakish behavior that does not belong to the European Union, not even to this galaxy! No wonder some vain Greeks boast they come from Andromeda galaxy!
ACTA does not comply with the rights enshrined in the EU Charter of Fundamental Rights and the International Trade Committee should "recommend that Parliament declines to consent to the conclusion" of this agreement, says the Civil Liberties Committee in its opinion, which was adopted by 36 votes to one, with 21 abstentions.
Civil society must persuade the freakish blogbusters of the enemies of internet to stop persecuting and robbing dissident bloggers. The enemies of internet are Bahrain, Belarus, Burma, China, Cuba, Egypt, Greece, Iran, North Korea, Saudi Arabia, Syria, Turkey, Turkmenistan, Uzbekistan, and Vietnam. The freakish government of Greece stole my computer!
Civil Liberties MEPs point out that Europe needs an international agreement to step up the fight against counterfeiting, but all deals concluded by the EU must be compatible with its treaties and ACTA does not ensure full respect for private life or full protection of sensitive personal information. The text also stresses that when fundamental rights are at sake ambiguity must be avoided and ACTA entails various layers of ambiguity.
Accusing dissident bloggers of treason, Graecokleptocrats have manufactured a blood libel in cyberspace, which in turn incites hatred and violence. The freakish kangaroo justice government of Greece is the only government on Earth which steals the computers of its citizens! Infamous CCU is the brutal arm of the kangaroo government of Greece, which terrorizes the cyberspace, stealing computers and files at gunpoint, perjuring, jailing dissident bloggers, and gagging the truth. The Greek Cyber Crime Unit (CCU) is the most disgusting gang in Fourth Reich!
Internet providers should not police the Internet, says this committee, urging the Commission and EU countries to ensure that the role of providers is legally clear. It also calls for an EU strategy to combat counterfeiting and piracy, which must fully respect fundamental rights in Europe.
Persecuting dissident bloggers, the outlaw government of Greece violates Article 2 of the Lisbon Treaty, which states the European Union is founded on the values of respect for human dignity, freedom, democracy, equality, the rule of law, and respect for human rights. These values are common to the Member States in a society in which pluralism, nondiscrimination, tolerance, and justice prevail.
The Industry Committee voted by 31 votes to 25 to reject ACTA, saying that it fails to balance intellectual property rights, business freedom, protection of personal data and the freedom to receive or provide information. It also says ACTA's approach to intellectual property ignores the specific features of each sector and adds that the Agreement's lack of definitions could create legal uncertainty for European firms.
The freakish government of Greece uses charge stacking to persecute dissident bloggers. Charge stacking is the ability to charge a large number of overlapping crimes for a single course of conduct. Combining crimes enables prosecutors to get convictions in cases where there is no misconduct at all. By stacking enough charges, including treason, prosecutors jack up the threat value of a trial against a dissident blogger, even if the government's case is very weak. Charge stacking is terror. Disgusting governments cannot terrorize their people.
Amelia Andersdotter (Greens/EFA, SE), author of the opinion and member of the Swedish pirate party "Piratpartiet", said: "I am very satisfied that this committee has listened to the concerns of EU citizens, companies, entrepreneurs and the artistic community, who do not believe that ACTA is the way forward".
The Legal Affairs Committee voted by 12 votes to 10, with two abstentions, to reject the opinion drafted by Marielle Gallo (EPP, FR) endorsing ACTA. Ms Gallo dissociated herself with the outcome and a new opinion reflecting the committee's position will now be drafted by Evelyn Regner (S&D, AT).
The International Trade Committee is the lead committee for the Anti-Counterfeiting Trade Agreement (ACTA) and will adopt its position on 21 June. The file will then pass to the full House, which must consent to the Agreement in order for it to enter into force.
Greece, the most corrupt country in Occident, has become a kangaroo valley, violating basic human rights and Article 2 of the Lisbon Treaty, but nobody gives a damn. I cannot understand why the European Commission tolerates political persecution and freakish Kangaroo Justice within the borders of the European Union and cannot refer the Greek government to the Court of Justice of the European Union. I cannot understand why the European Commission cannot protect Greeks from appalling violations of Article 2 of the Lisbon Treaty by the Greek government. If the European Union cannot protect Greeks from the repressive Greek government, who will?
Hey! I wish to deliver the keynote speech at your conference. My speeches leave the audience thinking something new or resolved to act, stir the emotions as well as appealing to reason, and show a sense of occasion. I get away with elevated language because my liberty cause is a noble one. I practice a colorful rhetoric enriched with alliterations, metaphors, heightened imagery, emotional effect, and sound bites. Basil Venitis,
Thursday, May 31, 2012
[kitchencabinetforum] STATUS QUO OF ACTA
Tuesday, May 29, 2012
Vietnamese authorities should void the conviction of blogger Ho Thi Bich Khuong, 44, and immediately free her. The People's Court of Nghe An is scheduled on May 30, 2012, to hear her appeal against her five-year sentence for violating article 88 of the penal code, which forbids conducting propaganda against the Socialist Republic of Vietnam.
She was convicted on December 29, 2011, for giving interviews to the foreign media that authorities alleged were critical of the government, and for producing, storing, and distributing documents that were considered to oppose the state.
"For the third time in seven years, Ho Thi Bich Khuong is in prison for exercising the right to voice her views," said Phil Robertson, deputy Asia director at Human Rights Watch. "The systematic application of article 88 to arbitrarily punish bloggers and critics shows that Vietnam's disrespect for freedom of expression continues unabated."
In October of 2010, an unknown American, member of Crystal Clear Forum, an American Yahoo Group, used as pseudonym the name of Mariliza Xenogiannakopoulou, Alternate Minister of Foreign Affairs of Greece, to post a single message about Turkey. The unknown American did not violate any law because, according to the Supreme Court of USA, anybody can use any pseudonym or pen name. For example, thousands of people use Obama's name as a pseudonym. It's considered an honor, not a forgery.
Only spoofing is forgery. The unknown American would have used spoofing if she used Xenogiannakopoulou's email which is Instead she used which is not Xenogiannakopoulou's email. The unknown American posted on with her pseudonym using a kind of literature called Lyric Essay, which uses emotion and color to enlighten a message.
Some malevolent blogbusters misinformed Xenogiannakopoulou that the culprit was I, Basil Venitis, just because my name was mentioned in the post! As a result of this misinformation, on October 18, 2010, a gang of six brutal cybercops of the violent Greek Cyber Crime Unit (CCU) broke into my home in Athens and into my college office, and stole my computers, software, files, documents, and personal data.
The cybercops locked me in jail for a night, they humiliated me with handcuffs, fingerprints, mug shots, and lies, leaked false information to the media parrots, and the Greek government initiated sham court proceedings for a stack of charges, including forgery and treason! There was neither pillow nor toilet facility in my jail cell. I had to urinate in a bottle! I, a 65 year old with heart problems, was not allowed to keep my hypertension pills with me. There was neither toilet paper nor soap in the whole CCU jail facility.
But that's not the end of the story. My nerves are broken by no accuser showing up during my court trial! The judge always has to postpone the trial for another day and so it goes ad infinitum. Meanwhile, I always have to show up and waste the whole day waiting as there is no definite timing for the hearing, but only a day. I and my lawyer have to be in the courtroom the whole day until the judge calls my name. Then the judge calls the name of the accuser, nobody replies, and the judge postpones the trial for another day. This has happened five times so far! This is a real Greek tragedy! Justice delayed is no justice, justice perpetuated is hell.
Hail! A sensitive issue cannot be fully explained in a post, but only in a speech, in that magic eyeball to eyeball contact, baring my soul, and declaring truths that cause shock and awe. That's why I look forward to the invitation of your organization to speak at your conference. Basil Venitis,
Re: [Homesteadingfamily] New To Goats
Sent on the Sprint® Now Network from my BlackBerry®
-----Original Message-----
From: "fyr" <>
Date: Mon, 28 May 2012 18:14:17
To: <>
Subject: [Homesteadingfamily] New To Goats
Hello my name is Betta, I live in Clinton Washington on Whidbey Island, and I am trying to start a very small family farm. Mainly trying to be as self-sufficient as I can. I recently got my first 2 goats. Both are buckling bottle babies at 2 weeks old. They are Alpine Boer crosses and very sweet. I am interested in finding other people with goats in my area that might have dairy, fiber or crosses doelings in my general area. Would be very interested in trading stud services for kids when my boys get a little older. Email is
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Monday, May 28, 2012
[ASGG] Taken: MP3 Player
Thanks to all who responded!
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[Homesteadingfamily] New To Goats
Hello my name is Betta, I live in Clinton Washington on Whidbey Island, and I am trying to start a very small family farm. Mainly trying to be as self-sufficient as I can. I recently got my first 2 goats. Both are buckling bottle babies at 2 weeks old. They are Alpine Boer crosses and very sweet. I am interested in finding other people with goats in my area that might have dairy, fiber or crosses doelings in my general area. Would be very interested in trading stud services for kids when my boys get a little older. Email is
Sunday, May 27, 2012
Hillary Clinton is expanding and mobilizing a global consensus in support of greater transparency – a global architecture, if you will, of anticorruption institutions and practices. Along with Brazil, USA launched the Open Government Partnership. It is a network of support for government leaders and citizens working to bring more transparency and accountability to governments.
Clinton is building this anticorruption consensus in other ways as well. In what is called the Deauville Partnership, we are working with our Arab partners on anticorruption, open government, and asset recovery efforts. At the OECD, we were pleased to welcome Colombia and Russia into the Working Group on Bribery last year. It will be an important milestone when both have become full parties to the Anti-Bribery Convention.
Michael Christoforakos, former president of the Greek subsidiary of Siemens, revealed some names of the 200 Graecokleptocrats, who shared two billion euros in kickbacks, to the prosecutor of Munich, where he escaped from Greece. He also deposited all names with two public notaries in Munich, in case he gets murdered by agents of Graecokleptocrats. This way he stays alive! But the Greek government has not pressed charges against the 200 Graecokleptocrats, because they are protected by immunity and they are in power in Greece, members and ex-members of the Greek government and parliament. You just cannot press charges against yourself! Moreover, the Greek government does not even reveal their names for the voters to know who they are voting for.
Christoforakos also revealed the names of twenty journalists who received many million euros in hush money to keep their mouth shut about the billion euro kickbacks to the 200 Graecokleptocrats. Needless to say, those Graecokleptocrats who did not receive kickbacks are also guilty, because they all knew about the bribery of their colleagues and said nothing about it. The suitcases with the cash were whistling around them. There is no way they could not hear all that loud whistling! So, in reality we are talking about four hundred guilty people! Since Greeks continue to vote for the same crooks again and again, they deserve what they get!
Clinton knows business cultures do not change overnight, but moves like this at least establish beachheads for reform. And through our bilateral diplomacy and at the G-20, we are encouraging major economies such as China, India, Indonesia, Saudi Arabia to join the convention as well. We support the follow-through that's necessary to enforce anticorruption norms such as the new review process that promotes implementation of the UN Convention against Corruption.
The largest kickbacks originate in the military industry. Military procurement is a corrupt business from top to bottom. The process is dominated by advocacy, with few checks and balances. Most people in power love this system of doing business and do not want it changed. War and preparation for war systematically corrupt all parties to the state-private transactions by which the government obtains the bulk of its military products. There is a standard 10% kickback to kleptocrats for military purchases.
Participants in the military-industrial-kleptocrat complex (MIKC) are routinely blamed for mismanagement, fraud, abuse, kickbacks, and waste (FAKW). All of these unsavory actions, however, are typically viewed as aberrations, malfeasances to be covered-up, while retaining the basic system of state-private cooperation in the trade of military goods and services and the flow of kickbacks. These offenses are in reality expressions of a thoroughgoing, intrinsic rottenness in the entire setup.
Clinton will launch an innovative fund to encourage countries to be more open about how they spend their revenues. It's part of a larger effort we're calling Domestic Finance for Development, an initiative to help developing countries increase their own sources of funding so they can meet more of their own needs. It's really quite difficult in many countries when we see that they either don't have any modern tax system or they don't collect what is owed with the result that they are often unable to meet the most basic needs of their own people.
We all know what happens at Olympics, an international competition of steroids, not athletes. People feel well during the games, but feel miserable after the games when they find out Olympics cost them ten times more than projected, and most of it went to kickbacks of kleptocrats! The Athens Olympics cost was projected to two billion euros, but it finally cost Greek taxpayers 20 billion euros, with all that extra money going not to the games, but to the private pockets of Graecokleptocrats.
Clinton has taken a strong stand when it comes to American companies bribing foreign officials. We are unequivocally opposed to weakening the Foreign Corrupt Practices Act. We don't need to lower our standards. We need to work with other countries to raise theirs. Clinton actually thinks a race to the bottom would disadvantage us. It would not give us the leverage and the credibility that we are seeking.
So Clinton is looking to approach the issues that all of you are both interested in and committed to, and it does take everyone working together and it does take a lot of persistence and perseverance, but Clinton is absolutely confident that we will make progress. We are so aided by social media now. We have tools at our disposal in the hands of literally billions of people that were never even dreamed of before.
Licensure is a sign of slavery. All licenses of the kangaroo justice government of Greece should be abolished, including doctors, lawyers, and marriage. The kangaroo government of Greece licensure is an immoral exercise of force, an overly burdensome restraint on trade, a violation of the right to liberty, a mill of kickbacks. Government is a guarantor of liberty and is compatible with liberty only if its range is adequately restricted to the preservation of economic freedom.
One of the many reasons why the kangaroo government licensure is incompatible with
liberty, therefore, is because it is destructive to economic freedom. No other nation demands more licenses than the Cradle of Kleptocracy. Any Greek has the natural right to pursue any means of providing for his family, so long as in doing so he does not act fraudulently or otherwise violate the rights of others.
The kangaroo government mandated license turns the market of the Cradle of Kleptocracy upside down. It prohibits every Greek from producing in a given industry except for those who are granted the privilege of doing so by the kangaroo government, especially those who provide huge bribes to kleptocrats. The kangaroo government, in such a scenario, absorbs all individual rights unto itself and then divvies up some of those rights in any number of ways.
Under the licensing system of the kangaroo government, such as it exists today in the
Cradle of Kleptocracy, if some Greek attempts to exercise his natural right to provide for himself without the kangaroo government's nod of approval, which usually comes with bribes, that person goes to jail. Imprisonment for supporting oneself in an honest and non-fraudulent manner which does not infringe on the rights of others just doesn't seem right.
Preemptive protection is offensive in nature, and therefore, is itself a violation of natural rights. In a free society, it is only after fraud or another violation of rights takes place that the state has the right to intervene on behalf of the consumer. By means of the licensure power, the kangaroo government can permit a Greek to eat or it can condemn him to starve, unless he bribes kleptocrats. So long as the kangaroo government has the power to issue licenses to live in the Cradle of Kleptocracy, Greeks cannot claim to be free, and living without freedom is not much of a life.
Clinton has worked through the 21st Century Statecraft Initiative to get those tools into the hands of more people to make them more usable, to encourage channels for people to be able to report corrupt practices – anonymously if necessary – as well as criminal activity of other sorts. So we know old habits die hard. Human nature is what it is. But we think we have the potential to make even greater progress in the years ahead.
Hey! I wish to deliver the keynote speech at your conference. My speeches leave the audience thinking something new or resolved to act, stir the emotions as well as appealing to reason, and show a sense of occasion. I get away with elevated language because my liberty cause is a noble one. I practice a colorful rhetoric enriched with alliterations, metaphors, heightened imagery, emotional effect, and sound bites. Basil Venitis,
[ASGG] Offer: Girls Softball Equipment and MP3
I have some girls softball equipment, a 31" bat, helmet and bag we no longer use. Probably for 10 and up.
I also have a SanDisk MP3 player. It's an older model, I believe 8g, works fine and have the cord for the computer.
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GO GREEN: Household tips, eco/evironment-related events, etc. (check with moderators before sending).
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Saturday, May 26, 2012
[ASGG] Offer: Mid Size Pet Cage
I have a mid size cage that would fit a guinea pig available. We used it when we first got our bunny and now we've gone to a larger one. In Altamonte Springs.
OFFER: item plus general location (OFFERs must include location)
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GO GREEN: Household tips, eco/evironment-related events, etc. (check with moderators before sending).
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Parties to the United Nation Framework Convention for Climate Change (UNFCCC) met in Bonn over the last two weeks for its mid-year climate change talks. A freakish commercial of Greenpeace shows an angry child accusing all adults of destroying his future with global warming! Thousands of drones benefit directly from the global warming scare, at the expense of the ordinary consumer.
Environmental organizations globally, such as Greenpeace, the Sierra Club, and the Environmental Defense Fund, have raked in billions of dollars. Government subsidies for useless mitigation schemes are skyrocketing. Emission trading programs are at two hundred billion euros a year level, with large fees paid to brokers, those who operate the scams, and kleptocrats. Many people have discovered they can benefit from climate scares and have formed an entrenched alliance with mafiosi and kleptocrats.
Commissioner Hedegaard points out the European Union is almost the only player taking a second commitment period under the Kyoto Protocol and so keeping it alive. Because Fourth Reich believes climate change needs to be addressed in a legally-binding international framework, Fourth Reich is willing to do this, even when other major economies are at present only willing to enter into voluntary commitments.
Hedegaard asserts that we need other major economies and significant emitters to play ball. The world cannot afford that a few want to backtrack from what was agreed in Durban only five months ago. Durban was - and is - a delicately balanced package where all elements must be delivered at the same pace. It is not a pick and choose menu.
Climate scare is the hottest hoax on Earth! Vaclav Klaus points out people tend to confuse environment protection with climate control. We have to take care of our rivers, lakes, seas, forests, and air. But humans cannot control the climate. Rabblerousers have been for a long time searching for a simple and sufficiently threatening catastrophe that could justify the implementation of kleptocratic ambitions. After having tried various alternative ideas, they came up with the idea of dangerous, man-made global warming. This concept was formulated despite the absence of reliable data.
Hedegaard laments it is very worrisome that attempts to backtrack have been so obvious and time-consuming in the Bonn talks over the last two weeks. Regrettably, only procedure, no substance was discussed.
Klaus recalls that rabblerousers bought into the global warming dogma (WGD) at
the Rio Earth Summit in 1992, fell in love with it and – without waiting for its
scientific underpinning – started preparing and implementing economically
damaging and freedom endangering measures. They accepted the idea that
participating in the global warming game is easy, politically correct and
politically profitable, especially when it is obvious that they themselves will
not carry the costs of the measures they are advocating and implementing and
will not be responsible for their consequences.
This week, the International Energy Agency (IEA) has reported that global emissions have reached their highest ever level. At the same time, in Bonn, some of the world's largest emitters have wasted too much energy in trying to move backwards rather than in securing progress. Hedegaard declares this is not just irresponsible. It is untenable for a UNFCCC process that wants to remain relevant - the only process the world has that everybody says they support.
There are plenty of arguments indicating that the real threat is not global
warming itself. The real threat comes when kleptocrats start playing with the
climate and with all of us. Environmentalism and global warming alarmism ask
for restrictions on carbon dioxide emissions, which would substantially increase
the costs of energy. This would be devastating, because cheap energy is the
source of much of our prosperity.
Hedegaard notes it is good that a significant group of developed as well as developing countries that share a wish to secure and deliver ambition in the end broke the deadlock in Bonn. But it is frankly too little and it is getting very late. Given the urgency of the problem, it is disturbing to watch climate negotiations moving at a pace that is clearly not going to deliver the necessary results in Doha. This is clearly in nobody's interest.
The Global Warming Dogma (GWD) asks for an almost unprecedented expansion of
government intrusion into our lives and of government control over us. They tell
us how to live, what to do, how to behave, what to consume, what to eat, how to
travel, how to spend our holidays and many other things.
Wow! Smart words are more effective than smart bombs! Mighty words of a charismatic keynote speaker can transform your people to a new dimension of organizational climate, efficiency, self-actualization, enthusiasm, belonging, and motivation. I would like very much to speak at your conference in order to explain critical points much further. Basil Venitis,
Friday, May 25, 2012
[ASGG] Wanted: Large mosquito net – the kind that drapes over a bed – any color
Or any kind of netting like a picnic table tent or even the kind that catches golf balls.
Anything that will catch falling fruit from a tree.
OFFER: item plus general location (OFFERs must include location)
TAKEN: item. (TAKEN plus ppu [Pending Pick Up] is okay.)
WANTED: item
GO GREEN: Household tips, eco/evironment-related events, etc. (check with moderators before sending).
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Thursday, May 24, 2012
[ASGG] Offer: Books Rosemont Area 32808
I have two boxes of books, diet and exercise, Wellness books from Rodale i.e. Nutritional Healing through Food and others and Cookbooks. A lot of the books are in just out of the bookstore condition. I am in the Rosemont Area...if you mapquest Lake Orlando Parkway and North Lane that gets you pretty close. I would like all the books taken. I don't want to sort through the boxes for a particular book type. I don't care what is done with the books....if you want to list them on will not bother me one bit. I just don't have the patients to do it myself and they are taking up space in the garage.
OFFER: item plus general location (OFFERs must include location)
TAKEN: item. (TAKEN plus ppu [Pending Pick Up] is okay.)
WANTED: item
GO GREEN: Household tips, eco/evironment-related events, etc. (check with moderators before sending).
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[ASGG] Offer: Coupons
I have many coupons from several papers from the last few weeks. Must Pick up. The last batch I mailed and never got my postage back. I live in Altamonte off of Maitland Ave. Thanks, Tina
OFFER: item plus general location (OFFERs must include location)
TAKEN: item. (TAKEN plus ppu [Pending Pick Up] is okay.)
WANTED: item
GO GREEN: Household tips, eco/evironment-related events, etc. (check with moderators before sending).
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Wednesday, May 23, 2012
[kitchencabinetforum] DON'T EVEN THINK OF EUROBONDS!
The European Council had a heated discussion on eurobonds. Joint borrowing didn't find much support, particularly in the German speaking area but found a certain enthusiasm in the French speaking area. Merkel told PIGS to not even think of eurobonds!
Merkel reinforces her opposition to Eurobonds, declaring that a communistic collectivization of debt would leave the bloc's members worse off. This is communism, pure and simple! Germany, Europe's largest economy, would face extra costs of a hundred billion euros a year through the alignment of interest rates with nations that pay more to borrow. Eurobonds lead us to a debt union, not to a stability union.
Leaders gave Van Rompuy the task of sketching out building blocks for a more integrated eurozone by the next summit on June 28. Van Rompuy's task will extend to a cross-border deposit insurance scheme. Giving eurobonds to PIGS is giving gin to alcoholics! Eurobonds create a transfer union. Eurobonds would benefit profligate PIGS, especially corrupt Greece, whose borrowing costs on the open market have become prohibitively expensive, but they would expose fiscally sound countries like Germany to more risk, increasing the country's low interest rates. Eurobonds would subsidize the dolce vita of PIGS.
AAA rated countries rejected eurobonds, becuse they would force up their own interest rates and give deficit-prone states an incentive to go on spending. Merkel rejects joint eurobonds as absolutely wrong. Restoring stability to the single currency bloc requires a longer-term step-by-step approach. We must move away from a debt union and toward a sustainable stability union. This won't be easy but it is right. In order to bring about common interest rates, you need similar competitiveness levels, similar budget situations. You don't get them by collectivizing debts.
Hollande said some countries are totally hostile to eurobonds, some can imagine them in the future, some can imagine doing them much more quickly. Merkel points out that if the debt all goes into the one pot, you have difficulty figuring out where it all comes from. Spreading risk through eurozone would place Germany on a slippery slope where in the best case it would be on par with the European average, or, we all get worse together. Instead, a European framework needs to be developed in which a regulating body must have a right to intervene in order to bring fiscal discipline to failing budgets.
Eurobonds violate the Maastricht Treaty, which stipulates that no country can be held liable for another country in Fourth Reich (EU). Eurobonds would even elevate liability to the level of a principle and force Germany to vouch for the debts of other countries whose fiscal behavior they cannot control. Germans would not tolerate the tax increases and reductions in transfer payments that this would necessitate.
Eurobonds would not be as safe as German government bonds. And since they would stimulate even heavier borrowing, they would have to yield higher rates. In the wake of the current bailout measures, the German government burdens taxpayers with risks worth one trillion euros. Likewise, over the last year, risk premiums for German government bonds have doubled. There simply isn't any more room for maneuver.
Paul Krugman doesn't see too much alternative now about grexit. It's going to be terrible in the first year if Greeks do leave. So Krugman is really reluctant to say that it's a little bit like shouting Fire! in a crowded theater, but what is the realistic option here? It's not as if anything anyone's proposing has any hope at all of getting Greeks out of the mess they're in.
The European Council wants Greece to remain in eurozone while respecting its commitments. After the elections, the new Greek government will make that choice. Krugman points out when Greece leaves, then you have a bank run in PIGS, because they've set the precedent. But, again, that could be contained with lending from the ECB. What has to happen is that ECB has to be willing to replace all euros withdrawn as is necessary.
Krugman thinks the case we're making for that lending becomes a lot easier because the Greeks were actually irresponsible. The Greeks actually did behave badly, and so the political case for unlimited exposure to Greece is very hard to make. A much easier case to make is for Spain and then Portugal and Italy, all of which did nothing wrong on the official side. So you could argue that the bad actor has been ejected, but we need to save the good actors.
Greek debt differs from that of other nations, because it's not due to spending, but robbing! Graecokleptocrats got huge kickbacks from overpriced purchases of public equipment and contracts and by churning the state insurance funds. If this is not robbing, what is it? When politicians of other nations were trying to do things for their citizens, Graecokleptocrats were trying to fatten their secret offshore accounts, protected by parliamentary immunity. Graecokleptocrats rob Peter not to give Paul, but to themselves!
That's why the Greek workers are on strike. They resent paying the huge Greek debt created by Graecokleptocrats. It's not fair to tax and reduce the salaries and benefits of workers to make up for the money stolen by Graecokleptocrats. The fairest action would be for Graecokleptocrats to return the stolen money back to the Greek treasury. Many Graecokleptocrats live like princes of Saudi Arabia! Enough is enough, bring the money back!
Greece is the queen of political corruption in Occident. The impunity of the 300 MPs of the Grand Brothel of Democracy on Syntagma Square is the most freakish thing on Earth. Even though Graecokleptocrats loot many billion euros in bribes and churning, Graecokleptocrats cannot go to jail! Graecokleptocrats are protected by the parliamentary immunity, and nobody can touch them, no matter what. Moreover, they have the nerve to jail dissident bloggers. The freakish government of Greece stole my computer! It's a long way from the 300 Spartans of Leonidas! Allons enfants de la Grece!
Hail! A sensitive issue cannot be fully explained in a post, but only in a speech, in that magic eyeball to eyeball contact, baring my soul, and declaring truths that cause shock and awe. That's why I look forward to the invitation of your organization to speak at your conference. Basil Venitis,